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The tragedy of modern culture

12 Aug

Theodore Dalrymple, pseudonym of the English physician and psychiatrist Anthony Daniels, who proposed a reflection on the moral decay of modern culture, the effect of the politically correct dangerous on society (as if it were a single political position) and the consequences for the true culture of peoples, your book Anything goes (2016) is a profound “clinical” analysis of what kind of cultural crisis we are experiencing.

The author collaborates with several periodicals The Times, The Daily Telegraph, The Observer and The Spectator, it is a conservative point of view that looks at history without a doubt, but it is nevertheless important to make some observations about contemporary life and see how many others wear out the current culture.

She won her first Freedom in Flanders in 2011, a region that speaks Flemish two thirds of Belgium, after praising her as an educated woman, she will criticize her nationalism: “I requested a room… the receptionist answered me in English, but not because of my accent with my wife, who is Parisian, she did the same.

We were thus introduced to Flemish nationalism, which demonstrates that no country is too small for national separatism” (page 30), the other region is French-speaking Wallonia, but only Flemish in Flanders, even if they know French .

He reveals his true identity in the book by saying “as a doctor and psychiatrist, I spent a terrible period of my career trying to take people on a path that seemed appropriate and beneficial to them” (p. 81) and then confesses his failure, he says that their patients were “self-destructive, which, if looked at impartially and with a minimum of common sense, could not lead to anything other than anguish” (idem), but it is not their high point.

In another line, but also in defense of the culture that has arisen among the peoples of the planet, with clear and unmistakable roots, Byung-Chul Han, a Korean philosopher migrated to Germany, also criticizes the culture of the smooth, the absence of imperfections and grooves that are confused in art with the politically correct.

Wrote Byung-Chul wrote that beauty today is smooth, does not show resistance, does not break and requires likes, distance invites only touch, there is no negativity that is opposite, without it, surprise and wonder disappear: “without distance no it is possible to have mystique, demystification makes everything fruiting and consumable. ”, there is no otherness of the Other, there is only room for an aestheticized and homogenized diversity, and thus consumable and explored.

It is not about defending tradition, good critics and good reformers always engage in dialogue with the opposite side, but what is involved is forgetfulness and even contempt for the roots of each culture and a massification that wants to make everything uniform and misshapen .

It is only one side of the culture that reaches the thought that has become vulgar and sophist, of the religion that has become ideological or fundamentalist, and of the culture that we all descend from that is ignored, the social and moral consequences are only the visible part of that occurs in the foundations of modern society.

DALRYMPLE, Thedore. (2016) Qualquer coisa serve. (Our culture: what´s left of it). trad. Hugo Langone. São Paulo: É Realizações.



Between philosophy and mysteries

09 Jun

The relationship between theology and philosophy has been lost for more than 5 centuries, when some serious theologian decides to talk about philosophy it is to criticize it or to admit it uncritically and then he loses his faith.

I read the testimony of a former American Methodist pastor, who wrote: “I gave up Christianity because it affirms a lot and explains very little. We know so little about the Cosmos we’re floating in – our home is a solar system among trillions – but theologians brag and postulate about God, as if they have some way of knowing all of this, ”David Madison, Final Sermon in a Pandemic Team.

These are questions that many people ask, my spiritual experience always involved something that took my feet off the ground, although I strive to keep them there, I like critics of today’s religiosity, like Sloterdijk because they wake me up, and their disbelief in the The humanism of our time is a guide to my current issues, as in the pandemic and the problems that surround it.

When I think of conversion, I think first of mine and then of those who are with me on the walk and then of the “sleeping” Christians. we immersed ourselves in pericoresis, lent the text to some friends and they returned it to me with comments, I did my own pericoresis, my fusion of horizons.

And I had some answers that I didn’t imagine, one of them about what the future of humanism will be, we discovered in the middle of the pandemic solidarity as well as racism, domestic violence and the insensitivity of some in the face of the scourge, in the figure above The cross in the mountains by Caspar David Friedrich (ca 1812).

The answer and new question I found was in the reading of a text by Sloterdijk, which he calls an aortic relationship, is in the Matrix in grêmio: a mariological whim, he is not a theologian, alias he says that religions do not exist.

My question is the relation of the organic, all nature and humanity and from it the divine pericoresis, but founded on the human relationship, and as if he were a theologian, Sloterdijk answers in Digression 10 of the first volume of the Spheres Trilogy:

“Matris in gremio: A mariological whim” (page 556) in which the aortic interpenetration is combined with the organic in pregnancy, in Mary, of the Son of God, in which the two share the same spirit and the same blood, and both in Trinity and in the Virgin’s womb, interpenetration is surreal, in addition to pericoresis.

My question, what would happen if there was an aortic relationship, the organic in a real, lasting inorganic phenomenon, visible to every human being and not just to mystics? Of course this did not happen, but if it did?

SLOTERDIJK, P. (2014) Bubbles: Spheres Volume I: Microspherology. UK: Semiotext(e).






Doll´s house

10 Mar

Written in 1878 and built in 1879, the Norwegian novel by Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906) is one of the first manifestations of the exclusion of women in a dualistic and macho society, made for the theater had its first staging in the Kongelige theater, Copenhagen, Denmark , already in 1879.

The romance caused quite a stir at the time, however Ibsen was from a wealthy and respected family in the city of Skien, Norway, and is considered one of the founders of modernism.

The setting is the Christmas season, and the couple Nora and Torvard Helmer are getting ready for the party, and he comments on the expenses of the woman, which she treats with nicknames that reduce her childishness: “lark”, “squirrel” and “ my little girl ”like a bad boy who still knows little about adult life.

In Picture two filme from the 70´s, Jane Fonda and Claire Bloom interpret Nora Helmer.

In the first act a widowed woman Cristina Linde and Dr. Rank arrive, who go to the office to talk to Holmer while Cristina who is a former colleague of Nora’s, talks about the death of the husband of Cristina, Holmer’s former colleague. While Holmer goes to the office with his friend, Nora and colleague Cristina talk about their personal lives.

Nora says that her husband will receive the position of manager in an investment bank and this will bring stability to the family, while Cristina also treats her as a “grown child”.

The doorbell rings again and the maid announces Mr. Krogstad, who comes to talk about business with the bank in Helmer’s new position, Cristina recognizes him as having “business of all kinds”, Dr. Rank leaves the office and comes to the room and also knows Mrs. Linde.

When Nora is alone with Mr. Krogstad who had made him a loan, and Mr. Holmer did not know, about the period when the family was in bad finances, Mr. Krogstad tells him that he knows that her father’s signature as guarantor it was falsified because it was 3 days after his death, and here the novel enters its plot.

Cristina actually had an affair with Mr. Krogstad and she can help Nora, resuming the relationship with Krogstad, he sends the promissory note to Holmer but had already sent a letter saying of the loan that his wife had made with him by forging her father’s signature.

The ending is surprising, Holmer opens Krogstad’s letter that tells the “secret of the loan”, then he receives the promissory note and tears it up, but reconciliation with Nora was already impossible because he had said harsh words about her loan.

And in the end Nora leaves, leaving them with her children, whom he said he had no capacity for and educating them, undoubtedly a shocking novel for the time, and which received harsh criticism.





Morality and its diverse concepts

13 Feb

We think of morals as moralism, Puritanism or “certain” Christian morals, as a whole it involves love and so it also involves dialogue, but morality is even more confused because it mixes with Kantian idealistic morals and state morals, the so-called “justice”.

Hellenic morality, of classical antiquity, is a fusion of Greek morality when it spreads through Asia Minor and the Mediterranean will meet the Roman “laws”, which is a nascent state morality, but separates from it as a form of stoicism.

This period was called by the German historian Johann Gustav Droysen (1808-1884) for the first time Hellenic, and include among the thinkers Plotinus, Cicero, Zeno and Epicurus, they keep geometric and astronomical notions that merge with moral ideas, we know great phrases of this period, but not thought like Droysen did.

It can be synthesized in two currents, moral individualism or “inner” morality and Plotinus neoplatonism, which is similar to the thought of Augustine of Hippo, but different in terms of teleological morality, for Augustine, evil is the absence of good, not the opposite.

Kantian morality is essentially individualistic, “acts in such a way as to be a model for others” while state morality will be the rules that managed the social contract (previous post), Christian morality as current since the time of Jesus can be pharisaic and traditionalist (what is called fundamentalist), in essence it should be universal.

Loving everyone, including enemies, is not what most religious moralists do, their essence is still the “fight against evil” and not their overcoming through love and never hate.



Aesthetics, culture and spirituality

31 Jan

The disorder that contemporary society advances is not only economic, social and cultural, the aesthetic reflex is a society that aims to eliminate imperfect, pain and co-immunity (all types of immunity are sought at all costs, removing diversity nature), is the attempt of the absence of tragedy, in the cultural and aesthetic sense, of change, but life goes through death.

The result, contrary to the aesthetic that admits the tragedy, is precisely to move towards what it tries to eliminate, it is the society of death, of obscurity, while perfection is sought, the aesthetics of the perfect and straight, but they are contrary to nature, and the man who is part of it. The expansion of the corona virus, other viruses came as recently as the Asian flu, it is a show that we must live with this, recent discoveries in the glaciers of viruses that we did not know mean that they always existed and always had mutations.

But the transgenic mutations, of plants and animals that do not have any type of disease, have the paradox of being precisely that they generate potent diseases while destroying the natural diversity of the complex natural system, in fact, this is also the simplification.

At the social and religious level it means abolishing divergence, moving towards an identity that is nothing other than the denial of the Other, the diverse and the imposition of authoritarian systems, while at the same time making a discourse against individualism and authoritarianism, it favors its, see the Entropy law (picture).

The contradictory, as well as the different walks and continues to evolve in the midst of crises, because it knows that tragedy is part of life and can be overcome if viewed with concern and with the naturalness of those who lead life and society into the future.

The biblical passage in which he speaks of Jesus’ natural life, his preaching time was 3 years, and for 30 he lived a normal life, see the 10 to 1 ratio, the Pharisees and fundamentalists of our time live the opposite, is narrated by the evangelist Lucas (Lk 2,39-40):

“After fulfilling everything, according to the Law of the Lord, they returned to Galilee, to Nazaré, their city. The boy grew and became strong, full of wisdom; and the grace of God was with him ”. In fact, the law in this case was the laws of Judaism, that is, its relationship with the tradition of his time.



From darkness to light

24 Jan

The relationship between tradition and change is greater than you can think, even Marx went to study English economists, German idealism and French politics to think about his change, it is a fact that this thought today is already part of tradition, so what will be the new ?

We started the week talking about Buzzwords, however the big change that happens nowadays is in the aspect of production and consumption the digital change, the market and the hurryers already use the word “digital transformation”, a strong buzzword, however it is not about ignore it, but understand in the context of the changes that are taking place.

All the tones of the change agree that one must think about collective forms of work, of thought, however what is called collective is in different social, economic and even religious niches, it is a “us” closed in groups and currents of thought .

Tradition seeks the center, where power and wealth are, change seeks the periphery.

However, it is from the crisis that the light is born, it is curious that the Bible prophecy, as well as the text of Matthew (Mt 4,15): “Land of Zabulon, land of Neftali, way of the sea, region on the other side of the Jordan River , Galilee of the pagans! ”Speaks of a people and a land far from religion and where Jesus went to gather his first disciples, because the“ religious ”were Pharisees.

And dialogue with tradition, yes, Jesus will dialogue with Pharisees all the time, what lesson can be taken for the contemporary world and its cultural and spiritual crisis.

The new needs “new wineskins”, so new wine in a new barrel, but the culture of wine is not disregarded but improves its appreciation and production, it is not a new process, but a planting in new soil, in fertile land and where hearts are open.



Oscar 2020

13 Jan

The films competing for the Oscar 2020:

1917, Parasite, The irish, Once upon a time in … Hollywood ,Joker, Jojo Rabbit Story of a Marriage They dispute a spot and may surprise, the films: The Scandal, Lovely Women, Ford Vs. Ferrari and Between Knives and Secrets.

The actors are already nominated and in order of favoritism: Joaquin Phoenix (Joker), Robert De Niro (The Irish), Adam Driver (Story of a Marriage) Antonio Banderas (Pain and Glory) may surprise: Jonathan Pryce (Two Popes) and Leonardo DiCaprio (Once upon a time in … Hollywood),

Among the actresses: Renée Zellweger (Judy – Beyond the Rainbow), Scarlett Johansson (Marriage Story), Charlize Theron (The Scandal) Lupita Nyong’o (Us), running out: Saoirse Ronan (Lovely Women), Awkwafina (The Farewell) and Cynthia Erivo (Harriet), who fight for the last nomination before the vote.

Lastly, there are other nominations for other awards, nominees: Bong Joon-ho (Parasite), Quentin Tarantino (Once upon a time in … Hollywood), Martin Scorsese (The Irish) and Sam Mendes (1917), among I still hope not to be nominated Todd Phillips (The Joker), as I think it favors the current hostile climate in world.

I haven’t forgotten, but I think they are bearded: The Lion King nominated for visual effects, and Toy Story 4 or Frozen II for animation.

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Humility and Authority

10 Jan

Nietzsche’s stereotype about contemporary morality by establishing the difference between that of slaves/flock sage ness, humility and piety and that of the lords that is that of joy, inventiveness and life, may seem exaggerated but it is that idealism created, and was strengthened by the statutes of the state, the Individual and reductionist scientificism.

The Kant philosopher of idealism proclaimed two ideas about humility, the first about moral humility that “is the feeling of smallness of our value, compared to the law” and the second that is “the claim that, through renunciation, acquire some moral value, hidden moral value”, with a little analysis it is clear that it is a false humility, used for power.

It is possible to establish a fair relationship of authority with humility, although this relationship is not simple, it is possible when done as a service, detachment and potential for it to exercise, so it is not a mushy humility, since it is not necessary to be aware of authority.

The biblical example is very illustrative for this, Jesus’ authority before the people and the disciples was never made as a power structure, but with the authority of those who know the value and “potential” he has to exercise it, but by asking to be baptized by John the Baptist and washing the feet of the apostles exercised a humility of true authority.

Contemporary society needs less authoritarianism and more authority with humility.


CES began in Las Vegas

08 Jan

The largest eletronica conference, CES began in Las Vegas, a novelty already presented is 8k TV without edge.
Samsung shows the 7680 x 4320 pixel, smart TV, brightness of more than 600 nits and support for HDMI 2.1, offering high color quality, contrast and sharpness.
Like mobile phones, the future change in the design of borderless TVs means they will become similar to frames placed on the walls.
Sony launches its Vision S electric car, and the PlayStation PS5.
Bosh launches its Virtual Visor that controls the brightness is the amount of Sun (see video).


Worldview: soul, feelings and wisdom

12 Jul

One can think of soul as mind, as consciousness (it is only a reflection), or identity, according to post about Giddens this leads to interiority in a restricted sense.
That is why we call it the Noosphere, the sphere of the mind or the outside, in a sense of vision, feelings and wisdom, being limited to a worldview, which is evolving.
It is not possible to have a broad worldview, without a broad soul, more than a soul-world, a universal soul in the sense not only anthropological, but cosmological.
Feelings have a great appeal in the contemporary world, as functional logics have become much of the engaging of thought, it is possible and easy to manipulate opinions and people through these resources, but they are dangerous without soul and wisdom.
Wisdom is the most critical element of the noosphere, there are those who believe that through feeling and soul can walk quietly, there are therapies and even online courses to produce happiness, well-being and other promises without any wisdom, the result in short term is commendable, but in the long run it will prove ineffective will lack such sustainability.
Wisdom is also critical because many currents of thought and diverse forms of culture can lead to reductionism, and this will bring in the contemporary world a lack of seeing the Other, sometimes there is even intention, but the result is the result of the restricted world .
The teachers of the Law were in the time of Jesus, the Pharisees who knew the scripture, but whose practice was distorted, one of them addresses Jesus to ask how to have the eternal inheritance.
The great spiritual argument of Loving God is a resource of a certain kind of ignorance, but a good Bible reading is enough to realize that it is false, is in Luke 10: 26-27, and Jesus said to him, “What is written in the law? How do you read? “He replied,” You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, with all your strength and with all your intelligence; and your neighbor as yourself! ”
Jesus immediately binds the heart “feelings” to the soul, because it knows and respects the interiority, from where the soul drinks, and ends by asking for love of neighbor, the Other.