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The climate and urgent changes
The Paris conference the end of the year should move towards a new civilization level, and many social forces are mobilized for this, we are indicating a serious striking reports in recent studies on climate issues.
A shocking report was that of Health and Climate Change: Policy responses to protect public health” by a group of European academics and Chinese who were registered to a 2009 report in The Lancet, showing the public health impacts of expected changes climate (see the vídeo).
The study points to the vector-borne diseases, as well as the challenges of malnutrition, reaching to affect mental health.
The authors discuss how that countries are moving away from energy-intensive carbon technologies can improve public health today by reducing other types of air pollution, including particulate matter (PM) and nitrogen oxides (NO x).
The core of the discussion lies, the stronger is the use of energy technologies that produce greenhouse gases also often produce these other air pollutants simultaneously, cases of vehicles with diesel and gasoline, the use of coal plants, biomass (eg, wood and coal) used in industrial processes (e.g., mining, smelting and cement manufacturing) all produce as much carbon dioxide and particulate material.
The study also shows the economic figures, which are sometimes the only sensitive to many governments and financial agents.
Simbolismo of Evil construction
You have to understand the possibility of truth and hermeneutics, understood as the search for a truth outside of relativism, of Manichaeism and ambivalence, Ricoeur says it takes an act of confessing the “symbol” and the act of confession and “this confession is word, a word that man speaks about himself “(Ricoeur, 1982, p. 167) and that means recognizing a fault linked to Augustine of Hippona, the guilt of an” absence of good. ”
Thus the symbolic hermeneutics of evil, expressed precisely a divide separating and aggregates, the man fallibility and guilt: the possibility of falling and the effective fall.
But because it is symbolic because it is the possibility of bankruptcy, means the structure of human reality that because of their lower resistance, offers a point of vulnerability that allows evil (Ricoeur, 1981, p. 159), and this limit means :
“… To say that the very limitations of a being that does not coincide with himself is the weakness originates from which emanates evil. And of course, evil does not precede this weakness but it ‘if põe’. This paradox is the symbolic center of evil (Ricoeur, 1982, p. 162).
E le reveals this weakness, being the finitude and infinitude, dating back to Descartes (see Cartesian Meditations Husserl) but that it contains the finite understanding of man and the infinite will, be nothing before and nothing before of being in this sequence .
This is where the ontology ricoeuriana points a new way, as it is essential for him to be on the Other, expressed in various works: otherly and the Other with self, he unveils definitely in this work, this intermediate characteristic “it is precisely in its act of existing identity and the act of performing mediations between all types and all levels of reality in and out of itself “(Ricoeur, 1982, p. 27).
The paradox between finite-infinite is precisely to have “a global view of their non-coincidence with itself, its disproportion, which conducts mediation because there” (Ricoeur, 1982, p. 28), and for this disproportion is that “converts the human limitation in synonymous with’falibilidade'” (Ricoeur, 1982, p. 150).
But we can not fail and go bankrupt, that is, redirect to infinity after the fall.
RICOEUR, Paul. The symbolism of evil, 1982
Ambivalence and evil
A concept very developed today, of late modernity is the idea of ambivalence, modern version of Manichaeism, and the idea that we are always between two poles, we talked about the infernal dichotomies (subjective objective X; X nature culture).
I believe that agreeing with Augustine of Hippona, that evil is the absence of good, and the profound book of Paul Ricoeur The symbolic of evil, which is the second volume of Finitude and Guilt work, written in 1960 is the founder thought of this contemporary philosopher.
Like any philosophy of issues and no answer, what the philosopher want to respond, can be read in the preface of the book “From the beginning of the end, the sovereign consciousness root of science and full autonomy of the human, becomes now in problem to clear up as the experience of ill will just brings to light its opacity and still puts the question about the meaning of the human race”. Is he sapiens or demens? It will be condemned to tragic or salvation? Will be given at the outset, or arises first lost and widespread, need to take ownership? “Are current issues at the end of an era. We must first understand, as stated Alain Thiomasset (1995, p. 35), the works of Ricoeur must be read “as dialogues with thinkers he crosses over his ways”, and not as metaphysical digressions or philosophical or theological presuppositions.
As good phenomenologist, recognizes the importance of the “thing in itself”, but he sees that came in missing a dip in the intentionality of Husserl, the Greek epoché able to launch awareness out of herself, we would say one thing beyond other by Intent.
Taking this background that deeply penetrates the Ricoeur considers that idealism, that beyond the critique of Husserlian idealism, phenomenology remains the unsurpassable hermeneutic assumption that it can not point more to be without it.
(cf. Ricoeur, 1989, p. 64). Ricoeur, P. O mal um desafio à filosofia e à teologia, SP: Papirus, 1998. Ricoeur, P. Finitud y Culpabilidad: el Hombre Labil y la Simbólica del Mal. Madrid: Taurus Ediciones, 1982.
European Union and open science
The European Union (EU) gave the green light for the project OpenDreamKit about € 7 million for the development of free software in high computing power interactive environments in the use of mathematical tools.
The project is inside in Horizon 2020, the EU has provided € 7.6 million to help finance an open source software project that will expand the capacity of computational mathematics and interactive computing environments.
Besides mathematics the project will also develop tools virtual computing environment by creating interactive documents can solve equations using computer code, with visualization of the data. Will be 15 academic and industrial partners participating in a four-year project and hope to revolutionize the ability to reproduce documents and data mining experiments of computational research. According to prof. Dr. Hans Fangohr the University of Southampton, both the objectives of the project as “… the approaches are closely linked to work in the community and Southampton courses our Computer Modelling Group Group and the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Southampton training in Computational Modeling Next Generation, “said the teacher to the site of the University of Southampton.
According to prof. Dr. Hans Fangohr the University of Southampton, both the objectives of the project as “… the approaches are closely linked to work in the community and Southampton courses our Computer Modelling Group Group and the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Southampton training in Computational Modeling Next Generation, “said the teacher to the site of the University of Southampton. For him the OpenDreamKit has “this commitment to developing cutting edge of these tools is a great opportunity to contribute with the tools that are of great value to many researchers and students in academia and industry.”
Thanks to free software this will be achieved contributing to the Open Science.
Moon walk and eco-tech
Called James´s reserves, It is 30 acres south of the mountain ranges San Jacinto in Southern California, it is closed to the public, outside the circuit and cars are not allowed. But Sean Askay as a graduate student at UCLA in 2005, used Google Earth to create a visual interface for all cameras and sensors that are present in the park and are a lab studies for biologists, scientists in general and to commercial researchers. Sean calls this area “one of the most heavily instrumented places in the USA ‘, there to bird nests has automated cameras and sensors themselves spying on them. The station is a research field for biologists, being supervised by the University of California, Riverside, but virtual Askay the entire reservation, “she said to Wired magazine,” You can ‘fly’ and look at live video and graphics interior temperature of a bird box took the experience even further, using Google Earth to create a visual interface for all aqueusando all them cameras and sensors. “Basically, I built a representation.” Its design drew attention of the first designer of the Internet protocols Vint Cerf, and in 2007, one of the creators of the Google project and convinced Askay to move to Mountain View, California. Now Google Earth is creating an extraordinary software service combining satellite photos and other images to create a digital window on our planet (and other celestial bodies). Among other things he created a spacewalk next to Buzz Aldrin to reminding the moon landing Apollo 11, on arrival history of man on the moon in 1968 years.
Scientists hope that the Brazil ratifies agreement
Significant progress has been made in scientific and environmental area since it was given the call Nagoya agreement, a protocol that provides for access to genetic resources and fair and equitable sharing of benefits from their use, which was established in the 2010 Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in the United States.
The Brazilian executive director of the CBD, Braulio Ferreira de Souza days during an event last Thursday (11/06) at the University of São Paulo pointed out that “one of the preconditions posed by various sectors in Brazil to discuss the ratification of the Protocol Nagoya was the first country to approve a national law that dealt with the access to genetic resources and the sharing of benefits “.
As now we have the approval of the new law of Brazilian biodiversity, we hope that this year the National Congress ratifies the protocol, Braulio said the USP event.
The international agreement is in force since October 2014, with 50 ratifications that were essential for its implementation, we hope that Brazil is part of this protocol.
According Braulio, Brazil has respect and international recognition for their actions in the environmental area, but can not disappoint in this regard as fundamental, as it has yet (being lost to deforestation each) one of the greatest biodiversity on the planet.
Second dichotomy: nature vs. culture
All the classical philosophy on the development of the State goes through man’s relationship with nature, when in fact it with the culture, for nature is unique and it is possible to speak of a unified theory of nature as Edgar Morin said in his method: ” The nature of nature, “which is not the culture.
Francis Bacon gives rise to empiricism, had already saying that “you can not dominate nature to not obey it,” but the empiricist John Locke say later disagreeing with Tomas Hobbes that man is not a wolf to man as this thought but develops its nature within a society, why then is not culture and society.
Jean Jacques Rousseau will theorize the noble savage, the naive man who lives in the society, all these so-called theoretical “contractualist” are not doing anything other than justifying state violence, Francis Fukuyama will say that Aristotle would disagree with it precisely because the Self Aristotelian It is not at odds with nature, as well: “Aristotle disagreed (the correct translation would disagree) of Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau in a critical aspect. It claimed that humans are political in nature and that their natural abilities take them to flourish in society “(Fukuyama, 2013, p. 42).
So political “in nature” by no means a certain way or “cultural” policy or state, that is why we fall in this cultural dichotomy and unnatural.
Edgar Morin explains: “In short, the acceptance of the confusion can become a way to resist the crippling simplification. It is true that we lack the method to departure; but at least we have the antimétodo, where ignorance, uncertainty and confusion become virtues. “(MORIN, 1977, p.19).
The nature explains Morin is the difficulty of separate knowledge: “So the choice is not between knowing particular, precise, limited, and abstract overview. It lies between mourning and research of a method able to articulate what is separate and unite what is dissociated.” (MORIN, 1977, p.18).
The basis of this dialogue, and return to the question of Being, also overcome one must know the dialogical dialectic, which also means weaving things that are apparently separate as the reason and emotion, the sensible and the intelligible, the real and the imagination, reason and myth, science and art.
We must then find a new metaphor, which is thought that the question of the body, for its organic which is able to put the knowledge into the relatedness they require.
FUKUYAMA, Francis. The Origins of Political Order: From Prehuman Times to the French Revolution. N.y.: Macmillan . 2011.
MORIN, Edgar. Method I: the nature of nature. L.A.: P. Lang, 1992.
Infernal dichotomies and technology
Modern thought lives under the aegis of the infernal dichotomies (subjective vs objective, nature vs culture), a term coined by Bruno Latour to explain the thought and the sciences of today, nothing more conducive.
The whole theory of the modern state, as Thomas Hobbes, who said that man is a homine lupus (wolf to man) through the empiricist John Locke, until you reach Jean Jacques Rousseau, who said that man by nature is good, the noble savage, which He inspired the French Revolution, but what followed it was one bloodthirsty killing and then there were two restorations of the monarchy.
Nothing more propitious time we designed the objects, our modern fetishes and time designed the subject, our passions and everyday affairs, but the question of being, that is, the essence of our existence remains unnoticed.
Of course the fetish of all fetishes is money for some so it can provide, but for most people just get pay day to day bills, and the pile of benefits that swelled in recent years, called by some of middle-class forward, it seems that the fetish disbanded.
Here are questions the technological fetishes, to what extent part of a contemporary need, to what extent are mere fetishes, is questionable communicate is necessary, but the iPhone last type is at hand often critical of “consumerism”.
As always beyond subject and object, to forget the existential Being, there is confusion between culture and nature, it is natural to man to communicate and it is cultural to use device that facilitates this communication, said the contemporary philosopher Heidegger man makes himself the language .
We must have a contemporary language or are we talking about for the past century.
Gartner curve and technologies
Gartner research foundation published his Hypo Cycle in 2014, and among its forecasts (taken debatable of course, for example, HTML5 is already a reality) seems that within two years we will have assistants to usable voice, 3D scanners in fast movement, reality in virtual layers in the “valley of disappointment”, the NFC is still stuck in the valley, which reminds me that we will see the iPhone 6 rise with a machine translation of voice, while still very slow, but at the end of maturity curve (speech recognition) and the beginning of the productivity curve.
The Internet of Things is at the peak of expectations, but then enters the valley of disappointment, and autonomous vehicles are already getting a little behind this peak, while gamification and augmented reality (virtual glasses are part of it) are in full diving in the valley the disappointment, but then they must take the ramp maturity.
Among the high expectations of the future, one highlight is the volumetric display holograms, quantum computing and the three-dimensional bioprinting able to create organic compounds and maybe even woven into three dimensional format, while only prostheses and three-dimensional molds.
On the other hand, three-dimensional scanners and printers on an industrial scale are already in the maturation curve and should achieve major market groups in the very near future.
They must be mature in the next two years the computing cloud and the proximity communication devices (Near Field Communication), while in the next five years will be in the market Communication Machine-to-machine and monitoring of health from a distance, of course this in part is already done, but still lack maturity.
Of course are only predictions, there are other search the curve
Curve of Tecnologies adoption
The so-called Hype Cycle is a graphic presentation developed by Gartner to represent the appearance of cycles,
adoption, maturity and social application of specific technologies and can be used for investments and IT adoption in companies.
After the emergence and adoption by the market a technology must be accompanied by observing the cases of success and failure when it reaches a product, observe what happens in the inflated expectations of Pico is important to note the following point drop.
The next moment is marked by a fall by distrust of the market and must be carefully studied until the time it reaches the Peak of Trough of Disillusionment.
Then begins the time to maturity of the product and the market, it is easy to observe this moment, it is marked by a gentle Slope of Enlightenment.
The end of this curve is called the Plateau of Productivity in which the product is stable in the market and does not return to the previous period unless there is a obsolescence.