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Hermeneutics and new paradigms

22 Jun

The importance of opening up new horizons and unconventional narratives, of disruptive proposals that modify not only technology, but the narratives themselves when new forms of prior knowledge are introduced (in other narratives of the hermeneutic circle are called preconceptions) means a environment of evolution and transformation of knowledge itself.

Those who enjoy exegesis, it is also a narrative, two different characters and paradigms in the Bible was John the Baptist and evidently Jesus himself, however, under the same background of Judaism of the time constructed different narratives, since they had different missions, although the proposal for change was the same.

The biblical reading of Luke 1: 60-62, when the father Zacharias says that his son will have a different name, says thus: “and they would beckon to their father as he would have him called. He asked for a tablet and wrote the words: ‘John is his name’, everyone was amazed ” to indicate that he broke a tradition and soon afterwards Zechariah spoke again.

Orality is fundamental in this period, and speech was the basic form of transmission of knowledge, but John the Baptist came to make a new way, and this way will be an anticipation of the coming of Jesus, who will then open his own narrative in his way.

Thus, hermeneutics allows this evolution of exegesis that studies tradition also in philosophy and literature, for hermeneutics that opens the possibility of new narratives and the interaction with contemporary knowledge, what we call “background” in the previous post.

The narratives of the digital world are new, of course not all are convergent, but the fact that there are new narratives, even those that challenge the irreversible digital environment, show that there is a new paradigm under which it is not possible to construct a narrative that is at the same time contemporary, open and evolutionary, without considering it


Can a Divided House Survive

08 Jun

The word is bible, but true for many countries across the earth and for the planet as a whole, it takes a minimum of unity to progress and ensure progress for all.
Unity is compromised and risk of wars, in addition to the intermittent wars in Africa, the Middle East and tensions in several European countries, may at some point break like the Guatemalan volcano and the consequences would be unpredictable.
The tension with Will will happen again, and also North Korea still has remnants of threat, as well as social tensions throughout Latin America.
How to react to all this? it is necessary to seek points of unity and dialogue, the war has no winners all lose, and of course, the powerful and the war industry to profit.
The Biblical word for Mark 3: 23-25 ​​says, “Then Jesus called them and spoke to them in parables,” How can Satan cast out Satan? and a kingdom divides against itself, it can not stand. If a family divides itself against itself, it can not stand, “and beyond the idea of ​​the kingdom of God, which is evident, there is also a word to man: oneness.
Unity is a divine word, of course it is always about a certain tension: inequalities, injustices, exclusions, prejudices are all inherent forms of divisions, but even in these cases dialogue is possible and fundamental, the idea that violence alone destroys violence is warlike
Looking at the upcoming elections in Brazil, it is necessary to seek points of convergence, more than a dozen candidates is an absurdity in cost and confusion for the simple people, we must debate idea and programs under pain of accepting an adventurer or dictator.
Dialogue can be harsh and even harsh, but it is necessary to bend over so as not to break up and build partisan fronts around programs and proposals, and hope too.


Postmodern dualism

07 Jun

Hegel is too tedious even for those who dominate philosophical discourse, and I think in particular that the question of objectivism x subjectivism, natural x cultural, and other questions posed by thought of modernity, and which are current in everyday life, is already at another point.
The point I place is that of the infernal dichotomies of Eduardo Viveiros de Castro: “Cannibal metaphysics: lines of poststructural anthropology” (Katz Editores, 2010), although there may be a Portuguese edition, a Spanish edition, translated from French, fell into my hands .
It caught my attention because he begins the book on issues that I think are fundamental: the return to things, perspectivism, multinaturalism and anthropological schizophrenia.
The beginning of the first chapter “Anti-narcissus” confesses that he abandoned the idea of ​​making a book to write about it, as Borges did, and he posed a question: “what should be the conceptual anthropology of the peoples that he studies?” “Differences and internal mutations of anthropological theory are explained mainly (and from a historico-critical point of view only) by structures and conjunctures of social formations, ideological debates, intellectual fields and academic contexts that have emerged researchers ? is this the only relevant hypothesis? It would not be possible to proceed from a perspective that shows that the most interesting of the concepts, problems, entities and agents introduced by the anthropological theories have their origin in the imaginative capacity of the societies (or of the peoples, or of the collectives) that propose explain? “(Viveiros de Castro, 2010, p.14).
To these questions he finally penetrates the infernal dichotomy which I consider essential in modernity: “It will not be where the originality of anthropology resides, in this alliance, which is always equivocal but often fruitful, between conceptions and practices from the worlds of the” subject “and of the object” ? “(Idem).
The anti-Narcissus question then is epistemological, that is, politics, and the author states that if everyone is more or less in agreement that it requires a decolonization of thought, and in this lies the anti-narcissus.
Viveiro de Castro’s speech is consistent because he affirms that the “other” is always thought and “invented” according to the sordid interests of the West, and then will discuss “perspectivism” and “multiculturalism”, it is impossible to synthesize them in a post, then we only punctuate these perspectives,

Viveiro de Castro’s speech is consistent because he affirms that the “other” is always thought and “invented” according to the sordid interests of the West, and then will discuss “perspectivism” and “multiculturalism”, it is impossible to synthesize them in a post, then we only punctuate these perspectives, called by the author of “cannibals” or metaphysics of predation.
Perspectivism is the idea that every theory is particular and depends on the “perspective of the subject,” or multiculturalism is the idea of the “coexistence” of many cultures in different regions, but both lack and a “decolonization” of thought, so the dichotomy remains .


The dualism and the state

04 Jun

Perhaps in no area is dualism as “unjust” as in law, it is so true that for international law there are two theories: dualism and monism.
The dualist theory argues that international law and domestic law (that which concerns the State in relation to others) are two totally distinct and independent systems, the latter regulates relations between states and, therefore, is not obligatory among individuals, allusion to idealism is clear because the “state” as well as the “individual” are “ideal” elements.
The monist theory, on the other hand, argues that law is unique both in the relations of the State with society and in relations between States, and this current is divided into two: the first that is called internationalist monism, foreseeing that there are norms of international law to domestic law, prevails in the domestic law, and the other called Nationalist Monism that argues that in this same situation, the primacy is of the Internal Law over the International, in times of exacerbated nationalism this is important to be debated.
Brazil in its Constitution is silent (in law is silent) as to the theory adopted, but the position of the Federal Supreme Court is in the sense of a moderate Dualist Theory, receiving the International Treaty the Status of Ordinary Law, by constitutional provision, except the Human Rights treaties, whose 2nd. Of Article 5. From the Federal Constitution it attributes efficiency to normal supralegal, that is to say that it is superior to the law in the legal hierarchy.
As a matter of fact, we must have international laws beyond the general UN human rights provisions, the humiliations and prejudices with foreigners in many countries of the world have generated an odious relationship that often explodes in violence.
The need to discuss these “doctrinal” questions is time, and we should no longer speak only in the United Nations, but in a treaty of “unity” between nations, something in the line that already goes to the European Union, maybe a good way, would be the Union of Latin America, the Pan-African Union and perhaps the Asiatic, recomposing the fragmented globe to nations.
By no means does it mean the submission or denial of local cultures, quite the contrary, international agreements may prevent the submission of some “more prevalent” crops be it financial, colonial, or warlike over others.
You have to look at the planet as a whole and think about world citizenship.



Law, Pharisaism and the fig tree

01 Jun

The excess of legalism and rules kills life, the fig tree is a tree that is long “dry” and then the leaves and fruits leave, but for some time it seems dead.
Pharisaism are those moral, religious rules and in our time “from the state” that has become a god, who kills life in the desire to control it, Petr Sloterdijk wrote about it in “Rules for the human park”, although it does not agree with all, in essence his diagnosis is correct, except for the fact that he made a “religion” out of this dispute.
His proposals, which were a response to Letters on Humanism by Heidegger, which made me deplore him for a long time, gradually understood philosophers and theologians, that there was a conference at Elmaus, in Basel, which later compiled and turned into book.
Sloterdijk’s diagnosis that the human fig tree has dried up due to “domestication” can be clearly read in the excerpt from his book:
“What still domesticates man if humanism has sunk as a school of human domestication? What domesticates man if his previous efforts of self-possession only led, basically, to his seizure of power over all beings? What domesticated man if in all previous experiences with the education of mankind remained obscure who or what educates educators, and for what? Or is it that the question of the care and training of the human being can no longer be formulated in a pertinent way in the field of mere theories of domestication and education? “(Sloterdijk, 1999a, 32).
Here is the human fig tree, this is Pharisaism and its “religious” or “state” rules, after reading it again, I read at the beginning a sentence of Jean-Paul that Sloterdijk quotes by writing to Heidegger: “Books are letters addressed to friends, only longer, “and I understood that deep down he is a Heideggerian, but with a fair and well-placed criticism: where is humanism?
Our knowledge is anthropocentric, rejects even the technique that is human production as “strange”, we have at bottom a contempt for processes of change, those who criticize it as fascist must remember that it was the idea of ​​”strong” state that motivated fascism and dictatorships.
The idea of ​​pharisaical authority that frightened Jesus in the biblical writings, while Sloterdijk also criticizes religion, recovers it by saying that there is a “non-spiritual asceticism,” which transformed temples into places of robbery and filth, is no different from the modern state, to all who worship and revere it, there is a general mistrust of politicians.

Sloterdijk, Petr. Regeln für Menschenpark, (1999a) Frankfurt/M. Suhrkamp. In Brazilian Edition: 

Regras para o parque humano – uma resposta à carta de Heidegger sobre humanismo, São Paulo, Estação liberdade, 2000.


Law and networks

31 May

The proliferation of acts of intolerance, of provocations and various types of violence by the networks makes many people think that it would be better to prohibit all this and perhaps to close these sites of relationship.

In Brazil in pre-election times, the climate promises to warm up, and the temptation to create laws and rules may seem tempting, but it hides authoritarianism and lack of freedom, but it is clear that slander, slander and slander are crimes, whether on facebook, on public roads or in the media that the owner of power maintains.

All this process in the networks is educational, however uncomfortable people will learn not to break relationships and create conflicts without any need, to strip themselves of prejudices and intolerances (there are differences between the two) and especially to go to acts of violence that are unacceptable crime, verbal violence as well.

The laws are there to be fulfilled, but also in this field a little tolerance helps to soften the climate, the excess of law makes us become pharisaic, say that steals more, this is worse than the other, I look for the good , and the honest, but without the rigor of the law. What the apostle Mark said in one of the words of Jesus (Mark 2: 25-26) “Jesus said to them,” Have you never read what David and his companions did when they were in need and hungry?

How did he enter the house of God, at the time that Abiathar was high priest, and ate the bread offered to God, and gave them also to his companions?

However, only priests are allowed to eat these loaves. ” It is necessary even tolerance with the intolerant, that is to say, many people are outraged at the most serious situation of the country, the politicians and the scandals that do not cease to be denounced, but it is necessary to return to the serenity and to discuss the “proposals and programs” .

May we find spaces of true dialogue where wisdom can sprout.


The first quantum computer hub

30 May

The North Carolina State Unit was chosen by IBM to have the first Quantum Computing Hub (Q Hub that became part of IBM’s Network Q), as well as the first networks linking some universities.
On December 5, 1969, ARPANET joined the Research Agency of the US Department of Defense, the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) at Menlo Park, the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) and the University of Utah (photo).
Students, faculty and researchers will be able to access IBM’s 20-bit supercomputer to solve classic computing problems that would take a long time to process, now they will be done in a few minutes depending on the problem.
Bob Sutor of IBM Research said “we can not create a computer with 10% of the Earth’s atoms, but even so, with the quantum computer we can represent exactly this information”, according to a post on Techinician Online.
IBM’s plan is more audacious, with Fortune 500 companies and universities working to solve larger problems more quickly through the Q Network, while NC State will be collaborating with local organizations to solve complex equations.
NC State faculty are developing both undergraduate and graduate courses to use quantum computing to build their knowledge in anticipation of the hub’s operational debut this fall (in September).


Birds live in nets

29 May

We have already posted on the blog a few years ago (in 2012) that the birds know the nets, in a work done by the University of Oxford, coordinator by the researcher Ioannis Psorakis.

This work stated that it was possible to automatically identify that the periods of intense social activity of the birds, they have “friends”, but also relate to passers-by, trying to identify who are members of the same group and which birds regularly go to others in “events,” informed the researcher Ioannis Psorakis, then did a Big Data analysis with a larger volume of data.

Now we want to relate this to another fact by noting that many bird species are disappearing in Europe, and I think this is not just about food and fruit, but pollen bees and especially herbicides.

Close to where I live I noticed that in the morning, after forming a cloud of pollens that causes irritation in many people, many birds came in the gravel “pecking” these “pollen”.

The Oxford team’s result indicated that birds did not randomly form flocks, but had a predilection for interacting with members of the population and also communicated feeding points, say a food court, and there they found their “life social “and thus perpetuated the species when mating.

I read in a report of 2015 that in the island of Galapagos was observed that the birds looked for to feed of pollen due to the shortage of insects, this was a scientific fact that was published in Nature Communications and made by researcher Anna Traveset, but all I found on the Web was that she is a researcher at the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) at the Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies.

I read on a Portuguese site that pollen levels were going to increase this May, and it was official because the alert was from the Portuguese Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (SPAIC).

I am putting together facts that are scientific facts alone, but the whole ecosystem gives an alert for a type of allergy that I see very common among the Portuguese. Maybe I need a more accurate research on the subject, but for me it’s the first time I see a chain process affecting man so bluntly, it’s great the number of people with these allergies is a big alert. 


Cicadas, bees and nets

28 May

It was studying the cris-cris of the cicadas in flocks, which are synchronized that Duncan Watts decided to study nets and found the adviser Donald Strogatz and began to study nets, the phenomena of the small worlds and the six degrees of separation, Duncan’s doctoral thesis which later became an article was “The structure and dynamics of the small-world system” (1997).
The study was a success and to this day the article is one of the most read in studies of Social Networks.
But now we have a reverse case, the bees seem to gradually lose their strength and as polemizers of nature their threat of extinction begins to worry ecologists, researchers and now also researchers in Computing.
A study being developed by the University of Exeter in the UK seeks to create a “safe virtual space” for the threats faced by bees, creating a computational model of bee population dynamics in response to variables such as pesticides, parasites and loss of habitat.
The predictive tool called Bumble-BEEHAVE was developed by Grace Twiston-Davies to be a “free and easy to use system” that “takes into account the many complicated factors that interact to affect the drones.
The + result and a secure virtual space to test different management options, this model can test “six British bee species in an environment that has multiple sources of nectar and pollen.”
“Simulation allows researchers to understand the individual and interactive effects of multiple stressors that affect the survival of the bumblebee and feedback mechanisms that can protect a colony against environmental stress that can lead to collapse,” said Juliet Osborne of Exeter. the spiral colony. ”
Seeing in Portugal the amount of pollen in the air, which causes many respiratory diseases, I began to think about this serious problem that can affect the whole of nature. 


Authority and co-immunity

25 May

The word “author” has the etymological root of Latin “auctor” which means “source”, “instigator” or “promoter”, suggests someone who should augere (increase, magnify or improve) and the suffix tor (an agent, who does the action, as in a doctor or a sculptor), so there is no direct relation to power or originality, he must “perfect” something that exists.
The idea that authorship confers power or the creation of something original is as it comes from the word also something authoritarian, which can be interpreted as an exaggeration of authorship, an almost exclusivity or even an excess of power.
Networks are a contemporary way of establishing this authorship of improving what exists, in some ways even allowing “anonymous” people to participate in co-authorship, or in Sloterdijk’s account of co-immunity, and in this sense we can retrieve the word authority.
In the wisdom of oral culture, people who speak with authority are those who know the roots and traditions of a particular culture, are like living libraries that hold the cultural heritage of a nation, ethnicity, or people.
In the biblical saying that Jesus spoke with “authority”, besides being deeply connected to the Jewish culture from which the Christian originated, he also had an affective connection with his culture and his people, so besides knowing what he was talking about, he had empathy with the average person.
The idea of ​​the modern state must change, it is unacceptable how politicians and managers of the Modern State behave, there is no trust of the population in them, levels of corruption are immoral, and it is necessary, above all, to look at the interests of the “public“.
But the networks demand changes in the individual posture as well, knowing how to listen, would like to culture what is different, respect values ​​and traditions that are not like ours and not have cultural concepts as definitive truths, it is time for change and requires a change of mentality , networks can help.