Arquivo para a ‘Computação Gráfica’ Categoria

Os memes como arte

03 Sep

Enquanto os puristas ficam criticam e mal usando a internet,oPhotobombing pessoas bem intencionadas tentam por um pouco de humor e descontração na Web, existe muita gente tentando por bom humor, brincadeiras saudáveis e fazer bom uso da internet e da Web.  

O termo meme é uma ampliação do conceito de Richard Dawkings sobre um termo que ampliava a teoria de informações culturais em seu livro The Selfish Gene.  

Mas meme virou uma forma de pixação e em tempos de fanatismo político, isto se ampliou ainda mais e ao contrário de ampliar o conceito de informação cultura, o deturpa.

  Uma versão mais “light” de ilustração nas fotos da Web ficou conhecida no jargão da Web como “photobombing”, que no sentido negativo é arruinar uma foto por uma ação planejada ou mesmo acidental, mas que pode muito bem ser positiva, é o caso do artista Lucas Levitan.  

Suas intervenções curiosas e bem humoradas estão de acordo com aquele conceito de Dawkins.


Games e a tecnofobia

31 Aug

Os games que tem jogos violentos e games que pouco educam são uma realidade,ColetaSeletiva fazem milhões ao redor do mundo, mas também ocupam uma faixa etária e depois os jovens perdem o interesse, mas não a necessidade de interagir.

Uma área nova de estudos neste campo, que estuda também as redes sociais é a chamada fenomenologia da interação, embora haja muitos trabalhos sobre o assunto, um pouco conhecido é a curiosa obra do poeta Goethe: A metamorfose das Plantas, onde o fenômeno orgânico é compreendido como a manifestação do todo com as partes, em que ele explica a relação da unidade e multiplicidade, entre o todo e as partes, a ausência e a presença.

Deveria ser assim, mas não é, especialistas e psicólogos procuram compreender exatamente o que está acontecendo, ficam entre a extrema liberalidade (tipo pode tudo) e a tecnofobia: isto faz mal aos jovens, vai torná-los ignorantes (há um famoso livro que os chama até de imbecis), mas tudo não passa de formas pouco profundas sobre o que os games significam de fato.

As pessoas tem necessidade de interação, que é uma forma específica de comunicação e de relação, é aquela no qual as partes trocam e trocam dentro de um todo, ou seja, de um contexto mais amplo, assim esta é a atração dos games: a possibilidade de interagir.

Se é um fato que existem jogos muito negativos, também há muitos jogos educativos que os adultos pouco se interessam e as vezes nem sabem que existem, existe um site específico para Games Educativos, também a Fundação Lemann preocupada com uma educação de qualidade explora a questão, é há diversos outros sites: Escola Games (que tem o game Coleta Seletiva), SmartKids, Jogos Educativos e diversos outros como o site da Editora Abril para games para as diversas disciplinas escolares.

Mas é mais fácil proibir do que educar, é mais fácil ter preconceito do que se informar porque não tem a menor ideia que um dos processos fundamentais da educação é o diálogo, que nada mais é do que interação.


European Union and open science

09 Jul

The European Union (EU) gave the green light for the project OpenDreamKitHorizon_2020 about  €  ​​7 million for the development of free software in high computing power interactive environments in the use of mathematical tools.

The project is inside in Horizon 2020, the EU has provided € 7.6 million to help finance an open source software project that will expand the capacity of computational mathematics and interactive computing environments.

Besides mathematics the project will also develop tools virtual computing environment by creating interactive documents can solve equations using computer code, with visualization of the data. Will be 15 academic and industrial partners participating in a four-year project and hope to revolutionize the ability to reproduce documents and data mining experiments of computational research. According to prof. Dr. Hans Fangohr the University of Southampton, both the objectives of the project as “… the approaches are closely linked to work in the community and Southampton courses our Computer Modelling Group Group and the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Southampton training in Computational Modeling Next Generation, “said the teacher to the site of the University of Southampton.

According to prof. Dr. Hans Fangohr the University of Southampton, both the objectives of the project as “… the approaches are closely linked to work in the community and Southampton courses our Computer Modelling Group Group and the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Southampton training in Computational Modeling Next Generation, “said the teacher to the site of the University of Southampton. For him the OpenDreamKit has “this commitment to developing cutting edge of these tools is a great opportunity to contribute with the tools that are of great value to many researchers and students in academia and industry.”

  Thanks to free software this will be achieved contributing to the Open Science.


Everyday scenes in 4D

24 Feb

Professor of Computer Science Noah Snavely, from Cornell University and his student Kevin Matzen have added a fourth dimension5Pointz of time to your system called Scene Chronology, and have collected millions of images from photo sharing sites on the Internet and views from popular sites taken from several different angles created from 3-D models combined, and the Cornell News site.
The models that have been developed to Times Square, the shopping district Akhibahara in Tokyo and 5Pointz a graffiti exhibition area in Queens, then a viewer can navigate within a virtual 3-D space while using a slider to move forward and backward in time and viewing reality in various positions.

The software works with flat surfaces in the image: signs, walls, façades or panels theater and then treats as “patches” which are stitched together to create the overall scene, the 3D effect, so it is made from a flat stage and need not be shot in 3D original, facilitating the shooting and the size of the files.

The 3-D model is then created from the global scene at a particular moment in time, the computer joins the slices that are taken from each solid in the right time and reconstructs the image for each time more simple and functional way.

The researchers who presented the model at the fair in Zurich Computer Vision, said: “when we reflect on the time of image collections, each observation has something to say,” they received the award for Best Book in the area last year.

They figure that may also change the way we think about photography, they said, and some day all photo you thought about doing, may have been made by someone.


Holograms tactile

06 Dec

The invention comes from the University of Bristol, HolotactilEngland, where through micro-speakers can touch and feel the images projected in 3D, as news in Daily Mail.

The technique is being called tactile holograms, and the effect is produced by the strong changes in the molecules that make up the air using small speakers that produce ultrasound, the virtual objects created by holograms, sensations in the hands in three dimensions.

The next necessary step now is that the technology integrates conventional holograms production technologies, giving the impression that he can play the virtual object, for example, transmitted video calls from a person, it would be possible to greet her.

The great application thought initially is in medicine, where holographic images of tumors could be played by doctors, helping the most accurate understanding of the size of the affected area, assisting the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.


Image editor in intuitive way

20 Nov

There are many editors complex and expensive image, there are some very simple as Paint, but AlternatePiclacks some essential features, the editor Alternate Pic View is an image editor suitable uses robust images, or to create gifs or simply want to make a editing images in a simple and intuitive way.


It has an intuitive interface and unpolluted, the user will find the tools you need more easily, convert and extract images files very convincingly, make adjustments in photos lighter way, is not a heavy program.


The main menu has a few tools and the most needed, for example, the user selects the font and size, type something and then stamp the text where you want, no need to be doing recalls and copies.


Is a practical tool to capture what is the CAPTURE, where the user is capturing screens (one course at a time) within the program itself without the PrtSc, saving images in jpg and bmp.


EFFECT tab in settings functions contrasts and shades of red, green and blue primary colors are available, have filters grayscale and negative, and it can invert, resize and mirror images in the same location with ease.


There are many other filters and effects, it is worth testing


(Português) Realidade virtual pode trabalhar o passado

25 Aug

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(Português) Medicina 3D avança

28 Jul

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(Português) Novos estudos do Santo Sudário

08 Jul

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(Português) Uma plataforma criativa de desenho

06 May

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