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AI and artifacts

16 May

Norvig and Russel’s book (2010) at the outset brings a table about thinking humanly and rationally, and acting humanly and rationally, the complete table for Artificial Intelligence is incomplete, even if considering the literature in the area on issues such as autonomy and consciousness.
Let us first analyze the four main quotations that are in the table of figure 1.1. of the book exemplified next, on Artificial Intelligence.

Thinking Humanly

“The exciting new effort to make computers think . . . machines with minds, in the

full and literal sense.” (Haugeland, 1985)

“ The automation of activities that we associate with human thinking, activities such as decision-making, problem solving, learning . . .” (Bellman, 1978)

Thinking Rationally

“The study of mental faculties through the use of computational models.” (Charniak and McDermott, 1985)

“The study of the computations that make it possible to perceive, reason, and act.” (Winston, 1992)

Acting Humanly

“The art of creating machines that perform functions that require intelligence when performed by people.” (Kurzweil, 1990)

“The study of how to make computers do things at which, at the moment, people are better.” (Rich and Knight, 1991)

Acting Rationally

“Computational Intelligence is the study of the design of intelligent agents.” (Poole et al., 1998)

 “AI . . . is concerned with intelligent behavior in artifacts.” (Nilsson, 1998)

I understood from this framework that I am acting rationally, and that definitions and Poole and Nilsson are useful for my studies, but something is lacking, which is consciousness and autonomy, and in this sense the picture is incomplete.
But the question of consciousness is a fact, if we think a person may be aware, but an artifact, not Thomas Nagel’s argument, we can in the opposite sense think of AI “weak” and IA “strong” definitions given by John Searle, to differentiate whether machines are thinking rationally and humanly (strong AI) or just thinking and acting rationally (weak IA).
This led to another field that is today called general IA and deep IA.

NORVIG,  P.; RUSSEL, P. (2010) Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach 3nd ed., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2010.



They aren´t deaf but not listen

04 Apr

The physiological fact of listening can be in contrast with the apprehension of the content in the human brain, that is, one can have a suitable hearing aid or even artifacts that help, but even listening, do not listen, that is, they do not apprehend the content.
McLuhan’s view that communication as a medium tends to be defined as transparent, innocuous, unable to determine what are the communicative contents that are conveyed.
Its only effect on the artifact, whatever it was, in the communication process would be negative, due to noises or obstacles in the delivery of the message, this was already the preoccupation as a device of Claude Shannon, but now McLuhan calls either the message made orally or in writing, be it transmitted by radio, television, puts in play new structures being artifacts intended to broaden the senses highlighting contours and other nuances of what is communicated, in this work relates to the artist who wishes to highlight something.
Put more directly, for McLuhan, the medium, the cane (terms more appropriate for Shannon), the technology artifacts that communication establishes, is not only a form of communication, but will ultimately determine the own content.
What McLuhan points out is the fact that a message delivered both orally as in writing, when broadcasting on the radio or television sets the content.
Their central thesis is that there is a double operation: 1) to study the evolution of the communal media used by men throughout their history, and 2) to identify the specific characteristics of each of these different media / communication artifacts .
These are two central points of his investigation that are at the root of one of his fundamental works, namely Understanding Media, of 1964.
Thus develops three galaxies, when only one is remembered, the Gutenberg Galaxy, which is typical of the written culture and then printed with the possibilities of reproducibility, but there is the oral or acoustic cultural that is previous, where the question of listening is fundamental (orally speaking), oracles and prophets occupy a central role, and the present one that McLuhan called electronic, but it is possible as an extension to speak of a digital galaxy in network, where there are media of networks that do not must be confused with the networks, since they exist in the previous galaxies.
So those who are trapped in the Gutenberg galaxy do not listen to oral culture, and those who are trapped in the culture of pure technology do not listen to oral and written culture


Princess Leia: Back to the Future

03 Feb

I know, it’s two distinct films, but Brigham Young University (BYU) seems to return to theaPrincesaLeia path of broadcasting and projecting 3D holographic images into the air.
“Our team’s mission is to make the 3D holograms of science fiction a reality,” said Daniel Smalley, a professor of computational engineering and computer science, a holography expert who recently published an article in Nature magazine.
The technique he developed is based on the phenomenon of photophoresis, in which particles suspended in the medium of a gaseous liquid (there are experiments with droplets of water that forces it to be sucked into the air), it can be the particles that are in the air, which need to be moved by thermal gradients and can be done by laser beams, explains Smalley, “these screens are capable of producing images in a ‘fine beam’ that are visible from any direction and are not subject to cutouts,” ie seen from any position of the viewer.
The technical name of this effect is more precisely: “photophoretic-trap volumetric display”, and is superior to old techniques that could not capture light through the air to create a virtual object with the same notion of depth as the actual object.
But the most spectacular is the possibility of RGB projection (Red-Green-Blue, the three primary colors that composed were the visible spectrum by the human being) as the point of light is able to move quickly and thus the point of light produces the color, the projection of the green, red and blue laser radios produce the visual effect of the color.
The color image in three-dimensional volumetric (3D), will have the resolution of 10-micrometer (10 ^ -6 of the meter or 10 ^ -4 of the centimeter), this means to produce 10 thousand voxels (Pixels volumétricos) by centimeter or one million by meter cubic.
In a short time the communication has changed, in 10 years we have spoken through the Web in visual interaction, thanks to VoIP (voice over Internet), now the volumetric interaction in holograms, or also, to watch images of objects and people around us that are thousands of miles of distances, or simply in filming from other times, we are back in the future.


(Português) Mesmice e outridade

18 Jan

Mesmice e outridade
Para desenvolvermos a ideia de outridade recorremos ao que Edgar Morin (2010, p. 192) chama de memento ou de modo mais simplista “lembrete” que é a maneira de trabalhar conceitos sem defini-los, que significa dar fim e não admitir a dinâmica de conceitos:
“O método da complexidade pede para pensarmos nos conceitos sem nunca dá-los por concluídos, para quebrarmos as esferas fechadas, para restabelecermos as articulações entre o que foi separado, para tentarmos compreender a multidimensionalidade, para pensarmos na singularidade com a localidade, com a temporalidade, para nunca esquecermos as totalidades integradoras.”
Mas ao fazer uma busca na web descobri que o termo já existe, definido por Landowski mais ou menos assim: “calculadas, homólogas ao afastamento que seus públicos mantêm. Frente ao Outro é preciso resguardar-se, diz o enunciador mapeador, qualificando-o de exótico, ao exibi-lo para o display, mas, em outros casos, é preciso ocultá-lo do holofote, deixá-lo nas margens; assim, ele pode ser assimilado, admitido ou segregado; em certos casos, será necessário inscrevê-lo como inimigo, excluindo-o.»
Embora seja confundido com alteridade (é até apresentado como sinônimo), dois aspectos do conceito (usando Morin, sempre inacabado) a ideia de exíbi-lo num display, tipica do mundo digital, e ainda a ideia de escondê-lo dos holofotes, que significa não proclamá-lo de modo bombastico ou dogmático.
O termo foi criado por especialistas franceses, a partir das propostas do investigador francês Eric Landowski (do Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique – CNRS).
A mesmice já sabemos, repetições de conceitos e ideias que com o passar dos anos ficam descontextualizadas e portanto perdem a essencia de seu significado, mesmo que ditas de forma aparentemente criativa, são meras invencionices destituídas de realidade e vida.
Assim tornam-se vazias e dogmáticas, pouco a pouco perde-se o interesse por elas.

MORIN, E. Ciência com consciência. Trad. Maria D. Alexandre e Maria Alice Sampaio dória, 14ª. Ed., Rio de Janeiro: Bertrand Brasil, 2010.


The technologies that will dominate 2018

28 Dec

One is undoubtedly the order of the day, but it must grow until 2021, it isaInternet2018 Virtual and Augmented Realities, with the difference that the first is the creation of a totally virtual environment while the second is an insertion of virtualities in the real environment, the Pokemon Go, second version of the little monsters grew in 2017.

Estimates from research groups such as Gartner and TechCrunch, is market will move more than 100 billion dollars by 2021, as next year is from Copa, Japan by example promises unprecedented broadcasts to 2022 in Quatar.

The internet of things is increasing its possibilities, how much we thought that the technology of networks 5G was distant in the USA already is in operation in many places and could be a reality next year, with this the internet of the things that depends on this transmission efficiency can reach new directions such as water systems, low cost energy and sophisticated traffic control systems, finally entering the IoT (Interner of Things) in people’s lives.

Another concern, but we do not know if the systems will become more efficient, are the security systems this year WannaCry affected telephone systems and FedEX, among others, reaching up to affect more than 150 countries, there are promises for 2018. Data production reached 2.5 exabytes per day (1 exabyte = 10 ^ 18 bytes), and BigData’s technology came to stay, but an important ally in the handling and handling of this data should be Artificial Intelligence (in Picture vision abourt polygonal brain), the intelligent agents that will dominate the Web 4.0 should appear this year, but the forecast to become reality on the Web is for 2020.

3D printer and nanotechnology are already reality, but should move forward, as well as the early reality of the 5G internet, we posted yesterday yesterday the “novelty” gadgets, the conceptual smartphone and the 360-degree camera, in technology sometimes surprise these things bombing the practical reality.

The technology is part of the history of humanity, we will post tomorrow about the year 2017, in facts.


Autonomous and Intelligent Systems

23 Aug

Autonomy linked to the area of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been changingSistemasAutonomosEng its connotation over time, and today we can say that it is linked to the generic idea of interaction with information and social environments, which of course is a little too vague.

So creating relationships between the field of Intelligent Agents and Complexity development, matters that have a very consistent formalization is Agent-based compueter is a good idea, and makes the concept less abstract.

According to Nicholas Jenning (2000), intelligent agents-based computer: “ represents an exciting new synthesis both for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and, more generally, Computer Science. It has the potential to significantly improve the theory and the practice of modeling, designing, and implementing computer systems. Yet, to date, there has been little systematic analysis of what makes the agent-based approach such an appealing and powerful computational model. Moreover, even less effort has been devoted to discussing the inherent disadvantages that stem from adopting an agent-oriented view. Here both sets of issues are explored.

A very important point, and little explored yet, but cited by Jenning is the question of social interaction, says the author: “The standpoint of this analysis is the role of agent-based software in solving complex, real-world problems. In particular, it will be argued that the development of robust and scalable software systems requires autonomous agents that can complete their objectives while situated in a dynamic and uncertain environment, that can engage in rich, high-level social interactions, and that can operate within flexible organisational structures”.

A field that is not well explored is whether robots and intelligent systems that have effective social interaction can be “aware” of this interaction, in the phenomenological sense, which says that it is consciousness of “something” that its activity directed to certain objects.

This is our next question.

Jenning, Nicholas. On agent-based software engineering . .  Artificial Intelligence 117,  Science Direct (Elsevier licence), 2000.



Twitter will compensate use of Periscope

26 Jun

A reaction from Twitter’s Periscope, which allows YouTube videos to be streamed on microblog, TwitterLikeLogoYouTube’s Alphabet competitor that has released live video streams to mobile devices with users of more than 10,000 followers, can leverage digital currency compensation using apps .

In 2015 when Twitter launched Periscope, the growth of broadcasts was progressive, according to the company the volume reached 77 million hours of live videos in the first three months of 2017, high volume, but there is no information on views. Alphabet’s YouTube Alphabet, in addition to the requirement of more than 10,000 followers, has expanded its own offer to help online artists make money, but Twitter wants to compensate ordinary users, but fan fees for artists only.

However the digital monetization of these systems could affect the use of digital currency, leveraging it for other services. How to leverage business?

According to The Verge, Periscope will allow tags to be added to the application’s custom hearts in real-time streams, alongside the normal multicolored hearts that appear when the viewer presses the usual “like” button.

The first American franchise is Fast and Furious, with “like” adding its “F8” colored logo, other brands will be able to use, the service for the moment only in the USA can arrive soon here and other countries.


TOM TOM go Brasil

03 May

The Tom Tom GPS is already famous all over Brazil, and already had TomToma version for many countries around the world now, now has come Tom Tom Go Brazil, at least for now free and better than Waze, because it works even if your phone is off -line and update all maps online without needing that: “update and gps”.
The application already works for Androids devices and is promising soon for brazilian HiPhones, and enters a direct competition with Waze, the popular application for transit here.
The driver can check the traffic conditions on various routes; know where speed radar in many cases identifying mobile speed radars, such as maximum speed of the route, but the most interesting option to download several diverse maps.
Although this is interesting, it gives some balls, for example, Ceará is in the Northeast region, but it is pointed as North, so to download make sure for sure in which region is according to Tom Tom.
It has interesting services like telling friends the arrival time, it will calculate and redo the schedule according to the traffic and stops, ideal for caronistas and people who love to stop for the snack.
Until July 13 (because of this date), the “Get Tom Tom GPS Navigation ‘application can be downloaded for free, after this date it will cost $ 1, about 3 brazilian reais.
The bad news is that after the testing period, the user has to pay US $ 15 a year to use the licenses of the maps, or it will be outdated, and it is unknown if the service can be cut.


Touchless beyond IoT

04 Apr

In addition to devices and sensors that allow the Internet of Things (IoT), touchless technology Touchless2predicts that anything touchable can trigger devices and controls in our environment, is the fiction of the 2002 Minority Report, now almost within reach.

In the film John Anderton related to databases through the holographic movement of hands with gestures and clicking on the air choosing elements for interaction.

As we move forward, cloud storage and intelligence linked to the data, sensing through gestures, it will soon be possible to communicate without a keyboard, without a mouse or sensors, just if we have some “wearable” equipment in our body: a clock , A bracelet, or even clothing that has Wifi or Bluetooth communication.

What is missing from the movie Minority Report are the holographic environments, how do we go about triggering them? Still the technology has advanced little in this direction, because they would be thousands of pixels (actually voxels, because they will be volumetric pixels) to be processed.

What is already available are projections on surfaces and cameras that capture the movements on these surfaces where we can touch switch images, and projected virtual control devices and camera captures, the future is there.

They will say that it is more of a barbarity, but as soon as the barbarians are launched they invade the market.

Let’s talk about the technologies that are already available.



Contraceptive Billings 2.0

28 Mar

Our grandparents and the parents of the elders used the method basedtabelinha on control of the fertility cycle, popularly called the “board table” but the right name is Billings.

Now thanks to technology that combines very simple applications to be used in smartphones and intelligent algorithms that, with correctly fed data, can make a contraceptive control quite efficient, the method is already approved by authorities, for example, by the German Ministry of Health, But already widely used throughout Europe.

The application is called Natural Cycles, which is certified, as there are others, and has versions for Androids and iPhones.

The algorithm is much safer than the old table, because through intelligent algorithms and according to the menstrual period, they respect the fact that women’s cycles are different and few have a chance to get pregnant, they also use the principle, which strictly , Only in six days of the month is it possible for the woman to become pregnant. The algorithm and the application have also solved 20% of the cases in which women want to become pregnant, since it allows greater autonomy, knowledge and control of the women’s own body, besides not having any of the side effects of contraceptives.

To download the Natural Cycles app go to Google Play or the Apple Store, or click here.