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Human intelligence beyond artificial intelligence.

15 Jul

Until very recently it was believed that a certain type of intelligence was preponderating to others, the famous IQ test, for example, determined the intelligence of a person in numbers, which fell a bit into disrepute, then came the phase of emotional intelligence , it exists because we are in time of stress.
With the advances of artificial intelligence, the advances of artificial intelligence and the point of singularity, at which point machines will go beyond Intelligence in man, but what is this intelligence, is little questioned, the specialists give answers ready, but …
Due to conjunctural, social and cultural factors, a type of intelligence is developed that is logic, memory capacity and great talent to deal with mathematics and logic in general, one can find solution of complex problems, say the neuroscientists that she is strongly attached to the right side of the brain.
The second type is motor intelligence, artists and athletes develop great talents with a body expression and notion of space, distance and depth very sharp, can perform complex, graceful and sharp movements, as the name says is related to motor ability.
People with good written and oral ability have a type of intelligence called linguistics, in addition to the expression has a degree of attention and sensitivity to meet the views of others, is visible its usefulness in today’s world.
People with great ability to imagine and draw both in 2D and 3D have a great talent for graphic art, it is space intelligence, just as linguistic intelligence has great sensitivity and creativity, but its universe is itself and the interaction with others is done precisely by his spatial vision.
Musical intelligence is one that makes us see through the “sounds”, are people with a great facility to listen to music or sounds in general and identify different patterns and musical notes.
Two types uncommon are intra and interpersonal intelligences, and statistics are the rarest among people and yet the closest to our “being,” intrapersonal intelligence has an enormous facility to understand what people think, feel and desire, while the intra has a strong component of “leadership” because they are people capable of causing great admiration in others, and with special active intelligence mobilize and get to take action and put others to accompany it.
Of course this is as schematic as other classifications, but it is precisely by the scheme that artificial intelligence is thought to be related to this, in fact human intelligence is quite complex while the artificial one is very schematic, even though it is a complex scheme.
The TED by Daniel Levitin has already surpassed 14 million views, and has an interesting point of view of a neuroscientist:


Wikipedia and Artificial Intelligence

24 Oct

Having already almost surpassed the point of singularity (see our post), the point that the machine would surpass human intelligence, the question now turns to consciousness and a well-considered point is the question of consciousness.
In this sense the main criticism is the perpetuation of prejudices, which would avoid what I call hermeneutics, but it is an incorrect view of the evolution of digital technology, for example, the use of Digital Ontologies and the ability to seek scientific studies outside of Wikipedia.
This is what recently announced an article in The Verge, and the most serious omission after researching scientists who are omitted from Wikipedia, was to note that 82% of written biographies are about men.
In a blog post, according to The Verge website, John Bohannon, director of science at Primer, explains the development of Quicksilver tool to read 500 million original documents, sift through the most cited numbers and then write a basic article about the work of these scientists not mentioned in Wikipedia.
Two examples of illustrious women found and written for AI are Teresa Woodruff, a scientist who designed mice ovaries using 3D printers, was cited by Time magazine in 2013 with one of the most influential people in the world scientist, and the other case is that of Jessica Wade, a physicist at Imperial College London, who wrote the new entry for Pineau.
Wade was one of the scientists who said “Wikipedia is incredibly tantalizing, and the underrepresentation of women in science is particularly bad,” and praised Quicksilver stating that with it you can quickly find large amounts of information very quickly.
Wikipedia will have to evolve with Machine Learning tool, this may happen in the coming years, the fact that there are specific tools for this does not invalidate Wikipedia, shows that it has weaknesses and should be corrected


The future and our life in 2100

10 Oct

We have written a few posts about Michio Kaku, about some of his speculations about physics, now we want to give him a jump in the future, different from what the technoprofetas do (the name given by Jean Gabriel Ganascia to the creators of technological myths), Kaku speculates using physics and being optimistic.

He writes: “In 2100 our destiny is to become like the gods we once worshiped and feared. But our tools will not be like magic wands and potions, but computer science, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, biotechnology and, above all, quantum theory, which is the basis of earlier technologies. “(Kaku, 2011)

If positioning as a quantum physicist, the term is inappropriate but would say theoretical, he asks: “But where is all this leading technological change? Where is the final destination of this long journey in science and technology? “.

His answer is surprising. It responds in a sociological way: “the culmination of all these disorders is the formation of a planetary civilization, what physicists call Type I civilization,”

Not surprising to those who connect all Newtonian mechanics with the logic that lasts until our days to the right, economic ideas and theories of the state.

And he goes on: “Unless we succumb to the forces of chaos and madness, the transition to a planetary civilization is inevitable, the end product of the enormous, inexorable force of history and technology beyond any control.”

Futurists already anticipated the office without paper, but the bureaucratic chaos makes the paper still to be spent exorbitantly, the work at home is not yet reality, but it could be.

Also the online shopping cybershoppers, cyberstudents making classrooms obsolete, and many universities would close due to lack of interest from young people.

What we see is proliferating cyberclassrooms and universities still record record numbers of students, professors who successfully give lectures on philosophy, physics and technological gadgets, giant media puzzles try to manipulate people’s heads, but “the lights of Broadway shine still as intensely as before. ”

But technology continues to be fought as one of the “evils of our time,” and according to Kaku the point is: “Whenever there is conflict between modern technology and the desires of our primitive ancestors, these primitive desires gain more and more.” : “This is the cave man principle”.

Kaku tells a story similar to today, watched a movie that changed his life was the “Forbidden Planet,” based on Shakespeare’s play “The Storm” in the movie astronauts find an ancient civilization but millions of years our front.

The discovery of the Chauvet Cave in southern France, where we rediscover primitive man capable of an art and a subjectivity comparable to our time, is nothing more than the idea of ​​this Cave Man who subsists in us and insists on not going to the future.

The book does not end there, his belief in the future is strong and resilient, but one sentence of Schopenhauer translates well his vision: “Each one limit the world’s limits in his vision,” personally he would add but the limits are greater than our vision.


Kaku, M. (2011) Physics of the futuro: how science will shape human Destiny and our daily lives by the year 2100.


Deep Mind Advanced Project

20 Sep

Projects that attempted to simulate brain synapses, communication between neurons, were formerly called neural or neural networks, and had a large development and applications.
Gradually these projects were moving to studies of the mind and the code was being directed to Machine Learning that now using neural networks happened to be called deep learning, an advanced project is Google Brain.
Basically it is a system for the creation and training of neural networks that detect and decipher patterns and correlations in applied systems, although analogous, only imitate the way humans learn and reason about certain patterns.
Deep Learning is a branch of Machine Learning that operates a set of algorithms used to model data in a deep graph (complex networks) with several layers of processing, and that, unlike the training of neural networks, operate with both linear and non-linear patterns .
One platform that works with this concept is Tensor Flow, originated from an earlier project called DistBelief, is now an open source system, released by the Apache 2.0 team in November 2015, Google Brain uses this platform.
In May 2016, Google announced to this system the TPU (Tensor Processing Unit), a programmable artificial intelligence program accelerator with high transfer rate ability for low precision arithmetic (8 bts), which runs models and does not more training as neural networks did, a Deep Compute Engine stage begins.
The second step of this process in Google Compute Engine, the second generation of TPUs achieves up to 180 teraflops (10 ^ 12 floating point operations), and mounted in clusters of 64 TPUs, work up to 11.5 petaflops. 


Why did artificial intelligence emerge?

22 Aug

The long road covered by Artificial Intelligence includes the construction of languages such as Lisp, Prolog, Haskel, but environments like DialogFlow, Watson, and
At the end of the 20th century there was a major crisis in AI, but the emergence of researchers in the Semantic Web resumed study and gradually, subjects like IoT (Internet of Things), Natural Language and Machine Learning (there is no translation, but we could say learning by Machine) emerged.
The fact that scares some is linked to the concept of “intelligence” and “mind.”
This emergency has awakened the five largest technology companies in the world: Apple, Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and Facebook, which have started investing in smart people who can talk to humans.
Now 28% of consumers in the United States currently use some virtual assistant, these devices that integrate the AI technology of a voice assistant with a common home product has had great success, such as Alexa, Echo and Google Home, but the increase of sales to 39% annually were celebrated by companies.
In companies the concern for privacy, the operation is done using cloud storage, companies with sound assistants use different measures to protect the personal information of their consumers, but know that there are flaws in these defenses.
The audio sent to Google and Amazon is encrypted before being transmitted, leaving the data exchange supposedly safe, but the people database needs to be accessed in order for the machine to “develop” its learning ability.
Recently a researcher in the field of information security has demonstrated that it is possible to transform an Echo manufactured before 2017 into a perpetual recording instrument whose audio can be transmitted to a remote location without the user knowing.
To protect yourself from hackers, a good practice is to access your account and erase history of interactions with the services from time to time, but it remains to be seen if it has not been hacked in this period.
Apple’s Siri, instead of associating the recording with the user account, associates the collection of the interaction with you with a series of random numbers.
With or without security, this market has grown and companies are watching, it is irreversible.


The fallacy of the assistant competition

14 Aug

Wizards have different roles, and in many cases can integrate and work cooperatively, is what has been happening since greater between Cortana, Microsoft’s assistant and Amazon’s Alexa, for the simple reason that they work in different markets and both can win with this since May there is a beta version.

Both are “behind” Google Assistant, but again it has a different function as it works with “Web databases”, Google is a search engine, it works on a larger basis, but this can mean more errors and more inductions to Google. mistake, because the “base is bigger” and we know, not always reliable.

Command like asking Alexa to open Cortana and work with her, is already available, and ask can also ask for tasks like “send an email” or open an application, which are great examples of different from Google Now, for example .

So much you can bring Alexa into the interface Cortana in Windows 10 and have the ‘abilities of Alexa, how to embed in the Cortana Alexa and use it with Windows skills which reduces typing tasks and interaction with applications .

The integration work between Microsoft and Amazon, which have already released a beta (test), but no company is still committed to say when end users will be able to enable and finally use the features of this integration remains in suspense, but you can follow live on a website if registering on a Microsoft website.


The use of artificial intelligence for education

31 Jul

According to the report by the British publishing group Pearson, Artificial Intelligence will positively impact teaching in the coming years, says the text: “Imagine lifelong learning partners fueled by Artificial Intelligence that can accompany and support students throughout their studies – in and out of school – or new forms of assessment that measure learning while it is ongoing, shaping the learning experience in real time. ”

Those who are reluctant and even opposed to AI teaching argue that it automates and individualizes the learning process, and education would not be so, but there are many reasons to advocate this new support tool in class. In favor of using these tools, teachers will be able to evaluate the performance and supervision of each student’s learning in an individualized way, but this means that they will pay more attention to the weaknesses and, using statistical methods, to act and correct them more quickly and weaknesses.

As for the device, in addition to the training that Alexa personal assistants awaken, the learning of each student allows for the accumulation of data to give the teacher a more precise view of the student in the virtual space that helps the student’s intellectual evolution.

The questioning and discussions should be extended until machine learning is already so evolved that its presence in the educational process is irreversible.



Mixed Reality and Artificial Intelligence

24 Jul

Among the emerging technological innovations in the year 2018 is Mixed Reality (MR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella already pointed to one of the future solutions, HoloLens, a RM + IA solution that helps users do things that were previously impossible.

Virtual Reality are environments that shut out the real world, Augmented Reality are digital content apn top of the real world and mixed reality digital content interacts with the real world.

The ability to merge the physical and digital worlds (the analogical concept applies to devices, but not to the real world), makes mixed reality allow to build experiences of people, places, and things regardless of their physical location and can interact digitally, I call this a multi-presence.

The companies promise, among them Microsoft, to incorporate HoloLens with more AI by building a Holographic Processing Unit or HPU. The mixed reality is avenging, in addition to the software available next to Windows 10, because experiences in the experiences of RA and RV, you can have the best of both worlds, RV is charming, but has a hypnotic effect, RA lacks realism.

Future experiences should incorporate sharing in the RM environment, a disruptive application of social media, with experiences that break down the walls of isolation and who knows, give a more educational dimension to the games.

The mixed reality can connect people in a meaningful, convincing and content-filled way, the multi-party will unite us, wait for a new application.



Urgent: agreement against lethal AI

20 Jul

Newspapers and magazines around the world are giving a breakthrough for the future of the world and AI for the second time more than 150 companies and 2,400 people from 90 different countries sign an agreement not to participate in the manufacture, use and trade of autonomous weapons including Google DeepMind, XPRIZE Foundation and Elon Musk.

It is to hold the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence that ended yesterday in Stockholm, Sweden and the compromise pact was organized by Future of Life Institute.

Almost a year ago specialists in AI and robotics signed an open letter to the United Nations to suspend the use of autonomous weapons that were threatening us with a “3rd revolution in the war.”

They pointed out at the time that “autonomous robots” mean weapons that can identify, target and kill autonomously, that is, no person makes the final decision to authorize lethal force: the decision and authorization on whether or not one will die is left to a system or algorithm on a deadly machine.

Australian professor Toby Walsh of the University of New South Wales stressed that the new lethal weapons involve ethical questions: “We can not hand over the decision about who lives and how it dies for the machines.”

Professor Walsh was among a group of Australian researchers in robotics and artificial intelligence who in November 2017 asked Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to take a stand against the artificial intelligence weaponry.

All serious researchers in this area are certainly supportive and vigilante.