Arquivo para November 28th, 2016

Dialogues with the Z generation

28 Nov

As the conversation with Generation Z is difficult, because they have millions geracaozof possibilities, facilities to access information and reject all kind of intolerance, inequality and closure, it is said in a very wrong way, that they do not dialogue, would it be true?

First of all, we have talked about these stigmata of the lost generation, baby boom generation, etc. Is very misleading, but I use this to tell the generation that is now in adolescence, that is, they were born post-millenium, that was born until the year 2000.

It has a multiplicity of information, when watching TV transiting through various channels, but it is as if searching for something that interests you and do not find, browse the Web, live connected, and through this participate in the media social networks, low content on the computer or in the Cell phone, play electronic games like they were real sports to date with the help of keyboard and mouse.

The enormous power of choice that has contrasts with adults we closed a universe monkey or b-choices, they are binary, and not the Web generation, and for this need not only cables and icons, but most important of all Need thinking, adults do not want to think because it is easier to impose.

For those who like sociological analysis, it is not the fort of this generation because they know enough, that is, we are in crisis, we can however delineate looking at some experts, suggest that because they are going through a Great Recession, our first great crisis

After the economic crisis of the Great Depression – but no greater, the Z-generation becomes dominated by a feeling of dissatisfaction and insecurity about the reality and future of the economy and politics, this generation is faced with a difference in income each time The world, and strong family stress for collections.

Cyberpolitics attracts a minority share, it is adults who harden in social networks, because in fact this is a “blocked generation” as the Portuguese sociologist João Teixeira Lopes calls it, according to several sociologists also.

The more we talk, the more we block them, they feel penniless, those who do not dialogue are adults who are so full of convictions and ideas that have already been overcome, this has led, even with the best of intentions, to adopt extremist attitudes, These are critical and without prejudice.

A simple recipe: true hear, real dialogue, lose their “certainties” and discovered wonderful young people full of creativity, however much I hear these words in the mouths of adults, they sound to me most of the time, something “of the mouth out”.