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Be a hero for a day or always struggle
Maybe it was David Bowie who first said Heroes song the phrase: “We can be Heroes, We can be Heroes Just for one day”, can not be heroes, just for one day, we can be heroes, but It is what comes to mind when I think of it.
Me comes to mind also the words of Bertolt Brecht: “There are men who fight one day and are good, there are others who struggle for a year and are better, there are those who fight many years and are very good. But there are those who struggle all their lives and these are essential” is also a prospect, but thinking of micro or microphysics of power, that is what Foucault defined in Microphysics Power as” street watchers should make every days an accurate report to the city mayor to inform all they had seen. ”
But there is something like everything to do police cameras and services today and also what they do in social media politicians and unscrupulous propagandists.
There is also what is widely discussed as public and private sphere, from philosophers (like Jürgen Habermas, Norberto Bobbio and John Dewey) to media analysts (Gueorgi Kossinets and Duncan J. Watts and many others), but very little is analyzed is life Community or on its lack of understanding of what is or consider it too idealistic for today’s times, but the networks exist and are there.
The private sphere was considered in the Greek origin of our “modern state” as the “oikos” the sphere of home and family and what is proper (idion) to man.
But what is at stake in modern democracy is the separation between the economic power and the average person, more than that a person without rights, as Giorgio Agamben would say: the “Homo Sacer“.
I get the thought of Antonio Gramsci, famous among duty leftist, but a great thinker: “There are two types of politicians: those who fight for consolidation of the distance between rulers and ruled and those who fight for overcoming this distance” is the problem scaling between social life and politics, because today everything is visible.
Davoz and the Welfare State
The state of social welfare, was the idea that the economy is the source of happiness and well-being among people, this concept endures in all societies since most leftist Marxists that Marx himself, to right-wing as Donald Trumph.
When I read the commentary of the book of John Micklethwait, and its management editor, Adrian Wooldridge, The New York Times, besides being a good overview of what most creative conservatives are thinking, I saw also a possibility of re-reading of the socio-political-economic crisis world, and Brazil in particular, for its eccentricity.
Our brazilian eccentricity is see colonels and their gunmen parade in a government that much of the religious left (does not mean believer) defends, and part of this religion is that business with Collor, Maluf and Renan Calheiros are necessary for the welfare state, but that in practice there: 1.6 million dengue cases, closing hospitals or letting people die in the line, disasters (which are not natural) ignored (in Brazil) and others disorders.
There, they suggest a reading of Hobbes, like: “The full story of how the West has established its leadership in state-making would be a monumental task,” according to the NYT, but unaware of the debate with Robert Boyle on the vacuum existence, It is also ignored what the big industry and machinery have made the peasants migrating to the described cities in Emile Zola’s books (Germinal) or Victor Hugo (Les Miserables) or the work of “The Potato Eaters” of Van Gogh .
It is not wrong to analyze the objective criteria of technical revolutions, Marx also did this in Machinery and Modern Industry, Chapter XIII, featuring this mode of production, “is the general leveling of operations, so that the movement of work from one machine to another might happen in a very short time and without special training, “I already describe something about the fourth industrial revolution and left perhaps the call of technicalities or reactionary, but Marx’s assumptions were not a belief.
What is at stake is a world after a major “cultural” industry have already taken place between the 2nd and 3rd. industrial´ revolutions, where the “cultural” industry and “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction,” Walter Benjamin, and there is more art and humanism possible, if not overcome the idea of industrial revolution.
The face of the “Potato Eaters”, are now of stateless migrants who roam the world looking for a home and an identity, the technique of reunion with the artistic production, and humanization the faceless crowd is the necessary revolution.
Discuss economic, rather than welfare state, is still discussing basic issues of right to health, education and housing huge populations faceless, in the XXI century.
Davoz: Leviathan to Cibercultura
The debate over whether the vacuum was made in the seventeenth century between my contractualist Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) and the experimentalist Robert Boyle (1627-1691), the first book Leviathan and discuss the structure of society, where man only could be “controlled” by a strong state also discusses the structure of matter, but Boyle’s experiments in the 1660s showed that the vacuum was possible, this debate is on the book by Shapin and Sheaffer: Leviathan, or The Matter, Forme and Power of a Common Wealth Ecclesiasticall and Civil (published 1985) and was awarded the Erasmus Prize in 2005.
The theoretical problem there is the production of acceptable knowledge production methods and shows how social factors are related to different ways of producing them, not about this, but in fact, Boyle’s experiment was important for the industrial revolution it was If this influenced the emergence of boilers fired water vapor, later propulsion engines, while Hobbes later modified reformulates the idea of ”social contract” that gave rise to modern republic, and then reshaped by John Locke (1632- 1704) suffered influence of Boyle, and finally Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778).
The meeting Davoz this year (from 20 to 23 January) speaks of 4th. industrial revolution, an American book published last year by John Micklethwait and Adrian Wooldridge says the fourth revolution and the state: The Fourth Revolution – The Global Race to Reinvent the State (Penguin Press, 2014), is not what Davoz discuss, but It is an unspoken agenda: a republican democracy is experiencing a crisis.
What is on the agenda is the economic crisis, although act signs of recovery, which should be discussed is how the industrial revolutions: the first in 1784 (production of mechanical equipment powered steel, water and propulsion), the second from 1870: division of labor, electricity and mass production that would later lead to Fordism, the third in 1969 with the production of electronics, IT equipment (Information Technology) and automation, now would be a fourth with the production of cyber-physical equipment but what is this?
In the basic text of the World Economic Forum conference are pointed out three factors that lead to think in a fourth revolution and not an extension of the third: the speed, range and systemic impacts.
The speed that advances would take place no historical precedent, is it? the explosion of information is analyzed from the 40s, but now the pace is exponentially true.
The range is also true, as it is stopping almost all sectors in all countries, even China is experiencing a slight decrease, but should we grow like that?
Finally the breadth and depth of these changes herald the transformation of the entire production systems, management and governance, and here we interest them Micklethwait and Wooldridge texts, as well as the discussion of the Economics Prize 2015 Angus Deamon, in his analysis of “consumption, poverty and well-being,” creating tax rules for this, but an analysis of micro-economy and not macros as is usual for this.
Indicados ao Oscar 2016
A grande surpresa brasileira é a indicação da animação brasileira “O menino e o mundo”, do diretor Alê Abreu, embora concorra com o já premiado (Globo de Ouro) Divertido Mente, o filme é interessante fala de uma criança que procura o pai, com temas como globalização e problemas do mundo contemporâneo.
Além destes, em animação, estão “Anomalisa”, “Shaun, o carneiro” e “Quando estou com Marnie”, mas as chances são reais por a animação brasileira já ganhou um prêmio o ano passado no 38º Festival do Filme de Animação de Annecy, importante para este gênero.
De resto, muitos já indicados ou premiados no Globo de Ouro: de novo o diretor Alejandro Iñárritu d’ O Regresso dirigindo o indicado de novo a Melhor ator Leonardo Di Caprio.
Além de “O regresso”, “Perdido em Marte” e “Spotlight”, aparecem “A Grande Aposta”, “Ponte dos Espiões”, “Brooklyn”, “Mad Max”.
Além de Leonardo di Caprio e o premiado Matt Damon, foram indicados para melhor ator: Michael Fassbender (“Steve Jobs”), Eddie Redmayne (“A Garota Dinamarquesa”) e Bryan Cranston (“Trumbo”).
Para melhor atriz Cate Blanchett (“Carol”) é uma barbada já que o filme concorre a categorias “menores” de Melhor Fotografia e Figurino, com as atrizes: Brie, Jennifer Lawrence (“Joy”) que levou o Globo de Ouro Filme-Drama, Charlotte Rampling (“45 anos”) e Saoirse Ronan (“Brooklyn”) e Brie Larson (“O Quarto de Jack”), ganhou o Globo de Ouro Filme-Comédia ou Musical.
Melhor diretor além de Alejandro Iñárritu, estão no páreo o forte concorrente Tom McCarthy (“Spotlight”) e os hollywoodianos George Miller (“Mad Max: A Estrada da Fúria”), Adam McKay (“A Grande Aposta”) e Lenny Abrahamson (“O Quarto de Jack”).
Reaparecem como coadjuvantes e vencedores do Globo de Ouro Sylvester Stallone (“Creed”) e Lady Gaga (“American Horror Story”) melhor atriz em minissérie e agora como melhor música original “Til It Happens To You” (“The Hunting Ground”).
Veja a lista completa de indicados ao Oscar 2016.
Advent, what is coming?
For Christians, at least those of Latin and Roman origin coming from the second and third centuries of the Christian era, this is the period of waiting for something to come: the advent.
A masculine noun Advent with Latin etymology, which comes from Adventum term, which means coming or arrival of something or someone, to us is the coming of a boy God and which was also home Jesus, it human and sacred divide same person.
The word advent could also mean foundation or creation of something, such as: Advent of the Internet, the advent of the Republic and now the impeachment process.
This has nothing to do with Santa Claus, when a Christmas elf, has become a figure dressed in red, in 1920 Coca-Cola Cola® began an advertising campaign-related announcements the figure of Santa Claus (Santa Claus American) with prints magazines like the Saturday, who were famous drink advertising.
Also the date is controversial because there is evidence that this date would celebrate the solstice (summer), but actually in the northern hemisphere is the winter period, so it is contradictory.
For Christianity means the fulfillment of a promise, the Messiah, the savior, not as a conventional hero or a political liberator, but someone brought something new to humanity, the life of relationships, the Trinitarian life: I, the Other and the presence of God among us, Emmanuel, that is precisely the coming of Jesus.
Those who are not Christians also feel this climate, even in troubled times, end of an epoch (modernity) and the beginning of a new era, that time is this? the relationship.
New media, the globalized world, the land-homeland has everything to do with it, which may!