Arquivo para March 15th, 2016

Networking media fight for privacity

15 Mar

Apple expects the outcome of the fight against the US government thatNoEntry wants to release software that keeps sensitive data of this company, Apple is a private company that keeps your software and private content, to say something about the “privacy”.

I believe it will take, then the feature that Apple introduced in February to a court to unblocking one phone to the FBI of the December 2015 shooting of authors in the Californian city of San Bernardino (left there 14 dead and 22 wounded) still follow the American justice system and we do not know where it will stop.
For the company’s bitten apple, the repercussions would cause “significant damage to civil liberties, society and national security” as news of the Guardian.

Also according to the British tabloid the next few weeks the Whatsapp plans to expand its coding systems so that also your voice messages are encrypted, as well as messages in groups, also Facebook will launch tools soon as Snapchat and Google work in this direction .
According to experts in Silicon Valley’s leading companies on the issue of privacy at the time that Apple locks the legal battle with the United States Department of Justice, other companies will in the vacuum of this battle.
Even the British newspaper reports that the projects of these companies indicate that the industry is willing to publicly support Apple with concrete actions against the demands of the US government, then the fight will open.