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Turkey in crisis (for long times)

16 Jul

To understand the Turkish question, the recent coup attempt yet poorly TURKEYexplained, alerts us to a serious problem that was one of the springboards for the I World War.

The current state it was erected the Ottoman Empire’s defeat in World War I, it was much higher than today, covered the Bulgaria, Romania, much of Greece, reaching east to Azerbaijan and made almost disappear the Armenian people, south It encompassed all syria, jordan, reaching the note from africa, and much of the Arabian peninsula.

It lasted almost from the first acquisitions in 1230 to the bloody war between the end of World War I, between September 24 and December 2, 1920, when the occupied areas to the northeast of Turkey and northwestern Armênica were occupied.

With the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in World War I, the Turks seek based on a nationalist model, occupy regions of Greece Armenia and the region that today is Syria, but ancient peoples lived there, such as Greeks, Armenians and Kurds, these being to date people who do not have territory today, though other conflicts remain.

The attempt to present coup, the government blames the party radical course (PKK), seems to have a deeper root, Recep Tayyip Erdogan won elections in 2014 manipulating public opinion, persecuting opponents and repressing the Kurds, but its main enemy is the cleric Fethullah Gülen, who lives in the United States and arrived in the past to ally Erdogan.

Ergodan has expansionist plans, does not recognize the Kurdish ethnic group, fighting the Armenians and Syrians as in the Ottoman Empire period, it is a threat to the balance and democracy, and is presented as balance for the region, since Turkey is the contact with the European continent, but it proves to be very sensitive to migrants, peace and autoderminação people.


Brazil’s buildings stop

04 Jul

According to a survey published by the newspaper Estado de São Paulo, MuseuSaoPaulomore than 5000 works paralyzed the country generating a loss of investment of $ 15 billion.
Are in diverse sectors since the restoration and paving of roads, expansion of railways, to schools, construction of public buildings and sanitation.

The survey was done in the Courts of Accounts of States (TCEs), the monitoring programs program works and survey of Ministries of Cities (before now Kassab Dilma´s Minister and now Minister Bruno Araujo, not mentioned in the report), although it involves the Ministries of Integration national and Transport and the government itself.


In that report is cited rising unemployment in this area have been laid off over 700 thousand people with portfolio only signed in 2014, and the lack of planning and lack of resources also paralyze the sector, aggravating the economic crisis.
Queried TCEs (State Accounting Tribunals), ten had monitoring of projects (local and state), were consulted as the Paraná court, Pernambuco, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul and Goiás courts.
Among the unfinished projects is the history museum of São Paulo (photo).


Bombs and newtorking

29 Jun

Another bomb is detonated at airports, and this time in an Arab airportAncara considered safe, the international airport of Ankara in Turkey, and the questions are not only by when, but why?
Yes and no, but because the easy explanation is that the networks make it easier contact between people far away, send orders and also establish contacts and recruit young people.
The root is a little deeper radicalism and religious fundamentalism, also in part and explains, but the deeper reason is the time of global crisis of values ​​that are essential to human life on the planet, what some call new existencialism.
The deeper historical reason is a crisis that comes from apparently universal models of crisis states and nations that respect and tolerate only the eigenvalues, the refusal of a solidarity and universal fraternity that includes all peoples and cultures.
Networks are facilitators, but they appear much later than these “existential” crises that make the flight into space, to the senseless radicalism gain strength and alternative dimension in the minds of those who are recruited by terrorist organizations.
There is a fear of empty lives, people without the right to a minimum of territorial space, intolerance with the values ​​and cultures of these people, they do see the radicalism of the last consequences, that take the lives of themselves and others, the only possible way to protest.
Networks are on the other hand facilitate contacts and humanitarian actions that fight more effectively radicalism than the simple use of force, which can kill one of these radicals, but does not kill the root of these recruitments that is what gives reason a type of truly inhuman radicalism and against life.


Iceland vs England

24 Jun

This small Nordic country with little more than 300,000 inhabitants, hasIslandia already made a historic achievement is ranking in football for the second round and now faces England.
The vote that ended yesterday morning is a hard blow to the European Union (EU), but the English have little to celebrate, the British currency, the pound had one of its biggest falls, of course also affecting the eurozone, but will mainly affect the immigrations.
British goods will not suffer retaliation, this is for poor countries in the Arab world or in our Latin American countries and perhaps some of Africa, but the market certainly will impose some restrictions on British products, personally I will cheer for Iceland, but was a decision from the start of the cup, why?
Iceland, a country which was released in Denmark in the year 1944 had a constitution without the traditional Danish monarchy is parliamentary, but recently had one of its greatest crises, which made: punish fraud, left banks and fail companies and started the country first making its first constitution through social networks (see our post).
He did not understand why some people retain their opulent and immoral monarchies, was easy now they are unable to advance in the story, or wanting to book advance something of the past and lose much with this, immigration times a country close is very sad.
Iceland won another crowd, immigrants have to leave England, the Arabs who are stateless wandering seas, sometimes dying, and asking a shelter of some solidarity European country.
Iceland may lose but will have my now more vibrant crowd yet: Iceland !!!



Football fun Iceland

14 Jun

Anything like reporting on my blog steps that Iceland gave (see ), after the Islandiacountry break in 2008, and modify the constitution using social networks, its constitution patch Danish when in 1944 became independent of Danmark.

Registered at the time, the words of Thorvaldur Gylfasson, member of the Constitutional Council of Iceland: “The public can see the constitution be built before your eyes … this is very different from the old days where some decided the constitution, therefore, I thought it best find a remote location away from the eyes, out of control our “fine example.

Now Iceland begins innovate in football, gave structure and hired a Swedish coach Lars Gagerbäck, but something was missing, almost came to the World Cup in Brazil, and when this was going to leave the football project of Iceland, the Icelandic technical Temir Hallgrímsson came to his aid and just started to modify the Icelandic football without leaving the Icelandic style.

Recently the Prime Minister’s name appeared in the “Panama papers,” documents that revealed money in tax havens, Prime Minister Gunnlaugsson and wife appeared with his wife until 2009, it is important to say with money earned honestly, but to apply in tax havens fled the tax and taxes of Iceland.

I will cheer for Iceland today, you may not win, but the beautiful summer celebrations and fun football practice with Icelandic style and face that despite the cold, is gay.

The Brazil that just fail again should learn something with this, could for example, hire a technician to come out and let a Brazilian together, not to lose the irreverence and joy of Brazilian football that we are gradually losing.

Who loves fun see the fun celebrations of the Icelandic team, their character can be seen in the celebrations of the National Day of Iceland will be the 17th of next June, when they happen puppet shows and circuses, parades and folk festivals that prove the beautiful cheerful style this small town with less than 400,000 inhabitants.



(Português) A crise 2º. Ato

24 May

A crise 2º. Ato

O governo interino Michel Temer, adotou a pragmática do poder dos primeiros ministros para garantir a governabilidade, e os técnicos no segundo escalão para tentar recompor as perdas da crise no plano econômico e estrutural do país.

O primeiro plano já revela problemas, uma vez que um ministro importante foi pego em gravação, é bom que se diga anterior ao impeachment, onde manifestava um interesse de barrar a operação lava-jato que investiga os crimes de corrupção no país.

O fato que é necessário manter determinados políticos no primeiro escalão de governo para passar propostas que são impopulares poderá levar o governo à ingovernabilidade, o que seria neste caso um paradoxo, para garantir a governabilidade chegou-se a ingovernabilidade.

Agora começam as medidas de técnicas de combate a crise, a saber o aperto nos gastos públicos e os cortes a médio e longo prazo (o caso da previdência) nas contas da governo, embora necessários poderão não ter a legitimidade de governo que daria crédito às medidas adotadas.

Hoje começa a segunda batalha, ou o 2º. ato do governo, considerando a nomeação dos ministros o primeiro ato, medidas duras são necessárias, mas há legitimidade e respeito popular para toma-las ? é uma preocupação, mas não há uma resposta certeira possível.

Vamos de crise em crise, qual é o fundo do posso, o que parece movê-las é o combustível da corrupção, neste caso este fogo da crise não se pode apaga-lo com mais gasolina, denuncias de pessoas de governo envolvidas em corrupção, neste caso o último ato possível é novas eleições, não consigo vislumbrar outro horizonte.


The fair and the right

20 May

The subjects previously treated about peace almost inevitably leadDiversidade us to the right, this reminds us of the work of Norberto Bobbio: The Age of Rights.

The hypothesis of his work is: we are in the era of rights due to the paradox of excess power that it created conditions for nuclear war of extermination against the excess of powerlessness that condemns the massive human hunger, but we could tell by extension the war and more recently into exile or exodus, exile without upheld.

The challenge put in terms of ethics of the Other is not the right reasons, or one of the alternatives that we propose is to create a ontoética, but how could we guarantee them?
It is the concern of many politicians, thinkers and agents of peace, which is the safest way to secure them, it is useless to make solemn declarations and then violate.

Bobbio criticizes in his work the ineffectiveness of such rights protection, “abstract dogmas, metaphysical definitions, axioms more or less literary, or more or less false, sometimes vague, sometimes contradictory” (Bobbio, 1991)

Faced with this ineffectiveness, what the real problem in relation to fundamental rights, ie legally the procedural instrument would be practical for an end to what was created.

In legal terms would require a hermeneutics about the right stuff? It is a question for the lawyers, but would like to respond in a practical way, using onto-ethtics.

It would require international bodies, independent of economic, political and ideological to guarantee the right to manifestations of “singularities”, why minority classification, subjectivities, beliefs and nations seem insufficient.

What some people need to survive, what they consider ideal and how it can establish the peaceful coexistence of intersubjectivities? Are these issues.


(Português) Retornando às raízes do Brasil

19 Apr

Sorry, this entry is only available in Brazilian Portuguese.


60´s Janio Quadros brazilian election

14 Apr

The Quadros election for president and Goulart for vice, which were independentVarreVassoura elections and not by plates, meant for various political analysis, a break from the process initiated in 1945 with Getulio despite great instability was democratic because there was an evolution culture and democratic practice in Brazil.


The Quadros election (PTN but as support UDN) in 1960 meant certain change of course of Brazilian policy with respect to the period beginning in 1945, because he lost almost always present orchestration Vargas PTB and PSD, the victory of UDN (National Democratic Union) with a slogan of fighting corruption famous “slogan” sweep, sweep, broom, sweep sweeps the robbery, but corruption of course continued until today.


Quadros solves resign on August 25 and constitutionally should take João Goulart, popularly known as Jango, but being on a visit in China, the mayor Ranieri Mazzilli (the defeated PSD) took office temporarily, but form a cabinet in an attitude little respect Jango should take.


In a polarized negotiation process, similar to today, Congress finds a solution to a government parliamentary system of government, which lasted for two years (1961-1962), reducing the constitutional powers of Jango on September 7, symbolic date, almost always preserved these maneuvers (now would be April 21).


Jango lacked legislative support in Congress to pass easily their political projects, economic and social and did, for example, a three-year plan to the economist Celso Furtado, was approved the 13th. Salary for workers.


With a plebiscite Jango back to regain his powers (vote of 80% to maintain the presidential system), although it remains without great support in the Brazilian National Congress.


There is a large rally in Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil’s Central Station, with about 300,000 people, to time an extraordinary number in response to right made a march “of the family to God for freedom”, estimated between 500 and 800 000 people.


On March 31, 1964 there is the military coup, Jango went into exile in Uruguay


Some elements to understand Brazil 1930s

12 Apr

In Brazil strike is called revolution and revolution is called blow actuallyGetulioEn little or nothing is done fact mention the laws, because of the revolt of 30 (as wish it was called) São Paulo’s urban population (not just the bourgeoisie) They come out in defense of fighting corruption, coronelismo (continues today) and fraud, is no accident.

Although São Paulo has a quite coffee inside envisions the need of a strong industrial policy, despite the emergence of Vargas National Steel Company (CSN) and later of Petrobras (1953), there is something like today?.

But labor claims were treated as “police case”, and all the populist policy was not only a blow to alleviate the struggle of the nascent industrial working class, from 1921 to 1930 there was already an official movement “lieutenants”, but the fight indeed policy will emerge with the Prestes column (communist movement), which began in 1925 and ended in 1927 unbeaten.

Getúlio Vargas ruled Brazil from 1930 to 1945, deposed had not revoked rights and was senator by two States (new similarities to some) and returned to power from 1951 to 1954, this time democratically historical ignorance or lack of leadership? new similarities.

Everyone knows the famous phrase (in Brazil) before suicide “get out of life to enter history”, but precedes it: “Hatred, the infamies, slander not swept my spirit. I have given you my life. Now I offer you my death, “is a Messianic phrase of a dictator.