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Descoberto um “super-henge”

08 Sep

Stonehenge é um monumento no centro da Inglaterra, onde diversas pesquisasSuperHenge arqueológicas se desenvolvem, com avanços já se descobriu que era mesmo um lugar sagrado visto que foram encontrados os locais de moradia temporária ao redor, mas fora da “catedral neolítica”.

Agora foi encontrar um momento ainda maior, mas enterrado com cerca de 90 enormes pedras, cada uma com cerca de 4,5 metros de comprimento, embora só 30 intactas, formando um círculo ainda maior, em “uma escala extraordinária” dizem os investigados do projeto.

Os pesquisadores do projeto de pesquisa chamado Stonehenge Hidden Landscapes afirmam: “Achamos que não há nada como isto noutro local do mundo. É completamente novo e a escala é extraordinária”, disse Vince Gaffney, da Universidade de Bradford, citado pela BBC.

As pedras ficaram soterradas no solo de Durrington Walls, escondidas aparentemente de propósito durante milénios, desvela uma realidade ainda maior, elas estão dispostas num semicírculo virado para o rio Avon.

Já no filme de Werner Herzog, “A caverna dos sonhos esquecidos” sobre a recém-descoberta caverna de Chaveaux, Herzog afirma ter encontrado ali um “homo espiritualis”, vejam o filme acima feito pelo laboratório de pesquisa LBI Arch Pro.


And the financials drug starts killing

24 Jul

When a left-wing government adopts supposedly right measure can be twoBrazilCrisis things: despair or distemper, perhaps in our case is both. The government announced Wednesday (22/04) reduction of the fiscal target of 1.5% to 0.15 and this means that the crunch (reduced salary), unemployment and maxi-tax cost nothing. When the first effects of right-wing politics of Levy minister began to take effect, I wrote a post June 8 that the drug could kill the patient, and now we begin to see signs of necrosis, and means it can get worse, and now? Now the dollar shoots up, why? The answer is simple, high dollar means little cash outflow, cheapening of domestic products out there, but it means more crunch, expensive products internally and difficulties of traveling abroad, but the worst is the loss of credibility. The reaction was immediate, the Financial Times says that Brazil “seems an endless horror film” of course are concerned about the money put here, but this means the end of easy credit.


9 things that people make productive

22 Jul

I Always found weird for waking up at. 5 o´clock, and feel compelledDormindo to read, then write this blog and later walk (no Always), anf finally play or meditat, whatever. Discovered on TechRunch tecnology magazine, that the brain has the maximum performance 2 to 4 hour after waking up, and usually after its good writing, as in the article of Dan Ariely, incredible I make this. Take a NAP from 1 to 2 hour after 1 pm in the afternoon is the fourth smart thing indicated there. As the author I dont´t like eating out, he likes to read on Kindle, I clean the exterior and the interior appears to reduce the stress, it is true, but throw thing forces do little, with the garbage and some things that have lost validity, but I dont´t Always. The are bo books about currente things on the Web is need to look far, na exit, the author, sometimes I do is alternating read a newspaper, watch a morning News channel and view News in the Web. I go to meeting with frieds, but actually, it´s in the luch I beat the baggies and where the best subjets, sometimes in coffee or dinner at the University. Know how to use the phone and use 2 to 4 lines of e-mails, very clever lines, this is what I do, of course, unless you require a longer conversation, in this case the celll. Finally as the article says, we are a sum of experiences, learn take advantage of them as much as half, as professional, not Always all utility, in article he said “A good experience for me is where I meet with friends, where I learn something new, where learn something new I can increase my freedom”.


Simbolismo of Evil construction

15 Jul

You have to understand the possibility of truth and hermeneutics, SymbolismoEvilunderstood as the search for a truth outside of relativism, of Manichaeism and ambivalence, Ricoeur says it takes an act of confessing the “symbol” and the act of confession and “this confession is word, a word that man speaks about himself “(Ricoeur, 1982, p. 167) and that means recognizing a fault linked to Augustine of Hippona, the guilt of an” absence of good. ”

Thus the symbolic hermeneutics of evil, expressed precisely a divide separating and aggregates, the man fallibility and guilt: the possibility of falling and the effective fall.

But because it is symbolic because it is the possibility of bankruptcy, means the structure of human reality that because of their lower resistance, offers a point of vulnerability that allows evil (Ricoeur, 1981, p. 159), and this limit means :

“… To say that the very limitations of a being that does not coincide with himself is the weakness originates from which emanates evil. And of course, evil does not precede this weakness but it ‘if põe’. This paradox is the symbolic center of evil (Ricoeur, 1982, p. 162).

E le reveals this weakness, being the finitude and infinitude, dating back to Descartes (see Cartesian Meditations Husserl) but that it contains the finite understanding of man and the infinite will, be nothing before and nothing before of being in this sequence .

This is where the ontology ricoeuriana points a new way, as it is essential for him to be on the Other, expressed in various works: otherly and the Other with self, he unveils definitely in this work, this intermediate characteristic “it is precisely in its act of existing identity and the act of performing mediations between all types and all levels of reality in and out of itself “(Ricoeur, 1982, p. 27).

The paradox between finite-infinite is precisely to have “a global view of their non-coincidence with itself, its disproportion, which conducts mediation because there” (Ricoeur, 1982, p. 28), and for this disproportion is that “converts the human limitation in synonymous with’falibilidade'” (Ricoeur, 1982, p. 150).

But we can not fail and go bankrupt, that is, redirect to infinity after the fall.
RICOEUR, Paul. The symbolism of evil, 1982


You can change your life

13 Jul

It looks like a religious appeal, but it is not the German philosopher Peter Sloterdijk used this feature to enter the heart of this appeal, which is nothing more than a transcendentalism the kantina fashion, VoceMudarSuaVidawhich fell like many religious in postmodernity.   Not by chance, in you have to change your life is the development of what the philosopher called “absolute imperative”, in a harder and appealing way that the Kantian categorical imperative which is far from what you want the religious, the core of contemporary individualism, for it is you and not “we” that changes.   So who wants to change himself, somewhat old-fashioned concept “exercise” because it is less concerned with the transformation of the products than with the metamorphosis of himself, the famous in-itself of Kant and Hegel later.   That’s how the author identifies in addition to religious practice, many practiced various exercises types of exercise as a kind of “asceticism” and will find them in various corners of the world, both walls of convents as the bed of a fakir, but may also be highly specialized sports.   Sloterdijk calls “vertical tension” the human impulse to overcome himself and, from a relatively comfortable base and climb to the top.   What this has to do as our “crisis”, the author still ask: Why should I change myself? Who, incidentally, has the right, the authority to speak to me? It’s a fair and broad question, even in the religious world.   According to Sloterdijk, is the crisis itself that is speaking, whether economic, cultural, moral or ecological (I would add religious).


Spiritual Alzheimer’s, what is it?

10 Jul

O papa em passagem pelo Equador deixou de lado o discurso que tinha PopeEcuadorpreparado e convidou os “religiosos” a deixarem de lado este Alzheimer espiritual, mas o que é isto.  

Já no ano passado havia se referido a várias doenças, mas duas me chamaram a atenção para várias pessoas “que se achavam imortais, imunes e indispensáveis” ele afirmou “isto deriva da patologia do poder, do complexo de sentir-se um eleito e do narcisismo”.  

Outra doença de uma lista de 15 males e se referia da Cúria é o ‘excessivo trabalho’ e com ele o ‘endurecimento mental e espiritual’, que “impede chorar com os que choram e se alegrar com os que se alegram”; “o excessivo planejamento” e “a doença da má colaboração” em um mundo que fala agora de colaboração, os religiosos não sabem o que é isto, fruto da primeira doença querem apenas “mandar” e “seguidores”.  

O Alzheimer que o papa falou é sobre as nossas raízes sociais e culturais, que uma vez que progredimos socialmente nós esquecemos, disse textualmente: “é muito triste quando a pessoa vê um sacerdote (…) que em sua casa falava o dialeto ou falava outra língua – uma destas nobres línguas antigas que os povos têm – e se esquecem da língua. É muito triste quando não querem falar esta língua, isso significa que se esqueceu de onde vieram”, mas isto vale para intelectuais e pessoas do povo que esquecem a origem.   Mas há um Alzheimer filosófico e teológico, no século IV a conversão de Agostinho de Hipona, foi deixar o maniqueísmo da luta do bem contra o mal, para aderir a vivência e do testemunho do bem, que significa jamais ter Alzheimer espiritual.  

Também Tomás de Aquino que afirmou que a fé é um suplemento da razão, e não a exclui parece esquecida dos que padecem de Alzheimer fideísta e transcendente, mas cuidado fazer política equivocada pode ser uma das manifestações deste mal.  

Por último queria lembrar apenas o Mandamento Novo de Jesus, “eu vos dou um NOVO mandamento” amai-vos como eu voz amei” (Mt 22:39), mas que o outro seria assim ou assado, este é um Alzheimer crônico, amar só os que nos amam, diz a palavra “Não fazem isto também os pagãos?” (Mt 5,47).   O pão precisa de fermento e sal, mas se for muito fica ruim também.


Moon walk and eco-tech

07 Jul

Called James´s reserves, It is 30 acres south of the mountain ranges Apollo11San Jacinto in Southern California, it is closed to the public, outside the circuit and cars are not allowed. But Sean Askay as a graduate student at UCLA in 2005, used Google Earth to create a visual interface for all cameras and sensors that are present in the park and are a lab studies for biologists, scientists in general and to commercial researchers. Sean calls this area “one of the most heavily instrumented places in the USA ‘, there to bird nests has automated cameras and sensors themselves spying on them. The station is a research field for biologists, being supervised by the University of California, Riverside, but virtual Askay the entire reservation, “she said to Wired magazine,” You can ‘fly’ and look at live video and graphics interior temperature of a bird box took the experience even further, using Google Earth to create a visual interface for all aqueusando all them cameras and sensors. “Basically, I built a representation.” Its design drew attention of the first designer of the Internet protocols Vint Cerf, and in 2007, one of the creators of the Google project and convinced Askay to move to Mountain View, California. Now Google Earth is creating an extraordinary software service combining satellite photos and other images to create a digital window on our planet (and other celestial bodies). Among other things he created a spacewalk next to Buzz Aldrin to reminding the moon landing Apollo 11, on arrival history of man on the moon in 1968 years.


In virtual, another Somali

03 Jul

The news in the Western world in particular, butUgaasa in general show Somalis, fashion laureate film “Captain Phillips” which speaks of the hijacking of a ship by Somali, with Tom Hanks in the lead role, based on the movie of the real captain Richard Phillips, which was published in Brazil as “Dever de Capitão” (Publisher Intrínseca).

Now young Somalis try to change this and shows another Somalia that does not sell newspapers and is not remembered only by wars and kidnappings in the capital Mogadishu using Instagram, Tumblr and Twitter through the hashtag #TheSomaliayouneverheardabout (Somalia which you never heard), they are spreading the image of Somalia’s day-to-day.

She Ugaaso Boocow said the agency EFE: “I try to change, with all my strength, the vision that one has of Somalia,” and she became famous on the Internet posting photos and videos showing the most beautiful and kind side of Mogadishu.

The young woman poses in places with traces of bullets and mortars, and already has more than 80,000 followers on Instagram and almost 5000 on Twitter.

She appears wearing colorful hijabs and sunglasses, almost always smiling, it appears in emblematic places of the capital, a white city with walls full of bullet holes and mortar.

Often the virtual world is more real, more hopeful than real newspaper.


New practice and communications in Science

24 Jun

A new culture in scienceOpenScience 

A new culture in science emerges in the world such digi with various proposals from a science most popular range and greater openness and access in communication is the Open Science (Open Science), comes in conjunction with the document opening trend started with the the arXiv and confirmed with various initiatives Open Publications (Open Access), and openness of science as the PLoS confirming a trend that also emerges in social networks. Under the banner of Creative Commons Science are publications of PLoS (Public Library of Science) and publishers BioMed Central and Hindawi, offering free users.In PLoS, all published articles bring synopsis written for the non-specialist public. An effort to make the content more accessible, there are also sharing spaces, laboratories and even complex data with researchers from around the world.In 2011, a game made headlines worldwide when several volunteers players deciphered the structure of a retroviral protein that is directly related to the HIV virus. Scientists do not know what it was such a structure, preventing the projection of other molecules that could block it, and the scientific problem solved in partnership with players, has been published in journals such as Nature Structural & Molecular Biology.In Brazil there was an international seminar in Rio de Janeiro and the other will be at USP.


Intelligent agents are happening

16 Jun

In a recent article in CIO Australia, many new jobs areWatson being proposed to increase the services where intelligent agents can be used, they include: services to tag pictures and verify that these markings popular with users on Facebook, Baidu is working on a technology to put an adjoining voice capacity for its search engine allowing users to chat via smartphones or other devices, the Department of Defense and the Australian Technology Organization is trying a technology with intelligent agents to control autonomous drones operating in sea, land and air mapping using satellite and which seems particularly interesting IBM is training your supercomputer Watson to ask questions of human experts and help them with tasks such as drug discovery and document classification.

The report does not explain much of each of these surveys, but talk show-type question and answer, called Jeopardy in the US, the Watson computer won human.
The idea that we can classify documents and assist the organization in a universe with just enough disorder is a very simple idea because all chaos has an order, and complex because it requires the processing of billions of data, and therefore information, entropy which is a Indeed since the beginning of history but does not address something else that the very idea that it is possible to organize it is also possible to develop a process of self-organization, not automatic but likely to be suggestible and manageable.

Tom Simonite, author of an article in MIT Technology Review, described a test of the new feature Watson, made in the Environment Cognitive Lab of IBM in Yorktown Heights, New York, with a laboratory equipped with a conference room with microphones to listen and convey all what they say in the meeting, the software used there apparently takes all inputs speech and transcribes them in real time to feed it to the computer and Watson did this with various experts.

The area of ​​intelligent agents promises to be the next big disruptive technology of the decade.