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Difference and identity in philosophy

11 Aug

The western philosophical system opposed difference and identity in different fields, only Leibniz tried to create something different that he called the Law of Identity of indiscernibles, while Kant, in the face of the objectivity of his thought, will say that all objects are different even if there are similarities, because they are in different places.

Modern structuralists and poststructuralists make a distinct unification, claim that difference is constitutive of meaning as much of identity, more bluntly, identity (and also personal identity) is seen in non-essentialist terms as a construct, because they only produce meaning through the interaction of differences.

But neither structuralism nor poststructuralism adequately resolves this issue, Derridá coined the term “différance”, a deliberate misspelling of différence the correct word in French, as a conceptual hook on processes of meaning in writing/language, this device intended for an essentialist ontology critique, and for its Being.

The neologism différance is thus defined as “the non-original, constituting a disruption of presence”, creating spaces, ruptures and postponing the presence of the presence of Being in its totality, since the word differ in French is both to defer and to postpone.

Someone could be confused with the quantum lapse, what the physicist Nicolescu Barsarab, using a principle of the included middle of Stéphane Lupasco, space between two “quanta”, but it is necessary to remember that neither space nor time are absolute measures in quantum physics. .

Dualism is the basis of many modern authoritarian theories, all of them under the influence of Kantian idealism and, to a certain extent, Aristotelian philosophy, where being is and non-being is not.

It justifies the exclusion of a third term, of something that is different and similar at the same time, it is an opening to “fundamentalist”, “racist” and “scientist” philosophies, origin of Manichaeism present in modern culture, in quotation marks because there is true faith and science.

Thus, for the ontology of the included middle, being is, not being is not, and a being that is not and is at the same time, the included middle T is possible.


The ineffable that exists and the metaphor

22 Jul

Many phenomena in nature and in a broader sense of the universe, although they may have explanations, are ineffable, that is, because even when described, they have limitations due to their complexity and not obviousness.

One of these phenomena is the quantum tunneling of quantum mechanics in which particles transpose energy states that “logically” would be prohibited, they escape from regions surrounded by potential barriers even though they have a kinetic energy lower than the barrier.

Einstein, Podolski and Rosen (EPR) wrote an article in the 1920s calling this effect “ghostly” but in the 1970s it was proven and also breaks with the classical thinking that there is A and non-A, there can be no third hypothesis, it exists and it is proven, at least in physics.

The ineffable in everyday life are human phenomena that cross the imaginary barrier and are physically realized, they are mysteries and they exist not only to demonstrate tricks that are convincing to deify this or that group, or to make a “magic”, that is, field of charlatans, but for a clear phenomenological awareness of something beyond the human.

One of the functions of the metaphor is to be able to describe this phenomenon without resorting to a very complex logic for common sense, and to allow many people to understand these mysteries.

The figure in the parable enters into this aspect, with a small difference from the metaphor by using examples from everyday life and common sense, it is pedagogical in explaining how the mystery of life (and also death) can be seen in order to understand the fate of humanity and what life is.

Far from explaining its origin in the physical sense, Genesis for example, refers to Adam and Eve, the fact that man came from some complex aspect of nature is explained as being made of clay, the metaphor is that man came from organic compounds of nature, and of course, after God blew his nostrils and gave “life” in the spiritual sense, it is not difficult to understand that this life exists.



Quantum teleportation chip

30 Dec

The phenomenon is called quantum entanglement, or teleportation, once made with particles, now with signals was made between chips.
The feat was done by researchers from the University of Bristol and the Technical University of Denmark, where the team was able to send data without the chips being close.
The achievement means a jump in teleportation because it is now coded signals, which makes communication via teleportation possible.
The research paper has already accept to been published for publication in Physical Review Letters and is available on the open prepress access server
The following video explains quantum entanglement:


The paraconsistent logic

25 Sep

Kurt Gödel’s paradox, that a complete system is inconsistent was fundamental to a new phase in formal logical principles, and cooperated with the emergence of the computer.

It was the Peruvian philosopher Francisco Miró Quesada, unknown to many Latin American scholars, who coined the word paraconsistent in 1976.

The Brazilian Newton da Costa who developed this theory has become very important in several areas, including philosophy and Artificial Intelligence. In the figure, the axis to the side that goes from u 0  and u  1 ,  is called degree of belief, but the truth has points A for consistent and C for inconsistent, having a lot of application to everyday life.

The study applied to semantics mainly explores paradoxes, for example, it can be said that a blind man sees certain circumstances, also the study of different forms of perception and abilities can help the parameters of the deep mind.

We have already stated that neologicism can precisely help AI in this phase of deep intelligence, for example, in the study of natural languages, the language of everyday life.

The idea that A and non-A could exist was inconceivable in Western philosophy, is the principle of the excluded third, which comes from Parmenides and was consolidated in Aristotle. Paraconsistent logics are purposively more “weak,” terms to refer to this break with classical logic, for they solve few valid propositional inferences in the classical sense of logic The logic of paraconsistent languages, however, are more conservative than those of classical counterparts, and this changes Alfred Tarski‘s hierarchy of metalanguage.

The influence on natural language was anticipated in 1984 by Solomon Feferman who stated “… natural language abounds in expressions directly or indirectly self-referential, although seemingly harmless, all of which are excluded from the, because in daily life, in truth we are paraconsistentes


Quantum physics and politics

24 Sep

Mechanical physics, especially the celestial mechanics of Sir Isaac Newton, took the idea of ​​cause and effect in the same proportions of a mechanical machine, it is said popularly to each cause there is a contrary reaction in the opposite direction, it was for politics as ” man werewolf “of Hobbes.

Then came the empiricism of Hume, in fact it is more connected to the theory of knowledge, which comes from the idea that I can only say something from my sensory experience, just as mechanicism, all knowledge and object of it is out of being and only there are perceptions. With politics, it is what the masters of political marketing exploit, working with people’s emotions so as not to give them a reference to the truth, but to deceive them.

The critique of this political “philosophy”, since the subject is more comprehensive, comes from the middle ages where in 1200 it was already defined as “state science”, but all criticism of this set of empirical and idealistic ideas is called Empirical-criticism,

Marx developed it but later was updated by the Microphysics of Power, the idea no longer of the state but of the power that constitutes the “individual”, which Peter Sloterdijk, Gadamer, Ricoeur and others consider already already surpassed.

If we want to adapt the quantum physics of the physical world to the world on the human scale, which is ontological, we can think that there are two possible, more democratic strands that lead to the understanding of the world as Nature and the other as the search for “the Just” .

John Rawls, Habermas and Michael Sandel, all still strongly influenced by so-called “critical theory”, and in the matter of Nature thoughts Hannah Arendt, Raymond Aron, Norberto Bobbio, Phillip Pettit, Robert Nozick, and of course there is others.

The assertions of quantum physics with the infinitely small (the particles) and the infinitely large (the bodies in the universe) change our idea of ​​causality, in politics of which the winners tell the story, for in quantum physics the energy dimension, mass and energy that is 94% of the universe, and has an influence on it, would be an approach of the collective unconscious, the forces that do not appear and that influence the political process, present in the “unconscious.”

Another important part is that the observer’s gaze defines reality, so the suspect idea of ​​neutrality has been overcome, Werner Heisenberg, Eugene Wigner, Roger Penrose, and Erwin Schorodinger have developed this quantum view.

In politics it means that the sight of simple people does influence politics, education is essential to democracy, and only manipulating it into a disaster


Material can help quantum chips

08 Aug

Researchers at the University of Central Florida (UCF) have discovered a type of material that could be used as a “building block” of quantum chips, consisting of hafnium, tellurium and phosphorus, Hf2Te2P.
According to UFC researcher Madabe Neupane, “Our discovery takes us one step closer to the application of quantum materials and helps us gain a deeper understanding of the interactions between various quantum phases.”
The material has more than one electron pattern that develops within its electronic structure, giving it a range of quantum properties. Neupane says that this material will increase computing power for large volumes of data on new devices and will considerably reduce the amount of power needed for power electronics.
The discovery has already attracted companies that are investing in research, Microsoft for example invested in its project called Station Q, the laboratory that is dedicated to the field of topological quantum computing, and Google has teamed up with NASA in an investment that works with quantum computing and artificial intelligence.
Because quantum phenomena need to be better understood so that electronics are totally replaced by photonics and quantum computation, computational scenario changes tend to change rapidly and continuously.
The discovery of Neupane’s lab is published in Nature Communications, and is a big step forward for this change of scenario.