Arquivo para March 21st, 2018

Current Portugal

21 Mar

In its fourth decade of democracy, Portugal has one of the most popular governments Marcelo Rebelo de Souza, a professor of law at the University of Lisbon, a great communicator who was popular for his political comments on the television channel TVI, where he was an audience leader.

Rebelo had in the election of 2015 52% of the votes winning in all 18 continental districts and in the two regions of autonomous administration.

Although a conservative leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), he is from a more left wing of his party, being concerned about the almost a third of the poor population, a disaster in a European country.

It is important to note that in Portugal, voting is not compulsory and almost 10 million voters voted only 4.7 million voters, or almost half.

The current political regime in Portugal is known as a semipresidentialist democratic republic with four sovereign organs: the president of the republic, the assembly of the republic, the government and the courts.

As the center-right government did not have a majority to form the government, a large leftist bloc was formed and took over the government, called by the Portuguese “gerigonça”, little by little appear optimistic results.

A government was formed with Antonio Costa, the promise in the face of the serious financial crisis was to recover the Portuguese social deficit and accelerate growth without compromising the economic and financial balance,

The defense of public health, with the hiring of more 1,100 doctors, 170 laboratory technicians and 1,900 nurses; the growth of 6.9% in Education spending, with the addition of more than 3,000 teachers to the public schools network; the reduction of unemployment to 9% against 12.7% in 2015.

The recipe for Brazil will not be the same, there difficult to negotiate, here it would be unthinkable a center-left president with a leftist government (here a public policy).