Arquivo para January 27th, 2014

The idealism and metaphysics of reason

27 Jan

Kant had divided into a metaphysical or speculative metaphysicsSerSaber of nature and a metaphysical or moral practice (pp. 22 of the book Introduction to Ontology of the Mafalda F. Blanc) .

The first is essential to understanding the science today, as it has established concepts of pure reason that concern the theoretical knowledge of things, but as befits the ratio divided it ” an analytical understanding , enrolled in formal object plane in general and a philosophy of pure reason, that the content of the data objects in a sensible intuition.” (pp. 23 )

Was complete the Kantian building that closes the “human spirit” by conditioning it, “the question of transcendental conditions of objects of experience “and making” thing and itself ” (Ding ‘s sich) distinct phenomena , and render metaphysics (pp. 23).

The German attempt to retake the Idealism metaphysics, but from an idealistic position, ie begins by eliminating the concept of “noumenon” and walked to the “practicality , the character of plea establisher of being itself ” (pp. 23 ) .

Thus , the ethical and subjective idealism of Fichte, “the duty to be a moral order is the dominant principle of all life awareness , the engine of his creative dynamism , resulting unconscious product as nature itself” (p. 24 ), and much of contemporary philosophy of nature when nature speaks, is speaking of idealism .

Schelling will refuse this “idealistic reduction of nature” (p. 24 ) and put in the “field of the interplay between object and subject, nature and spirit” (p. 24 ) but creates a new hermeneutic establishing that the true in – itself , “the totality of reason and be unfolding in the phenomenal development of the world to ascend to his self , updating the essence as consciousness or being-for -itself ” (p. 24 ) and guard Hegel great similarities with these conceptions of consciousness .

Returning to the important point for knowledge , ” the dominant , dynamic element and forming process is the concept , which is the unit ideal and subjective , the universal” and thus “the concept effected its essence, has become the concrete universality fully determined and the Idea was held as absolute and true individuality (Einzelheit)” (pp. 24 ) .

That’s what led us, and takes much of the knowledge , the  “speculative exaggeration”.