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Technology-People Literacy (TPL)
This is Technology-People Literacy (TPL), which would in Portuguese TAP, but do not know whether to take exactly that.
The truth is that for the first time it appeared in the famous Gartner hipociclo starting the curve of expectations, and also that appears next to security concerns.
One of the important things to know the point that a particular technology is a hipoclico curve is to understand what exactly does “literacy” (or learning) at one time as expected and maturity within that curve, for example, until the early 1990 meant nothing the Web, cell phones were too large for the pocket, Google only appeared in 1998 and precisely in this period a metadata system called Dublin Core was appearing until 2003 there was MySpace and Youtube was launched only two years after this.
Thus, tools are created, developed and worked as the time in 1995 was basic to work with word processing and spreadsheets, but today there are more sophisticated tools and spreadsheets have developed where you just know what are the fields to be filled, the word processors have correction tools, custom comments and even own vocabularies for certain contexts.
Set “literacy” or digital learning means now, since it entered the Gartner hipociclo curve (in 2015) something designated as PLT (People-Literate Tecnology), which means a richer and more complex definition of literacy for example, the University of Colorado has defined putting many topics to consider this complexity: communicate, solve problems, Access, manage, integrate, evaluate, design and create information to enhance learning in all areas, and ultimately, acquire knowledge over life and 21st century skills.
Note that two items refer to Communication and Information, another to solve problems and a quarter what it means to acquire knowledge in the 21st century.
Brazil rediscovered Grandes Sertões: Veredas
The 1956 Brazil began to democratize, and the most important in the literature is a new and innovative look at the interior of the country, 600 pages of Guimarães Rosa, as well as a linguistic experimentalism of early modernism (back to its in other post)
The book Grande Sertao: Veredas, has something of philosophy and mystery it comes to “announce” the death itself, speaks of the symbolic river crossing and the hinterland of Riobaldo, a curious and inexplicable love for Diadorim, which mingles beauty and fear, there is a being and non-being, the truth of living a lie, there seems to be a covenant between language and poetry.
A former roughneck is the narrator character of the book, here longer a novelty because it leaves the character speaking, Riobaldo known by nicknames Tatarana or Urutu White, and he will talking about an oral speech on popular things, such as:
– The devil exist or not … and will say (…) Well, the devil regulates its black state in the creatures, in women, in men, even the children – I say. (…) And the uses, the plants, the waters, the earth, the wind … manures … The devil in the street, in the middle of redemunho … (Rose, 2001, p. 26).
– Will doing a story about good people as well: “You think and do not think. Everything is and is not … Almost any more serious criminal fierce, it is always very good husband, good son, good father, good friend-of-your-friends! I know these. But it has the later – and God together. I saw a lot of clouds “(Rose, 2001, p. 27).
– But see little distance at all: “So that needs to choose: either we get weaves to live in common scoundrel, or take care of one religion only. I could be: priest priest, if not head of gunmen; for other things I was not given birth. “(Rose, 2001, p. 31).
– Shows the paradoxes between good and evil: “Want good too hard, uncertain way, may already be wondering if evil, why begin. These men! All drew the world to himself, to fix repair. But each one sees and understands things dum his way. “(Rose, 2001, p. 33).
– Their friendship and relationship with Diadorim: “Diadorim and I, both of us. We gave passeios.Com so we differed from others – because roughneck is not much of continued conversation nor close friendships:. Well they mix and desmisturam of chance, but each one is done for himself “( rose, 2001, p. 45)
Cross the river, being and non-being and always be in a selfless love, April 18, 2016.
The aesthetic imposed and being in Brazil
Martim Vasques da Cunha analysis is important to solving open a Kierkegaardian speech around three principles, which is not exactly the speech of the Danish thinker, but it makes sense: the beautiful, the good and the true.
Kierkegaard along the Niestzche and Schopenhauer are certainly a break with the discourse of “monism of reason” term used by Cunha, but probably deliberately wants to put Espinoza and Leibniz who can speak of monism, with Descartes and Kant these rather makers rationalism.
The important thing is that Cunha stating that “in Brazil, life through a purely aesthetic view is what characterizes the behavior of its citizens” (Cunha, 2015, pp. 96) and more forward will indicate “that the Belo does not need good or much less true, and interests him is the appearance, disguise, dissimulation …” (pp. 96).
Taking over a Viera speech Mello, this correct but “actually is the understanding of the world as a stage that takes the Brazilian to an excessive externalization of feelings, externalization that often cannot take effect without a certain insincerity. “(Cited in Cunha, 2015, pp. 77).
True, but we must recognize that we take this somehow “borrowed” the black and not the Europeans who came here, so the rest of Kieerkegaard speech goes for the European, Cunha’s speech itself and not the Brazilian mix.
The mixture of races that make the mixture of the Brazilian added to the Indians, contributed to the difficulty of identity that requires the Brazilian this exhibition externality desire to dialogy, while diving in good looking and fair (in the social sense broader than you might think), something that made Policarpo Quaresma write an application “to the House of Representatives of the Federal Government to ask that the official language of the nation were the Tupi-Guarani and not Portuguese …” (quoted in Cunha, 2015 , pp. 85).
We need space and dialogue for the expression of Brazilianness to develop, we do not know who we are.
Networking media fight for privacity
Apple expects the outcome of the fight against the US government that wants to release software that keeps sensitive data of this company, Apple is a private company that keeps your software and private content, to say something about the “privacy”.
I believe it will take, then the feature that Apple introduced in February to a court to unblocking one phone to the FBI of the December 2015 shooting of authors in the Californian city of San Bernardino (left there 14 dead and 22 wounded) still follow the American justice system and we do not know where it will stop.
For the company’s bitten apple, the repercussions would cause “significant damage to civil liberties, society and national security” as news of the Guardian.
Also according to the British tabloid the next few weeks the Whatsapp plans to expand its coding systems so that also your voice messages are encrypted, as well as messages in groups, also Facebook will launch tools soon as Snapchat and Google work in this direction .
According to experts in Silicon Valley’s leading companies on the issue of privacy at the time that Apple locks the legal battle with the United States Department of Justice, other companies will in the vacuum of this battle.
Even the British newspaper reports that the projects of these companies indicate that the industry is willing to publicly support Apple with concrete actions against the demands of the US government, then the fight will open.
Everything is obvious, if you know
Duncan J. Watts is author known networks because their work on how networks
function, an essential aspect is that the six degrees of freedom, whereby through six degrees of connection, we are connected to all, depending of course on the insertion any network, there are those invisible that are not seen by any network.
His book Everything is obvious, since you know the answer (as common sense deceives us), gives clues to a new way of thinking, published in 2011 had a translation of Peace and Earth in 2015, explains the misconceptions about future.
Explains that contemporary rationalization is beneficial, but it can lead to misunderstandings “. The implicit belief that people are rational until proven otherwise is an optimistic belief, even sensible to be encouraged” (WATTS, 2015 pp . 47)
The basic problem is when we want to pass it to people: “However, exercise to rationalize the behavior overshadows an important difference between what we mean when we talk about” understand “human behavior, as opposed to the behavior of electrons, proteins or planets.” (WATTS, 2015, pp. 47)
And clarifies that being a network, can not be confused with these electrons or proteins, “But none are expected to understand how to be an electron – no doubt, even the notion of such an expectation is laughable.” (WATTS, 2015 pp. 48)
This is where media networks (which are technologies) can affect people (that are connected through the media).
Addicted to digital technology
Most people often confuse the fact that there are people addicted to technology, with the fact that digital technology is a new kind of “drug” that infected everyone.
There are very simple ways to diagnose and combat addiction to technology, explains the medical Nerina Ramlakhan, specialist in energy and techniques to cool sleeping Nightingale Hospital in London, told BBC News.
He explained by saying that this is for people who can not turn off the same gadgets before bed:. “So you live in survival mode Your sympathetic nervous system is working in forced pace I suppose you feel miserable afternoon what. means that your body is acting on the basis of epinephrine, norepinephrine and cortisol, “then you really are hooked.
The profile of patients is almost always the same: perfectionism tendency to want to control everything and bruxism (teeth grinding while sleeping).
One of the self-radicas forms is receiving continuous doses of dopamine, a hormone released in the brain by the hypothalamus, thus improves motivation, increases the heartbeat, improves mood, better able to process information and more sleep, explained Dr. Ramlakhan .
She recommends four simple steps recipe to control this addiction:
– Creating a “sunset electronic” go away electronic devices, for example, read a book (not electronic).
– Keep the clock away overnight, not to tell time with this avoids the type anxieties: I have to sleep, I can not relax, etc.
– Do not use your smartphone as an alarm clock, recharge healthy energy: have breakfast, but in half an hour after waking prefer other beverage to coffee.
– Keep yourself hydrated at least two liters of water a day.
Of course, the important thing is to use technology only necessary and avoid “technology fatigue”.
Crise da Razão Cínica
A razão foi e é ainda o grande motor da modernidade, a falta de consciência do que seja isto levou a uma análise superficial chamada “líquida”, no qual tudo o que sólido vai se liquefazendo, sem dizerem qual o liquidificador que faz isto, nem a raiz primária do líquido. O quadro “mascaras” do alemão Heinrich Hoerle Malscaras, de 1929, parece detectar este movimento de cinismo envolto em máscaras humanas vidas, o homem do pré-guerra.
A ideologia e a forma de dominação das diversas organizações e hierarquias que se instalam no tecido social são o suco deste líquido, querem dominar e não conseguem mais, aquilo que o filósofo alemão chamou de o naufrágio do humanismo na escola da domesticação. Sloterdijk escreveu também a “Crítica da Razão Cínica”, um volumoso trabalho que ainda não o digeri completamente, mas com uma tese central: a razão tornou-se cínica para explicar o inexplicável, e o filósofo alemão consegue mostrar o que os “liquidificadores” não mostram: a raiz da liquefação moderna.
Parte da crítica da razão pura de Kant, desenvolve e recompõe o legado da filosofia ocidental de cunho humanista e progressista, mas rompe com Adorno, Horkheimer e Sartre.
O que está por trás do líquido moderno, é que a ideia da substituição do saber para a superação do mito, a da ordem estabelecida pelo estado como superação da natureza humana, e por último o humanismo da domesticação humana, cujo ápice foram duas guerras mundiais, não parece ter sido uma boa fórmula, então ela se liquefez.
O cinismo é justamente tentar reestabelecer uma ordem já perdida, que a humanidade fatigada não aceita mais, quer um humanismo novo: de todo homem, não dos chefes.
Verdade, método e política séria
Hans-Georg Gadamer foi um importante filósofo alemão do século XX, falecido em 2002, e tendo dedicado seus estudos a filosofia grega e história da filosofia, foi seu livro Verdade e Método, publicado pela primeira vez em 1960, que o autor desenvolveu uma hermenêutica filosófica.
Foi aluno de Martin Heidegger, e seu assistente na Philipps-Universität Marburg, de onde tirou a historicidade para suas reflexões, e se o tempo é o horizonte ao qual submetemos toda a nossa compreensão, é nele que as teorias e ilusões se transformam em formações históricas.
Gadamer analisou o descrédito sofrido pelos preconceitos durante a instauração de todo Iluminismo, e os obstáculos que representam aqueles juízos prévios sobre tudo na busca do conhecimento e da verdade, afirmando que o Esclarecimento (Aufklãrung) foi o tribunal que queria que tudo passasse pela razão, diríamos hoje pelo crivo “partidário” daqueles que se imaginavam os donos da história e da evolução. No período áureo do valor da “razão”, todo o resto era preconceito e superstição, e a história provou que não era assim, mas temos novos tribunais da razão novamente travestidos de revolucionários, mas cujos valores de verdade e método despencam.
Esta razão é hoje a razão política, mas política de quem e determinada como verdadeira por quem ? aqueles que juravam uma grande mudança, ficam chocados com as próprias mentiras e valores que derramaram sobre a sociedade vista antes como supersticiosa, conservadora ou “fundamentalista” e agora é preciso negar até mesmo a realidade. Hoje a autoridade não pode ser confundida mais como uma necessidade de “obediência cega”, desprovida de fatos e contextos, que uma certa racionalidade proveria, mas que os fatos vão aos poucos desmentem, está esclarecido que é “um atributo de pessoas” e não de sistemas, de lógicas instrumentais ou de ideologias.
A consciência de que estamos de fato em uma crise, que aqueles que queriam desmentir ao longo do curso do desenrolar dos fatos tiveram que aceitar, e que nem mesmo tem conhecimento da profundidade desta crise, mostra que esta pretensa racionalidade ruiu.
Resta como dita o bom senso, aqueles que conseguem mantê-lo, um diálogo franco e aberto, sem mais mentiras e distorções dos fatos, este diálogo deve estar fundamentado na ideia que existe o Outro, e este não pode ser ignorado, ironizado ou estereotipado, só por não ser um EU.