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The cross, death and philosophy

25 Mar

The are mistaken who think that the Good Friday where there is the kiss on the cross, is Crocesomething unique religious or death and never cross were philosophical issues.


Socrates has in thinking about death something essential because it allows the soul to move away from the organic matter and penetrate an essential sphere where is the true knowledge, and therefore only then reach the knowledge of pure form: wisdom, for it was ready to die and not by chance, taking hemlock died, his cross.


In it the man’s vision is guided by a genius or “daemon” that will guide you through the material stage toward Hades, the realm of the dead, where is subjected to a necessary judgment (sic) and after interning there be reborn in a physical body, here distance of Christ.


There is something in Socrates almost unnoticed but essential, for him the truth is not with men, but “between” the men, we could say an alter-ontological category, and philosophy continues to explore the theme of Plato (428-347 BC) Heidegger (1889-1976) the subject.

Schopenhauer (1788-1860) is one of the breaks with the traditional modern thought, said: “Death is the muse of philosophy, and so Socrates defined it as preparation for death ?. Without death, it would be really hard to if it had philosophized. ”


If existence is a fact, death too, so being is more than exist, although the philosophy confuse the two, and be may be something that goes beyond death, then there would be something on the other side, but the passage is cross, pain says the Christian message in its maximum master nailed to a cross, perhaps the answer is there in the paradox: life beyond death in pain, but a pain that has meant the deepest love: give his life for similar.


The Socrates (The Death of Socrates – Jacques-Louis David, 1787) seems to say your phrase “Ignorance is the only evil,” and the crucified Jesus framework ( “Christ crucified between two thieves,” Peter Paul Rubens painting ) seems to say “loving, he loved everyone.”


Baudelaire and modernism

23 Mar

In 1857, on June 25 they were published The Charles Baudelaire FlowersSchawabe of Evil, French poet of riotous living, which made the father sent to India, and after receiving the paternal inheritance, his own mother sued.

Considered a landmark of modern poetry and symbolist, Baudelaire is a portrait of a society in decay in the nineteenth century and serves to understand a bit of contemporary society, although the Brazilian matrix is ​​Iberian, with golds nuances.

The German symbolizes Carlos Schwabe (pseudonym of Emile Martin Charles Schwabe) illustrated with the work next to the book The flowers of evil.

Launched the book was soon violently attacked by Le Figaro and collected by insult to the “good manners”, but the Baudelaire himself said about his book: “In this atrocious book, I put all my thoughts, all my heart, all my religion ( travesty), all my hate. ‘

Because the book was a 300 francs fine (reduced later to 50) and the editor to a fine of 100 francs and still had to remove six poems to launch the book.

The book can be divided as follows: the fall; the expulsion from paradise; love; eroticism; decay; the death; the time; exile and boredom, but in French received the names: Spleen et Idéal (Boredom and Ideal), Tableux Parisien (Parisian Tables) Le Vin (Wine), Les Fleurs du Mal (The Flowers of Evil), Revolte (Revolt ) and La Mort (Death).

Soon we will revisited the week of modern art and Brazilian culture.


(Português) Armazenamento 5D eterno

23 Feb

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A solidariedade das redes aos Kaiowás

14 Sep

É um problema que se arrasta a décadas, acreditava-se com a posse de kaiowáLula na Presidência da República em 2003, que o problema seria resolvido, o antropólogo Mércio Pereira Gomes, presidente da Fundação Nacional do Índio (Funai) declarou na época:: “A solução dos problemas dos índios guaranis em Mato Grosso do Sul é uma das nossas prioridades”, porem em  2009, o sucessor dele, Márcio Meira, disse a mesma coisa: “A maior pendência fundiária indígena agora é a dos kaiowás no Mato Grosso do Sul” e agora há uma guerra lá.  

As entidades internacionais, através das redes sociais, em 2009 realizaram um abaixo- assinado que circulou pelo Brasil, Europa e Estados Unidos intitulado Basta de Genocídio: Pela Terra e Vida do Povo Kaiowá Guarani.

  O mesmo foi encaminhado à Presidência da República, pedindo a demarcação das terras indígenas no Mato Grosso do Sul, alertando que os índios estavam confinados em pequenas áreas insuficientes para sua sobrevivência. “Há um quadro de genocídio”, dizia uma parte do texto.

  Sem solução pacífica, o problema voltou a tona e aos noticiários e a versão indígena não circula pelos meios de comunicação convencionais, esquecem que em 2012 a desembargadora Cecília Mello, do Tribunal Regional Federal da 3.ª Região, havia responsabilizado o Poder Executivo pela falta de soluções para as questões fundiárias, mas infelizmente o Judiciário e Legislativo também estão envolvidos.  

Mesmo após a visita do Ministro da Justiça na região, na noite de quinta feira (3/9), outra comunidade Guarani Kaiowá foi atacada por fazendeiros: a área conhecida como Guyra Kambi’y, na Terra Indígena (TI) Panambi-Lagoa Rica, conforme nota do Instituto Socioambiental, entre os municípios de Douradina e Itaporã (MS), e a violência é crescente na região, o extermínio dos índios é eminente.


Film Alan Turing and his inventions

04 Feb

Mark1The film “The imitation game” especially expected by technologists and the digital world enthusiasts debut in Brazil from the day February 5, in many brazilian cinemas.
The author does your role Benedict “Sherlock” Cumberbatch is according to many critics, the perfect opportunity to let people know the person who contributes most to the computer, although the main mathematical model has been completed by the mathematician Alonso Church.
This is the point that separates art technology, as Turing managed to advance technology in a few decades more than many researchers all his life, and this because he lived only 42 years, having committed suicide by pressure suffered as a homosexual.
In 1936, with only 24 proposed a machine called “Turing machine” based on a tape that could be read in two directions (there were only cellulose tapes for film then), and the instructions would be of a character (letter, symbol or number), moving the machine forward or backward and could solve many problems.
During the war, the Allied submarines were being decimated at sea, and the communication was made in a code by a machine called Enigma, that Polish spies stole and made a replica, Turing studied and deciphered the code.
At the end of the war Turing worked in an English secret project that was operating an “electronic brain” called ACE (Automatic Computing System) that could calculate complex mathematical systems and not just equations, interrupted the project, but he worked in the Manchester Unviersidade a project that would be finalized, the Mark 1.
Later ACE 15 computers were sold and the first personal computer, called Bless G-15 was totally based on this model.
One of the first devices that made the voice encryption was done by Turing, called Deliah, and later developed the SIGSALY at Bell Laboratories, USA.
Turing always had a correct concept of intelligence, for it was not a question whether machines think but could imitate humans, worked in 1941 in “machine intelligence” because in 1947 used the term “artificial intelligence” and in 1950 published a study “artificial intelligence“, one of the first mentions of the term.
The “Imitation game” is his most famous contribution, put hidden people and computers and suggest things to know where it was either.


(Português) Um acaso ajuda explicar Stonehenge

04 Sep

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(Português) Mais brasileiros campeões

20 Aug

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(Português) Mira Schendel em exposição

29 Jul

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(Português) Tecnologia, futebol e arte

04 Jun

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Digital art in Brazilian Winter

24 Jul

In addition to the World Youth Day and the presence Arte Digitalof the pope, the Rio de Janeiro has other attractions.

In the mountainous region of Rio de Janeiro is held the Festival SESC Rio Winter 2013 with unpublished works and themes, combining art and technology.
Her artists and researchers transform the traditional look and integrate new technologies in various expressions of art such as photography, sculpture and painting.

The exhibitions are held in Petrópolis and Nova Friburgo, but especially exposition  SESC Quitandinha in the imperial city, is the show ‘Exposure FILE – Casino’, making a reference to the casino that worked on site.

The exhibition includes installations / sculptures digital interactive Brazilian and foreign artists that depict the current poetics of the technological arts.

Another is the “Art + Technology | perceptions | meanings” is the SESC Teresopolis, which seeks more interactive aspect with the aim of bringing the innovations of public art.

In Nova Friburgo are works of researchers and teachers UFRJ Guto Nobrega and Malu Fragoso, Wherefore called “Contemporary spectra”.

The exhibition runs until August 25.