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The reasons for the 2nd. World War

28 Apr

The previous post showed the humiliation of Germany in the work of Versailles,SecondWorld forced to return the territories of Alsace-Lorraine to France, in addition to other territories that were actually annexations, but this hurt the still strong German national feeling.

The world markets were divided between the world markets are spread between France, Belgium, United Kingdom, Holland, Italy, Japan and United States.

German politics with Hitler, who ascended to power in 1933, turned to Siberian coal and iron, Romanian and Caucasus oil, and Ukrainian wheat.

The growth of Nazi Germany as a way to block the Soviet Union. The invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939, by German troops and planes, is not surprising, since fear was Russian expansion, but the relationship becomes dubious by Hitler’s clear desire to make further annexations.

Another humiliation unacceptable to the Germans at the end of the 1st. World War was to undo the 100,000 men demilitarizing the Rhineland (border region with France), as well as the dismantling of the fortifications located 50 km from the Rhine, an agreement dismantled by Hitler.

The world production was reduced by 40%, the reduction of iron reached 60%, that of steel 58%, that of petroleum 13% and that of coal 29%.

Thus Germany in the West and Japan in the East attempt to exploit this market weakness of its rivals and also the anti-communist treaties made with Japan (November 1936) and with Italy (January 1937), make Grow militarization in a logic that more weapons for war causes a war.

Japan in 1937, after occupying the rich Manchuria region, invaded the rest of China, triggering a long conflict in Asia, which will clash with US interests in Asia and lead the war to Alliance with Germany and Italy, forming the Axis, while another block will be the Allies, with support in many countries (map).

What is intended to be demonstrated by historical facts is that the conditions of both the growth of militarism, the crisis of markets generated by economic problems in several countries and the nationalist sentiment are the basis of these wars and there is concern about the progress of this exacerbated feeling at this moment Worldwide, we must prevent, because a war can now be catastrophic


Reasons for war

26 Apr

The reasons for the first and second war were national interests, the first the RazãoParaGuerraGerman attempt to isolate France, joining the Austro-Hungarian empire with which cultural ties are stronger and still courted Italy, France on the other hand reacted To the isolation making a military agreement with Russia since this one had interests and indeed it did, advancing on part of Germany and Hungary.

The second is more present in the heads of all, the axis formed by ultranationalist views of the state, Germany that advanced on Austria and subdued Poland, is aligned with fascist Italy and Japan, but the interests were not other But the national economic ones.

We see with concern the same ultranationalist models reborn, but behind this model, a little already surpassed by a globalized world, we have the war industry. A not-so-recent documentary on Why the Fight is quite enlightening, produced in the US in 2005 could be a defense of the country, but as much as national sentiment, the anti-war sentiment there is equally strong, remember the war Of Vietnam, how much protest it generated in the most enlightened sections of the population.

But the documentary does not leave aside the question of the common person: “why fight?”.

Theisdocumentary , released in January 2006 and a little later in Brazil, reviews US military investments in the last 50 years, but also brings interviews from academics and government officials to soldiers and Suffered the consequences of the war.

The document led by Eugene Jarecki, with his production and Susannah Shipman won several awards and is a sensible analysis at a time of new war possibilities.

Another important aspect of the film is its fidelity to the facts, as well as a daring analysis of everything behind the American war industry.

A good critical analysis is needed on the current problems with North Korea and Syria


(Português) Imaginário e mitologia

19 Apr

Imaginary and Mythology Outside of Christianity and, to some extent, Islam,Fantastic mythologies are reborn and a new and powerful literature that awakens, especially in the young, something fantastic, so it is called fantastic literature. Fantastic literature is a genre in which fictional narratives are centered on elements not existing or not “recognized” in reality at the time the work was written.

This is because one cannot think of Macunaíma, without thinking of the Brazilian regional symbols in Naruto, without thinking about Japanese society, nor think of Lord of the Rings without thinking of elves, elves and other figures of Celtic and Norse literature, although it was Written by JRR Tolkien, which although it is seen as English was born in South Africa.

Thinking of Macunaíma (writted by , where we can draw aspects of the recent contemporary culture of Brazil, I think of the definitions or uncertainties given by Todorov: “The fantastic occupies the time of this uncertainty. Once one of the two answers is chosen, the terrain of the fantastic is left to enter into a neighboring genre: the strange or the wonderful. The fantastic is the hesitation experienced by a being who knows no more than natural laws, in the face of an apparently supernatural event. (Todorov 1980: pp. 15-16).

Either we go to the categories of illusion or the being actually exists, as Todorov asks. Todorov  affirming that he will only give a definition at the end and does so after analyzing some of his major works such as The Passionate Devil of Cazotte, Jan Potocki’s Manuscript of Saragossa and the singular example of Aurelia de Nerval, but at the same time he anticipates a first definition: “The concept of fantastic is therefore defined in relation to the real and imaginary, and the latter deserve something more than a mere mention” (Todorov 1980: pp. 16).

What is not to be confused is this literature with the Christian fables of the “Chronicles of Narnia”, which was written by the Irish author CS Lewis, written in the 1950s, and in the case of national literature we could cite The Lady Compassion of Ariano Suassuna, chose first edition is from 1956.

The limits between mythology and the imaginary are clear, it is possible in the second case to establish a sociological analysis in which are found real social elements to which the imaginary characters.

TODOROV, Tzvetan. Introdução à literatura fantástica, Espanha: PREMIA  (version digital translate to portuguese) 1980.



(Português) A lógica da guerra contra o mundo

10 Apr

Sorry, this entry is only available in Brazilian Portuguese.


Youtube and problems with advertisement

06 Apr

Maybe you do not know, but it is possible to add values to your video on youtubeYoutubeCrisis by accessing an instruction called “Monetization”, it is possible to do this and the following will appear:

If you’ve enabled monetization on your YouTube channel, you’ll see one of the following monetization icons next to the video. Use the troubleshooter to get help with monetization issues. “

Some brands have begun to reduce and even ban advertisements with Youtube, due to the association of advertisements and unwanted trademarks in the video channel but famous of the Web.

It all started with the Marks & Spencer supermarket chain (the English play “Max expensive”, the most expensive prices), then came to Audi, L’Oreal, Volkswagen, Toyota, McDonald’s and Lloyds, HSBC (a saint with corruption) and RBS, as well as customers of Havas Group UK, and has spread all over the world.

The reason is the improper association with advertisements that companies do not support, as advertisements are simply placed next to each other, the association has become very common and the tool has lost many customers, it is estimated that more than 250 Around the globe.
According to the British newspaper The Times, the main reason was the connection to companies promoting extremist videos in political and religious content, which provoked tension between advertisers.
Google, which bought the tool years ago, tried to react by saying it accepted the challenge of trying to avoid these content associations, said in a speech, Google’s chief executive in Europe, Matt Brittin, at the Advertising Week Europe Event.

We regret that something like this has occurred. We do not want to let go and take responsibility, “he said at the very beginning of his talk.”
Google said it was investing millions of dollars to avoid “bad publicity,” but the harm to businesses, and to the public is already accounted for.


Contraceptive Billings 2.0

28 Mar

Our grandparents and the parents of the elders used the method basedtabelinha on control of the fertility cycle, popularly called the “board table” but the right name is Billings.

Now thanks to technology that combines very simple applications to be used in smartphones and intelligent algorithms that, with correctly fed data, can make a contraceptive control quite efficient, the method is already approved by authorities, for example, by the German Ministry of Health, But already widely used throughout Europe.

The application is called Natural Cycles, which is certified, as there are others, and has versions for Androids and iPhones.

The algorithm is much safer than the old table, because through intelligent algorithms and according to the menstrual period, they respect the fact that women’s cycles are different and few have a chance to get pregnant, they also use the principle, which strictly , Only in six days of the month is it possible for the woman to become pregnant. The algorithm and the application have also solved 20% of the cases in which women want to become pregnant, since it allows greater autonomy, knowledge and control of the women’s own body, besides not having any of the side effects of contraceptives.

To download the Natural Cycles app go to Google Play or the Apple Store, or click here.


Art that reeducates the look

22 Mar

Whenever we look at certain scenes and public places we see something beyondCowParade the real, it is our imaginations that recall our memory and our fantasy about that place, it was easier to do this in the old days because there was a little poetry and art in the air, and now?

Well the digital world, demonized by some and still misunderstood by many analysts, everything takes a time of maturation, already has several facilities and news.

This is the case of the artist and photographer Gerson Turelly, whose design Gordinhasand OlharNovodigital manipulation were made in Israel, but most of the sights with virtual

imagination are from Brazil.

His project has the name of “Looks New” and as he says the goal is “to create a playful connection with the baggage of memories of each individual in relation to the spaces and sights of his city.”

You can follow the creative work on the artist’s website, where you will get more information about this project, such as the process you use in composing your creations.

It is in my opinion a reinvention of works that we already know as the “chubby” of Salvador, works by the plastic artist Eliana Kértsz, where the variations are arms, legs, cheeks full of curves and volume.

Also called the “Cow Parade”, or “cow parade”, which ran the world, but in each city allowed its visual communication with the space, for example in several tourist points of Belém the cows made of fiberglass that were Customized by selected regional artists, and had Fafá de Belém (she is brazilian singer) as godmother.

The interactive and participative enter into the imaginary of contemporary art, and it is Art.


Is there no digital economy?

20 Mar

The technophobes feed these besides other illusions, in fact they make money speaking DigitalEconomythis, but the digital economy already reached the $ 110 billion in 2014, only with the applications Uber, Airbnb and Kickstarter; Not to mention smartphones, tablets and laptops.

These three applications are expected to reach $ 1 trillion by 2017, which is higher than the GDP of many countries in the world and a third of the Brazilian, if we join all applications will probably be higher than our GDP.

Victor Reimann, just 25 years old and one of the partners of the developer and incubator of projects of collaborative economy Engage, with headquarters in Porto Alegre, clarifies that this economy “attracted people first by a need to optimize resources”.

Yuri Faber, creator of Zasnu, which offers a vehicle sharing service, says “The global recession has made people aware that collaborative consumption is good for lowering costs and good for everyone.”

I know in Berlin, Justice has already banned some services from Uber, also in Australia in the city of Melbourne, the city already fine drivers who receive money to transport passengers intermediated by the application, but in Brazil I know several friends who travel dividing the trip, and The number of people who do this will make any inspection impossible, after all they are not Uber cars or other services, of course you need to have a good car.

The Airbnb has hosted more than 120 thousand people during the World Cup, of course taking advantage of the speculation of the hotel network in addition to precarious services.

The digital economy will grow even more, and even those who make money speaking ill of it, could have their earnings computed as a digital economy, thus generating a curious paradox: speaking ill of the digital economy makes it grow in real numbers in this.


Brazilian crisis: liberal thinking and the reformist

09 Mar

Yes the reformist, because if there is a revolutionary thinking, that is, a radicalCriseBrasileiraEn change of system, the exit of the corrupt elite from power and structural changes in Brazilian society, I do not know where it is, and has nothing to do with: there is right government they said: Hasta la vista baby.
The perverse logic of the structural and also conjunctural crisis in Brazil is that neither is analyzed, the model basically linked to the agribusiness and auto industry has been bankrupt for a long time, oil reserves made at a high cost still do not attract the necessary investors, The eradication of poverty is scandal, although there are advertisements of the type: the new middle class, etc.
But the most misleading analysis is cyclical, for example, international consumption has decreased significantly, which means less demand and less export, China that grows even in the middle of the crisis, reduced its purchases by almost 40% between January 2014 and 2015 , Which can be verified by note Brazilian Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade.
We have an industrial park increasingly denationalized, once again, by the centrality granted to the production and export of primary goods and to external investors, with Brazil paying the invoice.
If we look at the sectors with the greatest fall in employment, the graph above shows that it is the processing industry and construction, that is, little to do with what comes from outside.
It can be observed in diverse journalistic articles that almost 50% of the export agenda revolves around crude oil, iron ore, soy, sugar and coffee, that is, we sell the product without adding value, and they often return To the country already with the due industrialization, there is no note on this subject, in fact I found one published in the Diário da Liberdade, that is to say, in a brazilian little known newspaper.
There are no profound reforms that attack social, educational, economic, and political problems (political reform as who? With those involved in the Lava Jato?), Which could result in structural changes in a city that is dependent on agribusiness and old colonelist elites (chiefs of agricultural states in Brazil), Without changing the structure, political change will not happen.
From the pre-electoral mistake of saying that there was no crisis, to the post-election to ask for “sacrifices” to the people without any counterpart, grows an opportunist and adventurous right that says the post-truth “we have nothing to do with politics,” Now balls … it’s her bastard kids.


Forgive me Todorov!

10 Feb

I discover only today, who died on February 7 of this year in Paris, Tzvetan AConquistaDaAmericaOutroTodorov, philosopher and literary critic bulgáro, little known, but not less important for our century.
I have as his strongest phrase, one that made him a prophet of the invasion of Islam in Europe, he said long before the emigration crisis: “We can measure our degree of barbarity or civilization by how we perceive and welcome others, the different . ”
An interview he gave in France (Radio France Culture, 2009), helps to see this prophecy of Todorov: “” I wrote my first book of History of Ideas, which is called ‘We and the Others’. It was a work on the plurality of cultures analyzed from the point of view of the French tradition. I studied authors from Montaigne (…) to Levi-Strauss. I have tried to see how these authors treated this difficult question for us today: the unity of humanity and the plurality of cultures. In this series of authors, I discovered that the ones I felt closest to were the humanists. ”
In Brazil, he gave an interview to the Borders of Thought in 2012, in which he stated: “I realized that, as a historian and essayist, I took advantage of literature more than literature studies, and read novels, poetry, and Different histories than literary analyzes or written theses on literature, which seem to me nowadays to be directed almost exclusively to other specialists in literature. While the novel interests everyone, and I feel closer to everyone than the experts. ”
His most famous books are: The conquest of America: the question of the Other, São Paulo, SP: Martins Fontes, 1982 (pdf), The Man Uprooted. São Paulo: Editora Record, 1999, The Fear of the Barbarians: beyond the clash of civilizations. Petrópolis: Editora Vozes, 2010, The Intimate Enemies of Democracy. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2012, Life in common: essay on general anthropology. São Paulo: Unesp Publishing House, 2014.
Lesser known books, but no less important: I consider a classic the book Theories of the symbol. São Paulo: Editora Unesp, 2014, Symbolism and interpretation. São Paulo: Unesp Publishing, 2014 and Theory of literature: texts of the Russian formalists. São Paulo: Unesp Publishing House, 2013.
He died at age 77, in the city of Paris, was born in march 1st , Sofia, Bulgarian in 1939, though considered within the structuralist chain, without thought transcended it and is one of our important contemporaries to be read.
I share with her the idea that both fascism and Stalinism stem from the idea that we have been giving it powers over citizens, who have difficulty controlling it.
He received in 2008 the Prince of Asturias Award for Social Sciences, according to the document for representing “the spirit of unity of Europe, East and West, and commitment to the ideals of freedom, equality, integration and justice.”