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The subject´s way in logos
Throughout ancient man evolves in the myth reality, amid the ritual and culture of orality, tradition and customs were reproduced in the speech of oracles, prophets and schools of thought: pre-Socratic, Socratic, Platonic, Aristotelian, Stoics, etc.
The logo can be seen as a subject, but still dependent on the myth, the long road of mixed orality, writing is already present, but still as manuscript, rare books and difficulty of the multiplicity of languages and reproduction in writing.
The unity of the myth is given through a long process of building the Logos, creating a culture that after the end of the Middle Ages and Renaissance comes down to the reason for the logos, was constructed subject and around the object, we live the crisis the reason the crisis of thought, not the Logos.
The thinking Logos is but the relationship of “unveiling” of aletheia humanity is but the return of man to “your address” to its ethos, home of being, not only of ethics.
The man of the Logos is made in the harmonization of life on the planet and the current crisis is but one aspect of this pursuit, the pursuit of “dwelling” of Being, its etho´s house.
O adolescente que foi preso por criatividade
Um jovem muçulmano americano, Ahmed Mohamed decidiu levar à escola um relógio digital feito por ele com uma tela digital e um circuito eletrônico, com objetivo de mostrá-lo ao professor que de tecnologia também muçulmano.
O aparelho apitou quando a turma estava na aula de inglês e foi confiscado pelo professor, minutos depois as autoridades da cidade prenderam o garoto que afirmava que o dispositivo era apenas um relógio digital.
Relatando ao Dallas Morning News, que o entrevistou em casa ele disse: “O diretor e policiais me levaram a uma sala, onde fui interrogado por cinco policiais, me revistaram e confiscaram meu tablet e meu invento. Posteriormente me levaram a um centro de detenção juvenil, onde me revistaram, registraram as minhas impressões digitais e tiraram fotos”, entrevistado em casa onde ele mostrou outros circuitos eletrônicos..
Depois do problema, Ahmed ganhou notoriedade nas redes, milhares de posts no Twitter e no Facebook clamavam a #IstandwithAhmed (eu apoio Ahmed) para mostrar simpatia pelo menino, que foi convidado a ir no MIT e na Casa Blanca. .
Being, philosophy and techniques
In several post already pointed out the question of Being, the philosophical tradition of the Middle Ages I pointed out as the main object of philosophy, but to date we could say that is the being as being, well modernity sought this as the foundation of all beings. So it looks like we’re looking for answers like, because I exist? Who am I and why do these questions? but in fact the problem is because asking questions? Because out of your being is the other and stuff, and that’s where the man makes the experience of Existence, and this condition of all men are subject, so the relationship with others and with things develop a set of skills and “Technical” external. Understand the world and the relationship with others from my “know” and this means any such thing in my existence that is outside of me, in others and in things, so the philosophy is not simply think, but the discovery of existence and this can become aware. So there is only consciousness is something out of me, said the philosopher Edmund Husserl, consciousness is consciousness of something, and therefore it is impossible to have it without any technique, I venture to say that the technique is inherent in this consciousness to admit language such technology, that is, the technique with logos, according to a rationality. Thus philosophy is not only think, is the way of existence discover techniques that make this life more aware, happier and subsisting and then connected to how we exist. The biggest mistakes of philosophy is to distance it from the other while being and of things as object exists, I cause we are for each other and we exist because we have relationship with all things, including the language in these things, techniques and nature.
O oitavo saber: a fraternidade ecológica
Edgar Morin, além Cabeça bem feita (1999) e dos Sete Saberes Necessário a educação do futuro (2000), que apontam para uma revolução paradigmática no pensamento, Morin acrescenta agora no livro e Myron Kaufman “Morin – Do big bother à fraternidade” um oitavo saber necessário: a fraternidade.
Seguindo a lógica do pensamento de Hubert Reeves (2002), que propõe que sejamos os artesãos do oitavo dia, Edgar Morin afirma a necessidade de acrescentar aos sete saberes um oitavo: a pedagogia da Fraternidade Ecológica.
Três pilares bastante simples podem definir esta fraternidade ecológica, como um sistema vivo e não um sistema autômato ou automático, são elas:
O princípio da convivência, ou seja, toda relação humana implica num modelo de convivência de certos valores, formas de organização e normas para enfrentar conflito, expressar sentimentos, resolver expectativas sociais e educacionais, de modo a con-viver.
O princípio do diálogo, que significa que olhar com atenção e respeito ao discurso alheio, verificar as condições de possibilidades, e, finalmente, o ato de dialogar aumenta e favorece a atenção sobre várias coisas, ajudando-as a vê-las melhor.
O princípio da sabedoria está ligado ao amor e o cuidado com a Natureza (e os Outros é claro). Para cuidar dos seres da natureza o homem precisa conviver e conhecer os fenômenos, com pressuposto de uma escuta sensível, não ignorar a complexidade de algumas coisas, e aprofundar a relação consigo mesmo para aceitar a convivência no respeito e na fraternidade.
Quem quiser começar lendo o livro Cabeça-bem-feita, encontra-o na Web.
O nascimento do homem e o espiritual
Acredita-se que o homem tenha nascido entre 400 e 100 mil anos atrás, ou melhor, para os que acreditam que evoluíram a partir dos primatas, seria este o período do Homo Sapiens.
É ao menos curioso, que apesar de nossa rejeição da técnica, a classificação e sua evolução seja justamente em função do uso de determinadas técnicas, foi o dinamarquês Christian Thomsen, num livro publicado em 1836 que classificou nossa “pré-história” em: pedra lascada, pedra polida, bronze e ferro.
Dois estudos são bastante indicadores que talvez esta “pré-história” não seja exatamente como pensamos: os estudos de Stonehenge e a descoberta recente da caverna de Chaveaux.
Tanto o monumento de Stonehenge quanto Chaveaux, demonstram que o homem primitivo já tinha concepções estéticas e espirituais maiores do que pensamos, o jornal inglês The Guardian fez uma reportagem para dizer que a realidade da história de Stonehenge, segundo pesquisas atuais é muito maior do que se pensava.
A caverna de Chaveaux, filmada pelo cético Werner Herzog em um documentário chamado A Caverna dos Sonhos Esquecidos, mostra uma realidade ainda maior, calcula-se que seja datada de 30 mil anos atrás e além da beleza estética das pinturas encontradas ali, também uma realidade subjetiva de espiritualidade aparece ali, chamada no filme de Herzog de Homo Spirituales e que está documentado pelo History Channel.
As crises climáticas e o homem
O desconhecimento da própria natureza e da natureza que é exterior ao homem é o que propicia a má relação com a técnica, que não é outra coisa senão a outra coisa que as formas de superação da própria natureza e de “dominação” da natureza exterior ao homem.
Primeiro porque a natureza exterior precede ao homem, enquanto a Terra tem bilhões de anos, a vida do homem no planeta data de aproximadamente apenas 350 milhões de anos, a vida primitiva começou antes no período entre 2.5 bilhões de anos e terminou há 554 milhões de anos chamado de Periodo Proterozoico, quando havia oxigênio e as primeiras formas de vida unicelulares, logo em seguida já ocorreu a primeira “crise climática”.
Pode parecer estranho chamar o período em que o oxigênio começa a existir ainda em níveis precários, e isto tornar-se “uma crise de poluição”, mas o oxigênio é um destruidor poderoso de compostos orgânicos, várias bactérias são destruídas por ele e isto obrigou uma “volução” pois os organismos vivos tiveram que desenvolver métodos bioquímicos para reter o oxigênio, um destes métodos foi a respiração aeróbica.
Os períodos entre que se seguem entre 542 milhões e 251 milhões de anos atrás, aproximadamente, são denominados: Neoproterozoico, Proterozoico, e Mesozoica., depois divivdem-se em períodos Cambriano, Ordoviciano, Siluriano, Devoniano, Carbonífero e Permiano, os dois últimos nos interessam.
O Carbonívero (Figura) ocorreu entre 360 a 286 milhões de anos durante o Paleozoicoo, foi o período de formação do ovo amniótico, que permitiu a formação do meio terrestre de determinados tetrápodes, que devido os 4 pés ou patas, permitiu a exploração do meio terrestre.
A segunda grande crise climática acontece no fim do período Permiano, entre 286 a 245 milhões de anos, foi o último período da era paleozoica, quando ocorreu uma grande extinção talvez a maior registrada na história da vida da Terra, dando origem do Triássico, a idade dos dinossauros.
A terceira crise climática foi a chamada era “glacial”, foi depois dela que nasceu o homem nos últimos 30 mil anos da história da Terra, o homem ainda é um bebe e a terra uma senhora.
Dialogy and the possible dialogue
The term was treated by Baktin and Martin Buber, and therefore can overcome ideological barriers linked to the first, was a Marxist, and religious linked to the second, who was a Jew interested in religious matters, but fundamentally an educator.
Finally we can remember Paulo Freire for whom dialogue was essential in the educational process, and thus verify that there is in human nature a possible way in contrasts, contrasts and clashes.
To explain this reliade, Buber come a way revealing that between a man and another, something called zwischenmenschlich (or among men or the inter-human), it the truth takes on a body and therefore real dimension.
In this sphere interhuman an essential characteristic is spontaneity, and it all looks or “deception” would be fatal in authentic dialogue the Other says as what it really is and is confirmed by their nature, and this becomes dialogical.
Buber for the modern man, is combining its existence in the unidirectional relationship between the Self (self ego) and a manipulable object (this), countered this a US-TU name of your book and for him “who lives only with This is not a man “(Buber, 1977, p. 39), but This can be anything” ideal “that is any” Something. ”
To Baktin, the world is peopled with voices of other people, and these voices are the words with the senses ‘statements’, I try every direction of the world through other people’s words, and this acquisition of speech is allowing me to purchase all the treasures of cultural (Baktin, 1969, p. 347).
As Buber also for him, the “I” exists only insofar as it is related to a “you” that “be means to communicate with,” and “I” is someone who goes to a “thou “and what happens between us, between” you “and” I “, is an event of” being, “a” “eventBeing “, an open dynamic fact that you have to question character and response at the same time.
BAJTÍN, M.M. Estética de la creación verbal [en ruso]. Moscú: Iskusstvo, 1979.
Big networking that is not digital
You can imagine that there is nothing more complex than a computer network, or even the global network which controls stock and currency exchange rates, plus a plethora of products that go up and down in price every day, but that’s not true, and some would say that we can’t get to build bigger.
There are very complex networks that you have no idea around. One of them was shown on The Verge, which are ships carrying door-containers all over the world, in a global supply chain that transports from tablets to phones, food clothing, toys and souvenirs, etc. And is a country that does not produce any of this, just carries: Maersk of Denmark.
See in the picture (original BBC) a ship Maersk a mega-port in Korea, for this we need a big engineering solution, unprecedented a logistics problem truly create astronomical this network all over the world, delivering products from different sources, validity and natures and do all this work.
The company your in 125 countries, has 25,000 employees, 345 offices and more than 600 active ships, with more than 2 million containers moved per year, and she alone is responsible for 20% of the GDP of Denmark.
Technophobia and human advances
Since man is man the technology is part of nature and human social life, thus denying technological progress is also to deny a part of our being. Technophobia is a term that has come to be employed by the attempt to deny the human progress made from the current technology, since fictions like Frankenstein film (the first film based on the work of Mary Shelley, is Thomas Edison, 1910) to the work considered by many the founder of this mentality Brade Runner (1982 directed by Ridley Scott) to recent works as “Dumbest Generation” (Mark Bauerlein, 2008) or Nicholas Carr’s book “Surface Generation” (Brazilian translation is 2011) . The above books, as well as others have commented on this blog, but we want to penetrate into the deeper roots of this aversion to technology that grew up with digital advances, and the origin is historical. The philosopher Imnanuel Kant (1724 – 1804) was one of the pioneers of the method that separated beings and objects, in order to eliminate all the study of being, with his Suppere Aude catchphrase (dare to know) actually held a rupture between man and nature in the foreground, and subjects and objects in the background, as if they possessed free will and independent nature of man. Hence there would be a “material culture” would represent the passage of the “natural” for artificial “, this type of passage is generally understood among different ontological domains thus it is causal in nature and these phenomena are considered separate and distinct phenomena which govern the man’s life. Here’s anthropocentrism, or the centrality of man as “domineering” of nature, ecology and climate of today’s problems demonstrate the opposite. The man / nature dichotomy leads us to a third aspect, in understanding what are the techniques, but also on the social and the cultural in general. This contrast is not understood between elements, so Man and Nature express an abstract idea such wholes is the idealism of the resource, and for this reason are ontological can form a system where the total Being lives.
9 things that people make productive
I Always found weird for waking up at. 5 o´clock, and feel compelled to read, then write this blog and later walk (no Always), anf finally play or meditat, whatever. Discovered on TechRunch tecnology magazine, that the brain has the maximum performance 2 to 4 hour after waking up, and usually after its good writing, as in the article of Dan Ariely, incredible I make this. Take a NAP from 1 to 2 hour after 1 pm in the afternoon is the fourth smart thing indicated there. As the author I dont´t like eating out, he likes to read on Kindle, I clean the exterior and the interior appears to reduce the stress, it is true, but throw thing forces do little, with the garbage and some things that have lost validity, but I dont´t Always. The are bo books about currente things on the Web is need to look far, na exit, the author, sometimes I do is alternating read a newspaper, watch a morning News channel and view News in the Web. I go to meeting with frieds, but actually, it´s in the luch I beat the baggies and where the best subjets, sometimes in coffee or dinner at the University. Know how to use the phone and use 2 to 4 lines of e-mails, very clever lines, this is what I do, of course, unless you require a longer conversation, in this case the celll. Finally as the article says, we are a sum of experiences, learn take advantage of them as much as half, as professional, not Always all utility, in article he said “A good experience for me is where I meet with friends, where I learn something new, where learn something new I can increase my freedom”.