Arquivo para March 10th, 2017

Why do they kill the prophets?

10 Mar

Time of passage, during a period of transition, is in this period when true and Heraclitofalse prophets arise, but who they are and they were in history many and a few true.

A characteristic trait is the coherent of words and life, the theory x practice paradigm is one of the false prophecies that did overcome much absent theory of life and with an often perverse practice, what puts the prophets of our time in prominence is consistency Of his deeds, the dignity of his life and his fruits.

I do not want to talk about religious, although we find a few, very close to philosophy for example, Edith Stein, who was an admired student of Husserl, was Jewish and became a Christian and was recently canonized by the Catholic Church.

We can speak of another student of Husserl, not so admired by the master, who was Ernest Heidegger, and more recently Paul Ricoeur, Emmanuel Lévinas and also Hans-Georg Gadamer.
But I want to speak of someone unique, still alive and full of energy in his 95 years: Edgar Morin, educator and thinker of great intellectual fertility.

It defends instead of the extreme specialization of modernity, simplification and fragmentation of knowledge, something that made it one of the greatest intellectuals of our time: that of complexity.

The simplification has led to false prophecies, words that are attributed to Einstein, to the pope and some prominent figure that does not correspond to truth, is the dishonest way and legend of killing our contemporary prophets, throwing them into the common grave of words ” Simple and easy “that explain nothing and do not admit the complexity of the contemporary world.

Nothing more complex than life, beauty, the modern world has seen the emergence of the description of nature by fractals opposed to the ideal of number (a mere abstraction), the beauty of wild and natural life, among them the rich “biomes” of which it speaks a bralizian religious fraternity campaign of this Lent.

By showing his true nature to his disciples, Jesus transfigures himself on Mount Tabor and says:

“Do not tell this vision to anyone until the Son of Man has risen from the dead” (Gospel of Matthew, 1-9) not only because it was contrary to a vision both triumphalistic and exhibitionist, but because he knows that false prophets do not want