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Intelligent agents are happening

16 Jun

In a recent article in CIO Australia, many new jobs areWatson being proposed to increase the services where intelligent agents can be used, they include: services to tag pictures and verify that these markings popular with users on Facebook, Baidu is working on a technology to put an adjoining voice capacity for its search engine allowing users to chat via smartphones or other devices, the Department of Defense and the Australian Technology Organization is trying a technology with intelligent agents to control autonomous drones operating in sea, land and air mapping using satellite and which seems particularly interesting IBM is training your supercomputer Watson to ask questions of human experts and help them with tasks such as drug discovery and document classification.

The report does not explain much of each of these surveys, but talk show-type question and answer, called Jeopardy in the US, the Watson computer won human.
The idea that we can classify documents and assist the organization in a universe with just enough disorder is a very simple idea because all chaos has an order, and complex because it requires the processing of billions of data, and therefore information, entropy which is a Indeed since the beginning of history but does not address something else that the very idea that it is possible to organize it is also possible to develop a process of self-organization, not automatic but likely to be suggestible and manageable.

Tom Simonite, author of an article in MIT Technology Review, described a test of the new feature Watson, made in the Environment Cognitive Lab of IBM in Yorktown Heights, New York, with a laboratory equipped with a conference room with microphones to listen and convey all what they say in the meeting, the software used there apparently takes all inputs speech and transcribes them in real time to feed it to the computer and Watson did this with various experts.

The area of ​​intelligent agents promises to be the next big disruptive technology of the decade.


Fooling hackers and viruses on Facebook

11 Jun

VirusFaceAn Israeli company has released a software called Illusive Networks developed software that tricks hackers into believing they have found a way to steal data but without knowing whether they are true or false.
Although not directly related, a virus spreads through a Facebook post that invites you to do some bold poses of a beautiful young woman.
The virus spreads saying that you are over 19 friends and were tagged in this video? You should not create this link because it will choose 19 of his friends to continue spreading the virus and so on expanding into snowball.
The virus appears with a notification in your timeline, but stop there, you have not “contracted” the virus, one of your relationship contracted and sent to you if you do click contracting and spreading addiction, then DO NOT DO THIS.
Facebook says it is working to try to prevent this virus in the environment itself.
You could create something like the Illusive software where “targeted attacks” or “advanced persistent threats” are identified and pass false customer data in the case of this software credit cards and bank accounts.


Brazilians soccer corruption

28 May

In the night of Wednesday to Thursday in Brazilian time, morning and Switzerland in a special operation, sevenOladoSujoSoccer major FIFA executives were arrested on charges of corruption, including José Maria Marin, former president and current vice CBF.

On Friday would be the election of new leaders of FIFA, in addition to 7 more defendants leaders are accused of extortion, fraud and conspiracy to launder money, also a search warrant at the headquarters of CONCACAF (Caribbean and Central and North America Confederation) in Miami was issued.

Corruption happened to the marketing rights and the Brazilian J.Hawilla, owner of Traffic, sports marketing company, is among the accused in addition to the leaders as early as December 2014 answered a process and the time has agreed to pay 151 million dollars.

In Brazil, Romario deputy, former player who played and won the World Cup 1994 in the United States, got the signatures to make a Investigation Comission (cpi) Brazilian 2014 World Soccer Cup, may finally have the truth about the fun splurges and made with public money during the World Cup , it will come the moment of truth.

Romario prefaced the book “O lado sujo do Futebol” (in english The dirty side of football) perhaps the country needs begin to change from the greatest passion of the brazilians: soccer.


Die Galeano, Uruguayan politician and poet

14 Apr

I read in my youth “Open Veins of Latin America” ​​and would not read again, in fact no more have the book, others kept,eduardo_galeano I was happy to know that the author would not read.

Eduardo Galeano also overcame the political Manichaeism, said at the end of life “Around the world, left-wing political parties sometimes experiences in power have worked, sometimes not, but often were demolished as punishment for being right, which gave margin coups, military dictatorships and prolonged periods of terror, with sacrifices and horrific crimes committed in the name of social peace and progress, “many people want an end to corruption however, lack of freedom is not good for anyone, no dictatorship thrived, this is insanity and somewhat irresponsible.

Eduardo Galeano also said: “in some periods, is the left who commits grave errors”, the Portuguese poet Manuel Alegre, socialist said similar things: “the left thigh is because no dialogue” in the election in Portugal in 2010, and then “The left has to make a self-criticism about what is happening in Europe”, since in Brazil follow the conversation of make believe, no one dares to tell the truth.

In 2009, during the 5th Summit of the Americas, former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez gave a copy of this book to US President Barack Obama, and about the episode, asked by a journalist Galeano replied that neither Obama nor understood Keys the book “. He (Chavez) gave Obama with the best of intentions, but gave a gift to Obama a book in a language he did not know then was a generous gesture, but a little cruel,” lack generosity, intelligence and politics with a capital P Polis and poet, lives poraí the Aristotelian Zoé.

Sunday my Corinthians (soccer team) play against Palmeiras, get lost hope at least play good football, if Palmeiras will play well deserved win, and this is not policy, but we have to twisting for parties as well.


“Status” group in public services and political corruption

06 Apr

The class structure in countries where there was a fertile and lasting capitalism, often with all the contradictions that arePatrimonialismo inherent to them: exploration, consumption, price changes and cyclical crises, went on to develop structures where the state acts as mediator in conflicts and allows certain advantages in economic boom times.

The structures inherited in Saxon countries in the Americas differ profoundly from Iberian colonization structure involving all of Latin America, Max Weber analyzed this, explaining that this constitutes a web of relationships in a certain power that affects them in some particular field of activity, this does not is new and has historical origins.

In the words of Raimundo Faoro: “The bureaucratic status commands the civil branch and military administration, and this base, with its own rigging, invades and directs the economic sphere, political and financial. In the economic field, the measures put in place, beyond the formal regulation of liberal ideology, reach from the financial and monetary requirements to the direct management of companies, through the system of State concessions and ordinances about the job. Acting directly or through incentives are techniques developed within a single scope. In its relations with society, the director estament provides about the political rise of opportunities, sometimes dispensing prestige, sometimes repressing seditious disorders, which seek to break the control scheme,  the work of Raymundo Faoro”Os donos do poder” (power owners  2nd. edition is 1973, São Paulo: Globo), which explains a lot to Brazilian reality.

The design of patrimonial state is one in which the individual property is designed by the state, called by Faoro of “sobrepropriedade” crown to his subjects and also the state being written by a sovereign and its employees.

These sectors, predominantly middle class that will occupy high positions in government, concessions, banks (in the process of privatization) almost always linked to political power, end up constituting a network of favors that ultimately guides the political power.

What is new in Brazil, along with the C class whose sustainability is doubtful because of it is funded by credit cards, also companies and state sectors had a swelling due to a large public works plan, but with limited firepower, and now in ever deeper cuts to reduce the deficit.

If it is true that corruption is in the estates, officials and civil servants, and state-owned enterprises, it is also true that there is a very strong connection with political sectors and without the removal of this power is no use to establish rules, the corrupt are precisely those people who do not want to comply with the rules, or relativize these.


Facebook and Europe: accessions and criticism

31 Mar

The number of accessions is increasing on Facebook, but the criticisms and concerns about privacy and individual rightsGrowingInternet is also evolving rapidly in Europe, where the number of accessions is not as great as in the Americas, Asia and even Africa which has the largest growth in number of subscriptions on the Internet as the site Internet World Stats.

But still the reactions are of various types, the European Commission recommended the citizens who do not want to have their personal data in the hands of US security services must avoid various media networks including Facebook, according to the newspaper “The Guardian” in the publication last Thursday, March 26th.

The suggestion, according to the English daily, was taken by attorney Bernhard Schima Commission, the prosecutor Yves Bot, at a hearing of a case in which they check the level of privacy in the social network.

Schima was an agreement between the EU and the US to exchange of personal data between the two regions, a process called Safe Harbour, what happens in reality is that states have an interest in controlling the information of citizens and this is still complicated.

The discussion was raised by Max Schrems activist, which campaigns for the right to privacy, for it is not incompatible exposure on the Internet and privacy, and governments can take care of it if they have interest, and he asks whether it is safe to send information to the US after Edward Snowden’s case, due to cyber monitoring by the US government.

The discussion is essential and is far from complete, missing the side of citizens.


Global governance: between protection and oppression

10 Mar

While the old debate about freedom of liberalism and concentration of power of authoritarian states, Privatism x statismCaisEstelita grows, there is growing anxiety for a new route that could make a shift in social crisis, economic and moral that crosses the planet.
An example of this is the president’s speech Czech Vaclav Klaus criticized that in 2010 the United Nations to increase the “global governance” of the world economy, saying the world body should leave that role to national governments.

Furthermore eminent thinkers like Peter Sloterdijk, Edgar Morin, Michel Rocard, Bernard Miyet, Michel Rocard and others make a plea for a “responsible global governance and solidarity,” who is right, in my opinion both explain.

The global movement “Occupy” occupied Wall Street-US, occupies Madrid, Barcelona occupies, occupies Sao Paulo and many others reveal the desire to crowds of people that social and historical heritages are not exchanged for capitalist investments that are nothing more that easy profits and unemployment and devitalization of cities, states and nations, so the idea of ​​keeping ethnic heritage, historical and social cities, states there is no impediment to the development of a caring world governance, unlike it could more broadly aid this “occupation” of local people by their proper interests.

An example of this is Brazil, “occupies Estelita”, a trademark of the historic decoupling Pier José Estelita in the center of Recife Recife in Brazil, to be made a US $ 800 million project, with the construction of 12 sectors with up to 40 floors, among construction, is Queiroz Galvão, there of the  Swiss Leaks.

The #OcupeEstelita Movement and the Urban Rights group (DU) had a suspension of the license and then a partial victory, but recently had the destruction of historical monuments in Pakistan.

In several liability legal terms, means taking responsibility by a third party lender, globally means ensuring the security ethnic, social and economic fragile states like Haiti, many countries in Africa and Asia, not only when there is economic interest, the opposite of who made the imperialist colonialism.


Europe plan 5G to advance

05 Mar

TijolãoThe Europe in the 90s was a leader in second generation GSM technology, the old lumbering cell, was lagging behind 4G networks of broadband services, in relation to the United States and Eastern countries such as Japan and South Korea.

In a panel during the fair MWC (see the post on 03 March), Guenther Oettinger EU commission for the Digital Society and Economy said; “With 5G, Europe has a great opportunity to reinvent the stage of its telecommunications industry,” indicating a return to growth that is strategic for the economy in general.

The operators in the region, including Britain’s Vodafone and Spain’s Telefonica, were slow in deploying 4G while Japan, South Korea and the US were quick when compared to other advanced economies.


38% of the world are connected

27 Feb

StateConectivityThe data are from a study entitled “State of connectivity 2014: Report on the global internet,” which analyzes the current state of the network connection, the profile of the connected and which are not.
According to the survey, in early 2015 was outnumbered the 3 billion people online, and this means 38% of the world population, if we discount old people and children who still do not connect directly, it can be said more half of humanity is connected in some way.
This number was calculated by people who somehow connected to the internet from computers or mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, as GeekWire site.
This difference increases when the comparison is made between developed and developing countries, where the first has a total of 32% of people who have not connected to the Internet is 32%.; while in the second this number reaches 78%.
The text cites Brazil as an indicator of maturity. The average of the connecting members 416 is megabytes (MB) per month.
The study can be accessed by a Facebook page called Newsroom, which shows the evolution of the data and do other analyzes.


Numbers and more Jet Wash

26 Feb

LavaJatoBrazilian operation´s Lava Jato(Wash Jet$), which uncovered a true hydra of corruption at Petrobrás starts coming to politicians and from there you can begin to address barriers, but what has been done, that money was recovered?
As news of the Federal Public Ministry, is not only the judge Sergio Moro begins to suffer political attacks, disclose on their official website that the Lava Operation Jet already found a misuse of R $ 2.1 billion from Petrobrás.
When all are 232 companies and 150 people under investigation, 12 agreements were signed whistleblower award and 18 criminal charges against 86 people, some linked to political, but no politician can be quoted by name because of special privileges.
According to Paulo Roberto Costa, 60% of the fee was for political and 20% were divided between him and the scheme operator, the rest was to cover any operating costs: travel, accommodation and other expenses, all very “professional”.
There would be a list of politicians who would be delivered to the public this week, who are they, the political influence and government arms strive to hide this data.
Meanwhile, more branches are made this week by the country, wait!