Arquivo para March, 2015

Numbers in Social Networking Media

17 Mar

Social networks have worked in this manifestation as work in many others, however, the adhesion power, unlike dreamingGlocal vain philosophy, has nothing to do with the mainstream media, as a hashtag success was #VemPraRuaBrasil, that on 15 March was among the world Treding Topics also had more right-wing demonstrations calling for the return of the military and other hate to PT.

While Folha de São Paulo gave the number of 200 000 protesters as the military police and other sectors gave numbers near a million in São Paulo, and in the world every major newspaper abroad gave news: The Guardian, Wall Street Journal, Le Monde , El Pais and many others, highlighting the scandal of Petrobrás and the Impeachment.

Curious, because also the government side there is always a severe critique of mainstream media, which we know is indeed a monopoly of a few families and this continues to be subject both in social networks as the political wheels of Brazil, but the highlight of the mainstream press was small, perhaps because the budget funds on advertisements such as Petrobrás and Banco do Brazil, in addition to the government’s own traditional suit them.
Far from ideological political positions, often extreme and seemingly fanatical supporters of football teams, Brazil and Latin America is in a difficult situation, the economic backwardness can not be accepted by anyone, least of all by an ideological current whatsoever, no we have a clear answer to neoliberalism and not a real breakthrough solution of social issues, a radicalism of brazilian ignorant pseudo-intellectuals.

Great thinkers around the world are concerned about humanity as a whole, the civilizing process is in check a long time, and so the problem is not the fans of Juventus (small team of São Paulo, Brazil), but the world without forgetting local issues of course, a glocal design.
Glocal is what brings a holistic perspective (‘holos’, in greek “All”) local and global levels to building a sustainable society.


The climate on the planet will warm

16 Mar

A great event promises to steal the spotlight of the activists, especially green activism within the world stage:TerraVanuatu The Climate Conference in Paris, to be held by the end of the year.
The course of the event already provides an official attendance of more people than in Copenhagen in 2009, and popular participation are expected 40 to 50 thousand people from over 95 countries.

Activists promise a “war” with the countries that are reluctant to make the deal.

At the end is expected to act a “Paris agreement” that determines the efforts to contain greenhouse gas emissions of the greenhouse effect that has harmed the planet’s climate, this weekend the small country of Vanuatu was devastated by climate effect a tropical cyclone, the chairman asked for help to rebuild “everything.”

The UN objective ask activists to be for years to come, to limit the increase of global warming to 2 ° C in, which scientists say can raise current levels of climate growth, leading the Earth’s climate to collapse.

Achieving Climate Conference will be between November 30 and December 11, 2015, there is already a flurry of networks, for example, 45 countries´ christians do a Lenten fast to draw attention to the serious situation.


Policrise and custody of the planet

13 Mar

Interestingly the term crisis comes from Hippocrates, doctor of classical antiquity, which identified with this name the possibilityPoliCrise2 of a disease and may have a favorable sense or not, so are many vaccines today, but you need to diagnose the disease or danger it, which is the planet disease at this time?
Meeting in Edgar Morin better answers and better diagnostics, beyond the only way that seems feasible: As a global governance of common destiny, he writes a book that is an appeal to UN: The world has no more time to lose: Appeal by a caring and responsible global governance, in which they write 6 more great thinkers: Michel Rocard, Stephane Hessel, P. Sloterdijk, B. Myiet, Michael Doyle and  others.

But as Morin sees the crisis, he explains himself: “The crisis is not the opposite of development, but the very form of this” he wrote in the interviews of Djenane Kareh Tager, published by Bertrand Brazil in 2010.
Morin had written in 1995 on the issue of development he said: “The development has two aspects. On the one hand, is the global myth that industrial societies affect the well-being, reduce their extreme inequalities and provide individuals with the greatest happiness that a society can do without. On the other hand, is a reductive conception, in which economic growth is necessary and sufficient engine of all social, psychological and moral development.

This technical-economic conception ignores the human problems of identity, community, solidarity and culture. He wrote “On Complexity“.

In his book On my left, which questions the ideological paradigms still in fashion here in our “sad tropics”, meeting a key idea for your policrise on page 16: “An invisible component of policrise is the crisis of thought,” Morin calls policrise: the interdependent crises of the economy of Western civilization, the traditional civilizations, development, we are dealing with placebos cancer of a society in decay.

You need to rethink the thought, be able to move in a profound way in the structures, stop ignoring the crowds, and globalize the crisis there, right there is the possible meaning of this crisis, I believe as Morin: “promote the economic, social, cultural cooperation all that goes towards solidarity unity of mankind “, the rest is football fans.

In America, Wayne E. Barker write the books  America Crisis of Values: Reality and Perception, and  he see many politicians and religious leaders believe so, as do the majority of Americans, based on public opinion polls taken over the past several years. But is this crisis of values real?


Historical monuments, documents and their guardians

12 Mar

Just like the oracles and prophets of old, the scribes in Egypt and the scribes in the Middle Ages, preserving theDocumentos historical heritage of humanity at a time of globalization is not just our job, but our responsibility.
Some of the documents of the library of Alexandria, documents and objects found in excavations, restore, preserve and provide access to many task is almost anonymous workers, and through history it was they who brought a lot of information to us.

In a world with a number of information growing exponentially the work of these knowledge workers and a way of education is essential.

There are also those that provide access to this and other information, including librarians, March 12 is day of librarians and congratulate all.


Wikipedia processes NSA

12 Mar

wikipedia2According to British newspaper The Guardian, the digital encyclopedia Wikipedia says that the NSA is violating the US Constitution in its first amendment, which protects freedom of expression and with the Fourth Amendment, which guarantees to be made no search and seizure without cause The program called Upstream (uploading a file in any website or server) would be capturing information from foreign countries abroad.
Lila Tretikov, executive director of the Wikimedia, by the institution’s blog said: “By stapling the backbone of the Internet (network interconnection), the NSA is stretching the backbone of democracy”, making the analogy to say that democracy is being affected.
The NSA (National Security Agency) is an organization connected to American intelligence, there are games with the agency name in English Never Say Anything (never say something) or in Portuguese “Não Conheço esta Agencia” (No one knows this agency).
The post also states that the NSA exceeded practices guaranteed by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which Congress passed in 2008 to ensure US homeland security.
Besides Wikipedia, eight other institutions participated in the protest, including Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International.


The crisis of representative democracy

11 Mar

EmpowermentThe problem is not national, it is not only corruption, but the very essence of representative democracy is in check, some authors who descend background to the problem can shed light, most will be between cheerleaders of games, although there is a problem here, only is not limited here.
What happens, the pot-banging in Brazil and border manifestations against pro and the newly elected president Dilma, amid many legalistic arguments, I heard of brazilian congresswoman Mrs Erundina “the problem is political.”
Those who speak for this civilizational crisis are not the “power brokers” or elected by their skills, which in different ways in different systems, but they are always about influence of economic power, declare themselves democratic states and Rancière “For them , democracy is not a form of corrupt government, but a crisis of civilization that affects society and the state through it “, and yet the author says” The new hatred of democracy can then be summarized in a simple thesis: there is only one good democracy, that represses the catastrophe of democratic civilization, “who have this courage?
What happens is a misunderstanding of a direct democracy, demonstrations and active participation in social networks, aggressive sometimes true, but the central media is no longer a monopoly, now the power of the media is within reach of a mouse click



Global governance: between protection and oppression

10 Mar

While the old debate about freedom of liberalism and concentration of power of authoritarian states, Privatism x statismCaisEstelita grows, there is growing anxiety for a new route that could make a shift in social crisis, economic and moral that crosses the planet.
An example of this is the president’s speech Czech Vaclav Klaus criticized that in 2010 the United Nations to increase the “global governance” of the world economy, saying the world body should leave that role to national governments.

Furthermore eminent thinkers like Peter Sloterdijk, Edgar Morin, Michel Rocard, Bernard Miyet, Michel Rocard and others make a plea for a “responsible global governance and solidarity,” who is right, in my opinion both explain.

The global movement “Occupy” occupied Wall Street-US, occupies Madrid, Barcelona occupies, occupies Sao Paulo and many others reveal the desire to crowds of people that social and historical heritages are not exchanged for capitalist investments that are nothing more that easy profits and unemployment and devitalization of cities, states and nations, so the idea of ​​keeping ethnic heritage, historical and social cities, states there is no impediment to the development of a caring world governance, unlike it could more broadly aid this “occupation” of local people by their proper interests.

An example of this is Brazil, “occupies Estelita”, a trademark of the historic decoupling Pier José Estelita in the center of Recife Recife in Brazil, to be made a US $ 800 million project, with the construction of 12 sectors with up to 40 floors, among construction, is Queiroz Galvão, there of the  Swiss Leaks.

The #OcupeEstelita Movement and the Urban Rights group (DU) had a suspension of the license and then a partial victory, but recently had the destruction of historical monuments in Pakistan.

In several liability legal terms, means taking responsibility by a third party lender, globally means ensuring the security ethnic, social and economic fragile states like Haiti, many countries in Africa and Asia, not only when there is economic interest, the opposite of who made the imperialist colonialism.


Multiple intelligence: philosophy and virtual

09 Mar

The theory of multiple intelligences was developed by the American psychologist Howard Gardner, around of  1980 years.InteligenceMultiple2
It is an alternative to the idea of ​​innate ability, born of idealistic philosophy and running through most of the psychological chains of today, challenges the idea of ​​IQ (Intelligence Quotient) and also those ideas that focus on all skills in school.
Introduces the concept that different professionals should have different cultures, a repertoire of human skills to help them in solutions, culturally appropriate, to resolve their personal, family and social problems.

Gardner worked in reverse the idea of ​​development, thinking more about what skills have resulted in human achievements, and said:

“A) the development of different abilities in normal children and gifted children; (B) adults with brain injuries and how they do not lose the intensity of their intellectual production, but one or a few skills, while other skills are even affected; (C) exceptional said populations, such as idiot-savants and autism, and how the former can have only one competence, being quite unable in other brain functions, while autistic children have absences in their intellectual abilities; (D) how was the cognitive development across the millennia “(Gardner, 1985).

Idiot-savants or savantism (the French savant, “wise”) is considered a mental disorder in which the person has great intellectual ability combined with an intelligence deficit.
Linguistic intelligence are the components of sensitivity to sounds, rhythms and meanings of words, as though the music associated with the first intelligence manifests the ability to enjoy, compose or play a piece of music, logical-mathematical is sensitivity to patterns, order and systematization, spatial ability to perceive the visual or spatial world, puzzles and games that require visual skills, kinesthetic is the ability to create products through the use of part or all of the body is how to produce and grace expressions from verbal or musical stimuli using some coordinated muscle or athletic ability, interpersonal ability to understand and respond appropriately to moods, temperaments and motivations of other people and finally, and finally intrapersonal intelligence is organizing one’s own feelings, dreams and ideas and can make use of this resource for solving personal or social problems.
The virtual world is related to all of them and not only intrapersonal as one might think and this study is true not only for autistic and gifted people, but for everyone.


International Women’s Day and the numbers

06 Mar

March 08 is International Women’s Day, and the numbers and data across the globe and especiall8Marcoy in Brazil are still alarming.

There is still a large gender inequality in economic, social and political values.

The numbers in Brazil, according to IPEA  (Brazilian Institute of Applied Economic Research), violence against women in households decreased by 10%, but the evidence is mixed as there are other studies showing that overall violence against women increased, this may indicate that the law is effective only occasionally.

The effectiveness of the Brazilian Maria da Penha Law (PML), established in 2006, shows that the focus is not violence with death, because the research had the assumption that domestic violence occurs in cycles, and there is a worsening in the aggression involved in relatives, but this masking data is bad for one’s effectiveness in general the law.

According to data presented in the CNJ (National Council of Justice) on 19/02, through the Standing Committee on Access to Justice and Citizenship and the Department of Judicial Research, 92 000 women were murdered in the world in the last 30 years, however this number 43,700 were killed in the last decade, the growth is evident.

Since the creation of Maria da Penha Law by the year 2012, were created 6612 sticks or exclusive courts for processing and judgment of actions arising from the practice of violence against women, the study said they would need 54 more sticks to a large population of cities within the country.

The report also calls for the improvement in spatial judicial units in Brazil, considering demographic, urban and social criteria.


Europe plan 5G to advance

05 Mar

TijolãoThe Europe in the 90s was a leader in second generation GSM technology, the old lumbering cell, was lagging behind 4G networks of broadband services, in relation to the United States and Eastern countries such as Japan and South Korea.

In a panel during the fair MWC (see the post on 03 March), Guenther Oettinger EU commission for the Digital Society and Economy said; “With 5G, Europe has a great opportunity to reinvent the stage of its telecommunications industry,” indicating a return to growth that is strategic for the economy in general.

The operators in the region, including Britain’s Vodafone and Spain’s Telefonica, were slow in deploying 4G while Japan, South Korea and the US were quick when compared to other advanced economies.