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Cyber ​​blackout and wars

22 Jul

The blackout that happened last week is one of the biggest in history, it caused confusion in many airports (see the US Flights chart bisede), TVs, banks, hospitals and services that depend on digital communication, but it was not with military motivation, the The company CrowStrike, behind the blackout, declared Friday (19) that “this was not a cyber attack” and that the company’s team “is fully mobilized to guarantee the security and stability of the company’s customers”.

According to an interview with Rob D’Amico, a former FBI agent, despite there being no military motivation: “They may not be involved in what happened, but they are observing what happened, what the reactions were, the response times, how this has been corrected, so that if they consider an offensive cyber operation against the United States, they can map what was done”, he said in a statement to CNN.

It is worth remembering that the historic beginning of the Internet was a project with DARPA, an American department for strategic projects that envisaged network operation that did not harm communication, so the first electronic network was called Arpanet.

This is extremely strategic because a cyber failure can leave both the communication system and the defense itself defenseless, which depends on communications to be activated, extremely weakening the system that is under attack.

Ukraine has announced that it has managed to directly affect Russia’s command and defense systems, while Russia seeks to weaken Ukraine’s energy supply system and land communication channels, it also plans a railway in its domains on Ukrainian soil, revealing tactics differentiated defense and attack.

As war rhetoric and everyday political and ideological wars advance, a greater than cybernetic blackout is announced, minds and souls become increasingly cloudy and the dark horizon hides hopes, refuges and clearings.

Those who fight and desire peace lack nothing, not even what war and hatred try to take away from everyday peace, the moment of rest and leisure, not that fantasy of orgy and false freedoms that destroy a fruitful and happy life, there is always a shadow, a clearing and a pause for breath in the midst of modern acceleration.

“Even if I pass through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil” (Psalm 23:4) says the psalmist of the dark period of the Hebrew people, and thus those who desire and fight for peace sing joyfully.


Towards serverless computing

27 Jan

Among the trends pointed out by Nasdaq, the electronics stock exchange, is the so-called serverless computing, with the transfer of functions to cloud storage.

Clouds start to manage the functions and storage made by servers, computing is more agile and less dependent on mobile devices, which also begin to migrate to the IoT (Internet of Things) and so the general trend may be a digital transformation, not the buzzword of fashion, but in the very structure of the digital universe.

Another consequence will be the transfer and simplification and many functions for the Web, which is confused with the Internet, but it is just a thin layer on it, written through an interpreter (a computer language with high interactivity) which is HTTP.

The creation and execution of applications is thus simpler, but this is not exactly serverless computing as indicated by a superficial literature in the area, but one of the important consequences of it.

Function as a Service (FaaS) technology is different from the application definitions in Clouds (IaaS, Infrastructure as a Service, and PaaS, Platform as a Service), where codes are written without having to know on which server that application will be executed.


The first quantum computer hub

30 May

The North Carolina State Unit was chosen by IBM to have the first Quantum Computing Hub (Q Hub that became part of IBM’s Network Q), as well as the first networks linking some universities.
On December 5, 1969, ARPANET joined the Research Agency of the US Department of Defense, the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) at Menlo Park, the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) and the University of Utah (photo).
Students, faculty and researchers will be able to access IBM’s 20-bit supercomputer to solve classic computing problems that would take a long time to process, now they will be done in a few minutes depending on the problem.
Bob Sutor of IBM Research said “we can not create a computer with 10% of the Earth’s atoms, but even so, with the quantum computer we can represent exactly this information”, according to a post on Techinician Online.
IBM’s plan is more audacious, with Fortune 500 companies and universities working to solve larger problems more quickly through the Q Network, while NC State will be collaborating with local organizations to solve complex equations.
NC State faculty are developing both undergraduate and graduate courses to use quantum computing to build their knowledge in anticipation of the hub’s operational debut this fall (in September).


MacronLeaks and elections in France

08 May

Even with Macron’s victory in the second round of the French elections,MacronLeaks and the defeat of ultra-right Marine Le Pen, did not let to be noticed a case that was the most serious Hacker attack ever known to try to influence an an election.

Post-truth times after the urgency on Saturday morning of the National Committee for Control of the Presidential Campaign in France that begged the press not to disclose the information on Macron, the fact in the digital universe that there is no control as to how Control of false information, the only possibility is to publicly deny it.

Following an emergency meeting this morning (6) to examine the case, the committee extended the notice to all the population and users of social networks warning that the disclosure of these documents (the “MacronLeaks”, as it has been called in France) May involve “criminalliability” of its perpetrators.

Still no effort of despair, because people who do this kind of action does not have an ethical conscience on the fact, the body asked that “the actors present in Internet sites and social networks, first means, but also all Citizens, to have responsibility and not to transmit such content, in order not to alter the transparency of the election, not to break the law and not to expose itself to a criminal offense. “

In addition, he warned that they were “mixed with false information”, so retransmission of these facts is “susceptible to receive a criminal qualification of many types and to carry the responsibility of its authors.”

En Marche, founded by Macron after breaking with the left-wing Holland government, reported on Friday night that it was the victim of a “mass and coordinated hacking attack” that led to the leak “in the internal social information networks Of diverse natures “, we are waiting for the final result of the elections for analysis.

But an irreversible fact is that some form of control over false information in election campaigns will be necessary from now on because the network effect can make them uncontrollable facts of lying versions about the candidates reversing opinion and forces in a campaign.

European newspapers speak of “relief”, “thank you to France” and the strengthening of the European Union, but “hidden” forces may favor authoritarian and conservative positions.



Chip revolutionizes IoT

24 Feb

A company almost bankrupt decides to invest in the development of a chip for the ESP8266Internet of Things (IoT) not only saves the company itself but promises to revolutionize the market.

The chip is the ESP8266, from Espressif company, the price $ 5 (5 collars), less than a coin and integrated in several solutions, for example, communication with the serial interface of most computer models, the UART Universal asynchronous transmission), this means transmission with which devices with TCP Internet interface.

It is a System-On-Chip with built-in Wi-Fi, It has GPIO connectors, I2C buses, SPI, UART, ADC input, PWM output and Internal temperature sensor, CPU operating at 80MHz, capable of operating at 160MHz, 32-bit RISC architecture, 32KBytes of RAM for instructions, 96KB of RAM for data, 64KB of ROM for booting, SP SP memory and Winbond W25Q40BVNIG of 512KBytes .

To program them, the company has a repository in GitHub, where it provides code samples for RTOS firmware and AT commands, and its SDK, for example, in addition there is an ESP8266 developer forum, maintained by Espressif, where it is possible Find a wide range of materials.

Will we have new developers of garages around the world?


Barber shops, cafes and nets

14 Feb

According to Peter Burke, the locuCafePariss of religious and political discussions in 1620 was the barbershops, quotes the Italian writer Ludovico Zuccolo, who evoked them full of ordinary people discussing the religious problems and the attitudes of the rulers.
The first great wave of reading was to interpret the Bible, the same that Galileo had claimed and which is still ignored today, the same Ludovico said that as the number of illiterates fell, they were common in the sixteenth century in Italy, for example, shoemakers , Dyers, masons, and housewives, claim the right to interpret the sacred scriptures.
In the 1620s religious concerns were compounded by political concerns. Ludovico Zuccolo, an Italian writer, evoked the image of the barber shops full of ordinary people discussing the measures of the rulers.
Anyone who thinks that there is an excess of information today, as soon as the books began to be printed at more reasonable prices, one already complained about the number of existing books and how one would read them in a single life, in 1975 for example, 1745 The Vatican library, housed only 2,500 volumes, in the seventeenth century the Bodleian Library of Oxford had 8,700 titles, and the imperial library of Vienna, 10,000.
From the barbershops to the cafés, Café de La Paix is ​​the scene of many novels, paintings and poems, Guy de Maupassant and Emile Zola frequented it, the proximity to the Opera Gamier (next door) made it a kind of Museum, In 1975 it was considered a historical site by the French government.
Would cybercafes be your descendants? They lived with libraries and other places of dialogue and culture, they were important in the “Arab Spring,” especially in Libya and Egypt, there were violence events with heroes who posted denunciations in these cybercafes.
Both the uprising in Egypt and Libya were recorded in numerous social media, a good example is the video with 2,000 deaths (video of OneDayOnEarth), reveal the taste of the dictators for the worship of the person and vertical media.
Long before the outbreak of the war in Syria, looking at the comments on the networks, we knew that there was a powder keg (see our post 2012), and also a blogger Tal al-Molouhi, arrested in 2009, was one of the fuses for the uprising.
The governments and owners of vertical media do not accept the influence of the networks, because it is their bankruptcy, but now even the authoritarian Trump does not give ball to them, makes its own media, of course it does not go unanswered, in social media media Is losing ugly




Latin America regulate IoT or not

09 Feb

IoT (internet of Things) is there, cars, clocks, medical equipment and other devices IoTneware already on the market, this should grow to the full connection between things that communicate.

According to data from the 5G Americas report “Internet de las Cosas en América Latina” (made in the Spanish language), the concern over excessive regulation may impede the business model, while in Brazil, experts point to the contrary: the need for urgent regulation, Who is right?

Both of them, but it takes a matter of common sense, in general in Brazil it regulates to the shape of the pins of the outlet (a joke, but it is true), while abroad the concern is with security and standardization for everyone to adopt similar measures .
The main concern should go to the sense that it takes a lot of attention not to prevent the advancement of a new business model while ensuring more security, but without panic and exaggeration, nothing is totally safe, but of course it is necessary to adopt measures, more Equipment will mean less security.

According to the 5G Americas report, through one of its director José Otero: “The risk of excessive or ill-conceived regulation could delay the enormous growth opportunities in the Internet of Things. For this reason, it is necessary that the entire ecosystem of actors dialogue and collaborate with regulators on this important technological advance. “

According to a Machina Research consultant, Andy Castonguay, if the fragmentation and complexity of the IoT system and its many technological approaches make the deployment a challenge, it will be somewhat dangerous if regulators are prohibitive in their mandates or if they favor Technologies.

One of the main considerations regarding public policies in the sector should be made considering the sovereignty and privacy of information and for security


(Português) Pontos da IoT para 2017

27 Oct

IoT points in 2017 The company’s technological forecasts Gartner analyzesiot2017 because the IoT (Internet of Things) has not yet kicked off, and points out some points that can make this internet happen in 2017:

IoT security

The IoT has introduced a range of new security risks and challenges for the devices, their platforms and operating systems, communications and even systems which may or must be connected. Safety is something complicated by the fact that “things” have individual processors and their own systems, such as batteries, operating systems and devices that heat.

IoT Analytics

Analyze performance and functions in “things” is different to do on computers or smartphones because the business model is modified to the extent that will analyze information collected by things not by customer in ultimately are people, new tools and algorithms analysis are under development, but it is believed to be stable around the year 2021 should go to developing as needed.

IoT management

“Things” delay duration are not trivial, require management and monitoring.

This includes monitoring devices, software and firmware updates, diagnostics, analysis and reporting of accidents, which may cause problems in scale to the management task.

We highlight these three essentials, but now will have others that Gartner notes: Processors management in wider areas with internet connection, processes and low-power processors, platforms and operating systems for the IoT, and finally Standards and Ecosystems for IoT.

More detailed analysis is in the Gartner report ““Top 10 IoT Technologies for 2017 and 2018.”



e-Estonia: a digital country

25 Oct

Since its independence from the former Soviet Union (20 August 1991), digitalcardEstonia decided it would be a country that would remain connected, decentralized, on an open platform infrastructure and a continuous process to keep improving, calling it four principles in its site.
The two key points of this e-citizenship is the identity card or e-ID and decentralized connection called infrastructure X-Road, they open the door to all state services, social and economic data, and the eID identification able to verify the identity of a person around the online environment.
The people of Estonia are the source of the Phoenicians, but are intimate and ethnically related to Finnish and Sami (northern Norway), so with historical links to all of Scandinavia, and the port of Tallinn as its capital and largest city, with the all over the country about 1 million and a half inhabitants.
With this economy has benefited from the strength of the electronics and telecommunications sectors and strong trade ties with Finland, Sweden, Russia and Germany.
The system of government is parliamentary with a Congress of 101 deputies elected directly by the vote of the citizens.
Estonia joined the European Union on 1 May 2004, while Latvia and Lithuania, has a GDP of US $ 35,398, which gives a per capita income of $ 26,000.


New service by satellite is effective

30 Jun

Yes, and already arrived in the Brazil, at an event held on TuesdayHughestnet morning (28/06) American company Hughes announced his arrival in the country, providing broadband satellite service throughout Brazil, the company actually it operates since 1968 when satellite services began, but was used for national military purposes.


The goal is to reach regions which do not reach the ADSL or optical fiber, the more powerful, offering a high quality internet in rural areas or inner cities of the states where broadband services do not operate efficiently, the service is called HughesNet.


The service uses a frequency band called Ka, especially for high-capacity satellites that can work at a relatively lower cost, down to companies but not so low as to mainstream users, the plans can be hired from July.
Support, installation and after-sale shall be borne by a partner who is Elsys, and residential plans will cost to 10MB download and 1MB upload, requiring even afford a membership fee of R $ 359 90 (U$ 100).
Moreover, the service is based on a Ka band, a frequency at which high-capacity satellite can work at lower cost – and this is obviously reflected in a slightly lower price to the end consumer. The plans of HughesNet can be hired from Friday (July 1), with the support, installation and after-sale shall be borne by the partner company Elsys