Arquivo para October 14th, 2013

Countries democracy on the Internet

14 Oct

A broaden study published by Freedom House, entitled Freedom in The World in 2013: Democratic BreakthroughsDemocraciaNoMundo in the Balance, shows the variations of democratic freedom with internet use varies in different countries, with highlights improvements in two countries that have made their “spring Arab “and highlight negative in countries where political struggle embarked on paths undemocratic.

It is a demonstration that the numerical and analytical Internet freedom correlates with democratic and indicates that the future free and democratic components will have the freedom to use this new medium that is the internet and its applications on the Web

The study shows that civil liberties have suffered setbacks last year also in Latin America, especially in Ecuador, Paraguay and Suriname.

But we can celebrate that a total of 90 countries can be considered truly free and democratic, an increase of three countries in relation to 87, 2011.

Worldwide, about 3 billion people, 43 percent of the population, has indeed all civil liberties, while 1.6 billion lived in countries where these freedoms are partially or almost completely limited.

This gives an index d remaining 34% who live in countries considered no liberties by Freedom House, which totals 2.3 billion people who suffer oppression in the world.

With a methodology that applies a three-pillar approach to capture the level of the Internet and freedom of ICT: barriers to entry, limits content and violations of user rights (surveillance, privacy and extra-legal harassment) content limits ( filtering and blocking content) and violations of user rights (includes up to prison).

The following table shows that advanced improvements in countries and countries that are declines:

Declines  Improvements 
Mali  46 Libya 35
Madagascar  23 Tunisia 35
The Gambia  20 Burma 21
Guinea-Bissau  20 Tonga 18
Bahrain  18  Egypt 13
Ukraine  16 Zimbabwe 13
Ethiopia  15 Guinea 11
Eritrea  10 Moldova 10
Rwanda  10 Côte d’Ivoire 9
Yemen  10  Georgia 9
Burundi  9 Thailand 9
Ecuador  9 Tanzania 8
Honduras  9 Montenegro 6
Sri Lanka  9 Sierra Leone 6