Arquivo para April 21st, 2015

Reforming the thought, the more difficult

21 Apr

Among the various crises we face, once called policrise by the educator and thinker Edgar Morin, one of the deepest aspectsLaTeteBenFette of the reform is the thought, and almost everything is framed in terms of modern thought or supposedly postmodern is in crisis.

The book A well-made Edgar Morin Head is a brief formula, but hard, leaving a relatively simple point, say the educator, which suggested Jack Lang, the then Minister of Education in France, initially thought to make a ” manual for students, teachers and citizens “(Morin, p. 9) project that reformed and continued, proposed to overcome the current fragmentation of knowledge through complex thought, through a reform of thought through transdisciplinary teaching, capable of forming citizens planetariums, supportive and ethical, able to meet the challenges of the times.

Chapter I presents challenges, connecting knowledge in separate disciplines, proposing bringing them together in more polidisciplinares contents, cross, multidimensional, transnational, global, planetary (Morin, p.13).

Chapter 2 is the heart of the book, therefore entitled to well-made head, the philosopher Edgar Morin introduces Pascal’s quote “Do not teach men to be honest men, but it is taught everything else” is not a phrase by chance, but reveals the profound moral crisis we all face, not in Brazil but in planetary level, then where honest people can find refuge to face arrest.

In chapter chapter he explains how a general ability of intelligence, can become able to place and address problems of organized way and that makes it possible link between knowledge and giving them direction (p.21).

In chapter 3 the author deals with the human condition, subject already treated by Hannah Arendt and which is connected and part of the ontological resumed, but that depends not only on philosophical and literary reflections, but depends on the renewed and combined natural sciences, which are the subject little anthropocentric, but connected to home: Cosmology, Earth science and Ecology (p.35).

In this chapter the human being is revealed in its complexity: being, while being totally biological and cultural fully (p.40), then we could rethink the culture.

Chapter 4 Learning to live, Edgar Morin presents the thought of philosopher Emile Durkheim “the aim of education is not to transmit knowledge ever more numerous the student, but to create in him a deep and inner state, a kind of polarity spirit to guide you in a definite sense, not only during childhood but throughout life “(p.47), stop here because the thought reform is a revolution.