Arquivo para a ‘Libraries’ Categoria

TDM in Digital Humanities

12 Jul


Digital Humanities is an emerging field that seeks to explore social and MoleculeResinhuman consequences in digital environments, so consider the more correct name Humanity in Digital Environments, and TDM (Text and Data Mining) is one of these trends.
A London School blog has just published interesting article that points to a trend that libraries and librarians operate and assist in the use of TDM for research and searches.
The blog explains that in particular the amendment of the Hargreaves review of copyright in the UK, remove legal barriers to explore texts and make data mining (TDM) on the corpus of the research literature, then the article explores how libraries and librarians can facilitate the work of researchers who want to apply TDM methods in library resources to either print or electronic sources.
The article also states that in the case of resource libraries, librarians can advise researchers and encourage them to use the new rules of copyright exceptions, which means that they can overcome certain copyright barriers.
The blog explains that this can mean valuable resources, for example, in research on molecular chemistry (photo), crystallography and other very confidential areas.
The article points out that as an example of Digital Humanities, a major newspaper body of the Victorian era can be mined to extract jokes this time, and can also analyze other aspects of time and UK social history.
It’s not just the electronic corpus that can be extracted, although it article provides a copy of scanning for example TDM purposes to aid the reader.


Software textbooks

27 Jun

Resources for production and teaching materials in public education can betextbooks reduced, that is proven in 38 faculties there called “Community” in 13 states, covering a universe of 76,000 students in 13 states.


The cases analyzed and quoted in the Washington Post, is the Maryland and six other Viginia, where prices of textbooks rose 82% between 2003 and 2013, that there is three times the inflation rate and so it is a real increase price.


The OpenStax software, an organization and non-profit free software introduced open-source textbooks with peer review, it is estimated that saved more than $ 66 million to about 700,000 students, more than half of these last year.
Although some students who frequent these community colleges  in a maximum of four years, programs focused in two years, are reaching the dream of going to college, not only in paid schools, but others can take courses with a high level, in less time, where the teaching material is essential.




Libraries and reading is the basis of education

18 Jun

The methods and the reading means may change, but we must ensure the future of education by encouragingEnsinoFundamental the practice of reading and libraries are still the institution that guarantees access to most of the population and especially people who do not have purchasing power to have access to books and culture.
The country is lagging behind in this aspect if we are to ensure that the law targets required for reading Brazilian Law No. 12 244 of the 24 May 2010 is reached, we have a deficit of 64,300 libraries in public and private schools in the country.
The legislation seeks to ensure that by the year 2020 we have a collection of at least one book for every student enrolled both in public and in private.

The data were collected by Qedu portal, the Lemann Foundation at the request of Brazil Agency itself from the Brazilian School Census 2014 and the data also show the deficit of the very existence of libraries in public schools that show that even in the South 77.6% of public schools have library in the North just 26.7% 30.4% while in the Northeast, the Southeast ratios are 71.1% and 63.6% Midwest.

Indexes are also negative as it sees the data that 86.9% are public libraries in high school while in grade school the index drops to 45%.
The digital readout is not contradictory with reading books, the data show that on the contrary, the digital reading is immediate and often short and fast in the digital environment can lead to greater interest to complete works, but this should be educated since elementary school.


Technology, science and rebirth

04 May

The architecture of cirterciense monks, was followed by the Gothic cathedrals of medievalTetoStrahov and technical advances arc usage (support span roofs and even bridges) was a product of the Middle Ages, the invention of the printing press (the Chinese movable type already there) and later internalized understanding (silent reading was new) was important as the first step towards the democratization of writing and learning “scholar” whose word has a Latin root “scholastic”.
Among the most beautiful libraries in the world (see the list of top 10) is the Admont Abbey Admont founded in Austria in 1074 and 1776 embellished with golden tones, and the library and the library of the Strahov monastery in the Czech Republic beyond 1143, and indeed just cited, the monks built 3,500 libraries in the medieval world, knowing it was not popular was true, but it was a period of construction that culminated in the written press.

The dissemination of written culture through books, will start a learning process of democratization, which was not possible without the reproduction of books and even the invention of spectacles as much of the population was shortsighted, and allowed a faster propagation of ideas which paves the way for the expansion of reason, ideas and culture.
technology of great voyages allow not only the European maritime and commercial expansion, but will be the scientific advances that will discover an extraordinary number of new species of animals and plants, and new geological and climatic formations.
All this is in check including the technology itself, should I switch to a complex thought and look at the planet as a homeland for all, but you can not throw away the progress and advancement that rebirth gave rise, perhaps a new re-rebirth .
In the ceiling fresco of Strahov (pictured) made in the eighteenth century was called The humanity’s efforts for true wisdom, I think this is our effort.


Historical monuments, documents and their guardians

12 Mar

Just like the oracles and prophets of old, the scribes in Egypt and the scribes in the Middle Ages, preserving theDocumentos historical heritage of humanity at a time of globalization is not just our job, but our responsibility.
Some of the documents of the library of Alexandria, documents and objects found in excavations, restore, preserve and provide access to many task is almost anonymous workers, and through history it was they who brought a lot of information to us.

In a world with a number of information growing exponentially the work of these knowledge workers and a way of education is essential.

There are also those that provide access to this and other information, including librarians, March 12 is day of librarians and congratulate all.


Most beautiful libraries in the world

12 Nov

BibJoaninaThe Joanina Library of Portugal is a library of the eighteenth century, built in memory of D. João V (1707-1750), father of D. João VI would emigrate to Brazil, it is situated in the Palace of the Schools of the University of Coimbra, in the courtyard the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra.
Was himself John V who sponsored its construction, and whose portrait by Domenico Duprà (1725), dominates the central space of the Library.
The library contains many books of the fifteenth century when the press began producing the first printed books, but in fact only began receiving the first books after 1750, and today its collections is about 55 thousand books.
A curious fact is that as the University of Coimbra had autonomy (ie not so new) since 1541 had legal autonomy, and thus the University has Judge, Prison Guard and that was not previously in the Library.
It was only in 1773 that the building was transferred to the Baroque Library who recovered and incorporated the remains of what was the former royal palace and prison in documenting the unique medieval chain that still exists in Portugal.


Library Champion program in United Kingdom

11 Nov

KingsCollegeThat’s how it is titled the Library of King’s College London, which brings many services beyond traditional cataloging, it supports several electronic journals and databases, and all media services social networking, twitter , facebook, youtube, etc.
The reason why the Library of King’s College is receiving the title of Champion Library is launching this November with a voluntary service that started this week.
The premise of this program is a volunteer champion the development of library collections, spending a small portion of the budget for the purchase of library materials, are capable of meeting collections and then discuss with their peers to bring unpublished collections for the library.
This budget is separate from the budget of the faculty and academic departments hoping not use the normal methods of purchase orders, but this initiative that the interaction strength of the faculty a conversation about the current scientific literature.
The program called “Library Champion” should also provide feedback to peers, what services are currently provided, and suggestions for future new services and resources in the library, based on the production of the faculty.


(Português) Tecnologia para bibliotecários

29 Sep

Sorry, this entry is only available in Brazilian Portuguese.


(Português) 23a. Bienal do livro será multicultural

21 Aug

Sorry, this entry is only available in Brazilian Portuguese.


(Português) Cresce o mercado de e-books

24 Jul

Sorry, this entry is only available in Brazilian Portuguese.