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Leaked documents and rhetoric of tension
A leaked document that would contain alleged US secret information about the war between Ukraine and Russia may contain part of the information true and some false, according to US military sources, the assessment of the death toll in the war in Ukraine would be false.
Newspapers like The New York Times, on the other hand, assess that it is an effort by Moscow to provoke more disinformation than news already known as the anticipated deliveries of weapons, as well as the formation of troops and battalions according to war strategies, however this already shows that there are some gaps in US intelligence in the effort to support Ukraine.
Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh said, “We are aware of the reports of social media posts, and the department is looking into the matter.”
The US Department of Justice opened investigations into these disclosures, which also included information from important allies such as Israel, South Korea and the United Arab Emirates.
American rhetoric and Western leaders continue to assert that Russia has committed war crimes, including the “deportation” of Ukrainian children to Russia, condemned by the Hague court, while Russian rhetoric continues to be one of insecurity at its borders.
What the documents reveal, although without precise data, is a probable Ukrainian offensive next month, Finland’s official entry into NATO creates another frontier of conflict and some Russian response is also expected there.
In terms of peace, the Brazilian proposal to cede Crimea, which was already Russian territory before the war, in exchange for the resumption of territories occupied in the current war, was not accepted by Ukraine.
So both Russia and Ukraine seem to be taking the war to the limits of attrition, the death of countless soldiers and the economic consequences that have begun to appear in the world economy.
China has hit back at rhetoric that it is not making enough effort for peace, saying the “West are not in a position to dictate what we should do”, Chinese Ambassador to Russia Zhang Hanhui told Izvestia.
The hope that negotiations can move forward from countries outside the conflict remains.
Web Summit in Lisbon
One of the biggest events of the Web was this week, it was a side event, I could only follow videos and news, undoubtedly the biggest star was the founder of the Web Tim-Berners Lee who already has a great new project, although he has spoken between the lines.
He started an interview, which in fact he spoke at will without many questions saying the beginning of the Web and how his growth was also surprising for him, he told technical details like “I wrote the code of the first server and the code of the first browser, it was called “and was on
He then said that his concern is the same as everyone, after 25 years we should deal with: cyberbullying, misinformation, hate speech, privacy issues and said what many are talking about, “What the hell could go wrong?” to the public: “in the first 15 years … great things have happened. We had Wikipedia, the Khan Academy, blogs, we had cats, “he said jokingly, adding:” Connected Humanity should be more constructive, more peaceful, than Humanity disconnected”, but jnt (just not).
“Because we are almost at the point where half of the world will be online”, explained the British engineer was referring to the ’50 / 50′ moment, that is half the connected humanity expected in 50 years, but it should reach this point in May 2019.
After trying to argue the responsibilities of governments and companies, I believe they can happen but they will be slow, he spoke indirectly of his SOLID (Social Linked Data) project, stating that “as individuals we have to hold corporations and governments accountable for what is happening on the internet ” and “the idea is, from now on, everyone is responsible for making the Web a better place, “said encouraging start-ups too to get into this process.
Thinking about the development of interfaces where users know people from different cultures, but above all ensure the universality of the Web, according to Berners-Lee the main aspect should be (speaking indirectly again of SOLID) that the popular intervention at global level and that made the Web “just a platform, without attitude, that should be independent, can be used for any kind of information, any culture, any language, any hardware, software”, linked data may help this.
Tim Berners-Lee presented the #ForTheWeb movement on the same day that his World Wide Web Foundation released the report “The Case for the Web”, the event had a superaudience, more than 30 thousand people, there are several videos, but the Opening Ceremony is one of the most outstanding and has Tim-Berners Lee as well, see on vídeo:
Free Databases
When more opensource databases grow, more companies covet this market, three competitor has great products: MySQL, Firebird, PostgreSQL.
Some obstacles always present is gaining trust among developers of these products in independent software producers, where a false idea works: what we pay is the best products.
On the other hand paid products developers, called proprietary software, is to use the advantages of this “free” market in their favor, for example, Microsoft’s SQL Server Express allows facilities for migration to its paid version, SQL Server Express, Also the generation and a database in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, which is easy to be done can be easily converted to Access database, which comes bundled with your Windows package.
But the Bigdata concept, which requires NoSQL databases, are those where a collection of databases become so complex and bulky that it is very difficult (in many cases impossible) to do simple operations such as removal, sorting, and summarization using Systems Traditional Database Managers.
BigData also refer to unstructured data found in social media, is a direct consequence of Web 2.0 that has entered millions of users as producers of information, use NoSQL (Not only SQL) applications. NoSQL promoting a number of innovative storage solutions and high volume information.
These diverse solutions are being used very frequently in countless companies, such as IBM, Twitter, Facebook, Google and Yahoo! for the analytical processing of Web log data, conventional transactions, among many other tasks.
The DBMS has a consistency model strongly based on the ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability) transactional control, but this model is not feasible when distributed over several nodes, a typical case of networks (important here are networks and not media).
The model developed then must be another: CAP (Consistency, Availability and Partition tolerance) where generally only two of these 3 properties can be guaranteed simultaneously, which makes processing more difficult, but not if the database is “semi-structured”, this Is, to work with the principle that the data is not structured in the conventional formats of SQL banks.
Among the various existing NoSQL products, we can consider that the most representative is Apache Hadoop, today there is a version adapted for the Web, called Handoop 2.0.
There are other products, among them HBase which is a distributed database, column-oriented, uses the Google BigTable model and is written in Java, and another is open-source software like Apache Cassandra (originally developed for Facebook).
HBase is an open-source distributed column-oriented database, modeled from Google BigTable and written in Java.
There are simple interfaces to SQL as associative arrays or key-value pairs, as well as standards for native XML databases supported by the XQuery standard.
A language that was developed for the Semantic Web is the SPARQL (Protocol and RDF Query Language) that has aided the growth of linked data clusters
Tool to develop software
A tool developed at Washington University to improve collaboration between software developers was evaluated by a team of software engineering research, as one of the most important trbaallhos the past five years, according to the website of UW.
Recognition of this important study was done both in the industrial field conducted by Microsoft Research Ecomo in the academic field from the University of Singapore Management, who asked more than 500 software developers to assess the relevance of this work by applying it to 571 research projects .
The largest number of respondents rated the UW project, as the tool that generated more collaboration tool Crystal (Crystal), Tuning its to a complement “essential” for the practice of software development.
The UW research team is led by Professors Michael Ernst and the late David Notkin to amplar a way to help developers who are working on a team that can make parallel changes without being in conflict with each other.
Crystal is like a merger in the changes of each software developer mode conflicts become apparent and can be quickly resolved.
Crystal avoids wasting time returning to the code to fix conflicts and problems after the fact.
Entidades vão ao MPF contra operadoras
Diversas operadoras entre elas a Proteste, o Coletivo Digital, o Instituto Bem Estar Blasil e o Clube de Engenharia vão entrar na justiça para pedir ao Ministério Público Federal que as possíveis ações que as operadoras de telefonia móvel querem fazer para impedir WhatsApp, Viber e Skype.
A ação será protocolada e outra entidade pode aderir, ela é preventiva já que as teles se movimentam, conforme declarou a imprensa a coordenadora do Proteste Maria Inês Dolci, “Ao alegar uma possível concorrência desleal, têm se mobilizado na tentativa de barrar esse tipo de serviço. Decidimos, no entanto nos antecipar e evitar qualquer possível dano aos usuários”
A coordenadora do Proteste afirmou que a possível ação fere o princípio de neutralidade do Marco Civil, ela afirmou: “A ação representaria um dano imenso, não apenas para os usuários mas a uma regulamentação que ainda está em fase de aceitação”.
O pedido das operadoras que ainda será entregue a Anatal (Agência Nacional de Telecomjunicações) vai alertar que haveria um uso indevido do “número de telefones do usuário outorgado pela Anatel e “pago” pelas empresas de telefonia, uma vez que exceto o Skype, os outros usam o número do telefone.
A batalha promete ser dura, mas agora não só os lobbies falam os usuários também.
Accessibility for all
How many facilities modern technology has brought, imagine now spend the day without using your smartphone with touch screen, or without being able to use the mouse. You could still do his job? That’s how many disabled people feel.
Accessibility Difficulties prevent millions of people to use a basic technology for business and pleasure, so it seems a good idea to build products that address these issues, ie make functional products for the disabled is already an afterthought, say a newscast of the Washington Post, but on thursday many companies announced a novelty.
Several companies, including Yahoo, Facebook, LinkedIn and Dropbox announced Thursday that they will develop a standard language that allows users known that will have new accessibility knowledge to get a job.
The move is part of a larger program called “Accessibility Education“: a joint effort between the disability advocates, schools and industries of the technology to make technology accessible to all from the beginning.
The initiative arose from discussions organizations were already using a technology forum created by the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD), where representatives meet regularly to talk about doing the most visible accessibility issues in the technology world .
A set of procedures for job description may still not seem like much, but sends a signal to prospective universities on knowledge of accessibility issues is a big deal, he told American newspaper, Henry Claypool, a consultant on disability issues and former -vice executive president of the AAPD.
Open Science 2.0
In 2008, the researcher Ben Shneiderman of the University of Maryland wrote an editorial entitled Science 2.0 and that was patented.
In this article Shneiderman argues that Science 2.0 is the one who studies social interactions “real world” with sestudo of e-commerce, online communities and other audiences outside the strictly academic world.
After this a Wired magazine writer he criticized Shneiderman’s view, suggesting that what is called by Shneiderman more collaboration, more real-world tests, but this progress should not be called “Science 2.0” or “Science 1.0” but simply science.
But recent articles like these days of Seed Magazine, claim that, since this was an issue much debated, with the use of websites, blogs, shared knowledge network made the science becomes more accessible to more people around the globe than we could have imagined 20 years and these elements were needed to transform Science 2.0 became “”visible” and having “infrastructure” available across the globe.
The reports discussed in this article Seed says that facts and data were established in magazines that show are moving towards greater openness.
Some readers online help networks; others allow commenters to post links to websites. Other papers are accessible after a certain period of time has elapsed.
Android code 5 is released
In practice this means that not only manufacturers but also developers can download the system image and follow the instructions on the link to install the version that is being called Lollipop, and this version is already announced for the Nexus 4, 5, 6 (versions by 2012) and 7 (version 2013) for Edition Google Play devices.
These versions will be available in the coming weeks, for now is only available l version 9 for the Nexus tablet, released this week in the US.
And other Motorola, Asus, HTC, Sony and OnePlus, manufacturers also update for these devices are available at this link.
CyanogenMod much as had warned should now have begun since the Lollipop had said that once the source code of the current version was released this update would begin.
It is possible that Android 5.0 will soon land in the most varied devices already in the memories ROMs (previously recorded on the hardware itself).