Arquivo para November 1st, 2016

The pessimist Bauman again

01 Nov

In an interview with El País, the pessimist Bauman strikes again, not I say but it is with all with all letters in the book “Bauman is considered pessimistic. His diagnoses of reality in his later books is extremely critic. “, Can be read in the journal.

Although with proper diagnosis, your remedy is deadly in the wealth of the few baumanbenefits all of us? said the high price paid today by the triumphant neoliberalism of the 80s and the ‘thirty opulent “that followed, led to a” big lie “(which is true), but do not see novelty in the new parties, dreams of what? the return of the Politburo?

Attacks the lack of networks, says she would be opposed to “community,” he said in the interview: “The question of identity has been transformed from something pre-established in a job: you have to create your own community. But it does not create a community, you have one or not; what social networks can generate it is a substitute. The difference between the community and the network is that you belong to the community, but the network belongs to you. “,  He creating a fictitious duality.

It is clear that never participated in a virtual community, which is not unrealistic, we expect him despite his age one day make the experience, and will find that not only will be in a community and will be much more open, and transparency (that is registered ) is clearer, and also easier to be tested and observed.

Pessimism Bauman goes to the extreme to deny “progress” coming to call it myth, he says, for example: “austerity policies will continue, they could not stop them, but can be relatively effective in introducing new forms of do the things.”

The interview makes it clear that he knows that new forms of expression and proposals exist, but he himself confesses: “I am not able to prophesy. We are experimenting with new ways of doing things”, he said to the daily, but cannot and never will succeed, why not propose anything, just give your negative diagnose problems are there to solve and propose.

The resulting liquidism´s baumanian is inertia, criticizing the network and new forms of manifestations and the methodology of his pessimism, which proposes?