Arquivo para November 17th, 2017

Governance, talents and religion

17 Nov
The concept of governance is, therefore, one that ex tends to a larger groupaoEmpowerment than a state bureaucracy or technocracy, it is not just about investing, looking at interests and doing “development”, but mainly yielding much or little that if have.
There has been a long time when development does not necessarily mean an improvement in the living conditions and income distribution of the majority of the population, but this must now be thought of on a world scale, since there is no more crisis or isolated development, but it is I need to say a basic lesson in economics: you do not distribute what you do not have, and at the same time increase the slice of the cake that is distributed.
Already in the previous posts has been the question of welfare, a caveat made to regions of vulnerability and that are not few on the planet, however it is necessary to produce so that it can be distributed and not the opposite if distributed so it is produced, just see the regions poor on the planet where the economy does not walk.
Although the reasoning that some have more and therefore others has less has a foundation of economic policy, one can not think that it is possible to distribute what one does not have, it would be the same as selling illusions like gambling and the populisms of diverse types, I’ll say again, there’s the issue of vulnerability and this is serious.
The equation that should be made, this shows the countries with good income distribution is how to put the economy and what is produced in the right places, and as we have already indicated, there is also no “good practices manual” or “good management” “You have to manage what you have in order to make it productive.
A biblical parable explains this well (Mt 25: 20-27), when a boss distributes talent among his employees by giving 1 to 1, 2 to another, and 5 to a third, when he comes back he faces the following situation: “The servant who had received five talents and delivered five more, saying, ‘Lord, you gave me five talents. Here are five more, I will make a profit. ‘ The master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! Since you have been faithful in administering so little, I will entrust you with much more. Come join in my joy.’ 

And he that had received two talents came, and said, Lord, thou hast delivered unto me two talents. Here are two more I will make. ‘ The master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! Since you have been faithful in administering so little, I will entrust you with much more. Come join in my joy! ‘
Finally he came to the one who had received a talent, and said, ‘Lord, I know that you are a stern man, for you reap where you have not planted and reap where you have not sown. So I was scared and hid your talent on the ground. Here you have what belongs to you. ‘
The master replied, ‘Evil and lazy servant! Did you know that I harvest where I did not plant and reap where I did not sow? So, “you should have deposited my money in the bank, so that when I returned I would receive with interest what belongs to me.”
It seems a perverse logic, even financial, but it is not, in order not to bury talents, it is necessary to make “surrender” what one has, to apply it to be an economy of multiplication of the loaves and of overcoming misery, of course we all know , there are people who interpret this parable for the enrichment of a few, is not what is said.