Arquivo para October 17th, 2017

AI can detect hate speech

17 Oct

It is growing in the social media hate speech, identifying it with a single sourceAnFearEn can be dangerous and biased, because of this, researchers from Finland trained a learning algorithm to identify the discourse of hate by comparing it computationally with what differentiates the text which includes discourse in a system of categorization as “hateful.”
The researchers used the algorithm daily to visualize all the open content that candidates in municipal elections generated on both Facebook and Twitter.
The algorithm was taught using thousands of messages, which were cross-checked to confirm the scientific validity, according to Salla-Maaria Laaksonen of the University of Helsinki: “When categorizing messages, the researcher must take a position on language and context and therefore it is important that several people participate in the interpretation of the didactic material “, for example, make a hateful speech to defend themselves from an odious action.
The algorithm was taught using thousands of messages, which were cross-checked to confirm scientific validity, explains Salla-Maaria: “When categorizing messages, the researcher must take a position on language and context and therefore it is important that several people participate in the interpretation of the didactic material “, otherwise the hatred can be identified only unilaterally.
She says social media services and platforms can identify hate speech if they choose, and thus influence the activities of Internet users. “there is no other way to extend it to the level of individual citizens,” says Laaksonen, that is, they are semi-automatic because they predict human interaction in categorization.
The full article can be read on the website of Aalto University of Helsinki.