Arquivo para August, 2018

The quantum and cosmogony

17 Aug

In addition to quantum physics, there are still mysteries in the so-called dark matter and dark energy, such as black holes formed with the explosion of supernovae, solar stars with mass up to 10 times larger than a solar star, very bright disappear and give rise to black holes , there are recent discoveries and studies with some clues about them.
Dark energy is about 70% of the universe and dark matter 25%, free hydrogen and helium are 4%, and what we know: sub particles, heavy elements, neutrinos and stars are only 1%, quantum physics helped us to penetrate this mystery just a little.
All this justifies the various cosmogonies built in virtually every culture, Myths, from the Greek mýthos, tell the origin of things (origin of fire, wind, water, plants, animals of man, etc.), by means of supernatural events, but which may rather have real meanings, observations and human experiences before the cosmic mystery.
They usually portray battles, marriages, and marriages between fantastic beings, but they almost always signify some dominion over the forces of nature that the human mind has not penetrated.

When there is an end, not an end, but a goal or a destination about things, beings and facts, there is a cycle called eskaton, forming an eschatology, a complete story with its cosmological end.
In the Christian cosmogony, a special eschatology is the coming of Jesus, his Mary would have conceived in an extraordinary way his son, but the revelation little explored and understood is the speech of Izabel to cousin Maria, who soon to conceive will visit her and Isabel affirms (Lk 1:43): “How can I deserve the mother of my Lord to come to me?” Mary is then the MOTHER OF THE LORD.
The myths about the origin of the world connect cosmogonies and theogonies, Christian theogony can not leave aside this question, the master’s mother, to Teotokos


Quantum physics: origin, paradox and spirituality

16 Aug

Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976) was the pioneer physicist responsible for creating a quantum model for the atom, his studies were essential for the evolution of the area of quantum mechanics with theories related to atoms, cosmic rays and subatomic particles.
In 1927 Heisenberg proposed the “Principle of Uncertainty,” also called the “Heisenberg Principle,” with which he said that it was impossible to measure the speed and precision of the position of a particle. In 1932 Heisenberg received the Nobel Prize in Physics for the creation of quantum mechanics.
Erwin Schrodinger (1887-1961) was an Austrian physicist who created an equation that became known as Schrödinger’s equation, from which he can perceive the changes of the quantum states in a physical system, made it wider than just subparticles.
Famous is his imaginary experiment called Schrodinger’s Cat, a cat is placed in a box with a poison pot together. By quantum physics, he would be alive and dead at the same time.
In 1933, Erwin Schrodinger received the Nobel Prize in Physics for his findings on atomic theory.
Deepak Chopra is an Indian physician who, an ayurveda professor, who does an alternative medicine relating body and mind, Amit Goswami, Indian physicist, parapsychology scholar, has a line of thought called “quantum mysticism”, and the Austrian physicist Tritjof Capra is known for his work “The Tao of Physics”.
But I would add three thinkers who have their thinking related to quantum physics and who I think are more solid in the quantum physics and spirituality relationship: Basarab Nicolescu (1942-), theoretical physicist who has a book Transdisciplinarity: theory and practice (2008), Thomas Francis Banchoff 1938) who had a long dialogue with Salvador Dali about his mystical intuitions, especially about his picture Christus Hypercubus, and, far from the idea of the Cosmic Christ of Teilhard Chardin, which unites theology, anthropology, physics and communication.


Beyond pragmatism

15 Aug

In physics there is no more cause and effect reasoning, the pure mechanism still present in the contemporary world, even among scholars.
For example, about ten years ago, James Crutchfield and John Mahoney (University of California at Davis) have mathematically demonstrated that many sequences of statistical data have “embedded” an arrow of time.
An observer who sees the data reproduced from beginning to end, like the frames of a movie, can model what will come next using a modest amount of memory about what happened before.
In quantum mechanics the distinction between waves and particles no longer exists. This unified physics, clarified phenomena, but did not change the way of thinking, as this depends on the culture.
Micro bodies that are normally seen as particles, such as electrons, can behave like waves in certain situations, while objects we normally think of as waves, such as light, which are now seen to behave like particles.


The fallacy of the assistant competition

14 Aug

Wizards have different roles, and in many cases can integrate and work cooperatively, is what has been happening since greater between Cortana, Microsoft’s assistant and Amazon’s Alexa, for the simple reason that they work in different markets and both can win with this since May there is a beta version.

Both are “behind” Google Assistant, but again it has a different function as it works with “Web databases”, Google is a search engine, it works on a larger basis, but this can mean more errors and more inductions to Google. mistake, because the “base is bigger” and we know, not always reliable.

Command like asking Alexa to open Cortana and work with her, is already available, and ask can also ask for tasks like “send an email” or open an application, which are great examples of different from Google Now, for example .

So much you can bring Alexa into the interface Cortana in Windows 10 and have the ‘abilities of Alexa, how to embed in the Cortana Alexa and use it with Windows skills which reduces typing tasks and interaction with applications .

The integration work between Microsoft and Amazon, which have already released a beta (test), but no company is still committed to say when end users will be able to enable and finally use the features of this integration remains in suspense, but you can follow live on a website if registering on a Microsoft website.


Tracking in food production

13 Aug

The IoT arrived abruptly in agriculture, had already arrived at some time in the cattle ranch with the tracking of each head of cattle individually, now the “suply chain”, technical name for the monitoring of the production chain arrived on time, in the field and agroindustry.
Anvisa (Brazilian National Sanitary Surveillance Agency) and the Ministry of Agriculture begin to oblige the producer to have a more strict control over the use of pesticides, which implies monitoring and tracking throughout the production line starting at the field, but the problems are enormous for the application of the Law.
The automated tracking and tracing system, if properly implemented and well implemented, will provide all key elements and production details throughout the supply chain, enabling manufacturers to better respond to customer demands and food control in a competitive market internationally, those producers who do not fit can lose valuable contracts.
Fresh vegetable products, or their wrappings, cartons, bags and other packaging must now be duly identified in order to allow access by the competent authorities to the records containing the required information.
The identification can be done by means of labels printed with alphanumeric characters, bar code, QR Code, or any other system that allows to identify fresh vegetable products in a unique and unequivocal way.
The traceability of the INC will be monitored by the health surveillance services and the Ministry of Agriculture.


Idealism and the bread of the life

10 Aug

Peter Sloterdijk’s Critique of Cynic Reason of the 80s is a direct allusion to Kant’s classic Critique of Pure Reason, it is impossible to read in one breath, and also difficult to agree on at first reading, but two things strike my eyes the fact that we live in a time of lost innocence, everything is cruel and cynical, and the fact that we have become “accomplices,” academics and scholars in particular, from a general disorientation, from politics to the sacred.

Sloterdijk works alongside Rüdiger Safranski, biographer of Kant and Heidegger, until 2012, is therefore an attentive and accredited reader for the reading of the current world, and especially for Kant’s critique, in our view the most fundamental of our time.

 In a 2016 interview, for Borders of Thought, the philosopher clarifies Feuerbach’s misconception that God is a projection of humanity into heaven, and for Marx, religions would be an erroneous invention of mankind.

Before making a difference between the naive illusion, it exists in the less enlightened layers of society, and the “enlightened false consciousness,” which is its definition of cynicism, makes it clear that religions are part of the more comprehensive (and not the only) which he calls culture.

It is Sloterdijk’s way of explaining that idealism could only do this, I make a shorter way separating subjects from objects is the easiest way to make objects “ideal” including all conceptions of these in cultures (Sloterdijk’s immune systems ) and demand from the subjects an “ideal” behavior of relation to objects.

I make a religious contrast with the bread of life, the concrete food of humanity, for bread is in almost every culture and bread is not a direct food of nature, but wheat “processed” by man, in other words a product human being sacralized as food of life, and that in the pedagogical use of Jesus becomes sacred, without ceasing to be a real object: bread.

In John 6: 49-50 one can read the update of the Manna of the Desert from the time of Moses: Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, and yet they died. Here is the bread that comes down from heaven: whoever eats it will never die “, a direct relation between subject and object, which can not even be separated.


Ignorance in times of wrath

09 Aug

Social and political radicalization, reopening racial, ideological, and religious polemics, has led to the limits of anger and hatred that can open insurmountable gaps, but anger leads to more ignorance and greater chasms, promises of paradises, and delivering personal and social hells.
This is scientific, the Psychology magazine Intelligence has just published a survey that says that angry people tend to think they are smarter than they really are, anger different from other negative feelings, is related to an illusion of “positive intelligence “Which causes these people to overestimate their mental capacities, think that” others own the truth, “when the hermeneutic truth arises from dialogue.
Previous research has already shown that anger is an unusual negative emotion, as it is often associated with positive traits, and although research does not state this, we can find in all kinds of fanaticism, that enclosed in “bubbles” reinforce the thoughts of conviction in general dogma, and develop a kind of “affirmative” neurosis.
Philosophers and thinkers such as Heidegger, Hans-Georg Gadamer, and Byung-Chul Han had already emphasized the importance of negative, counterpoint, contradictory legal case, absolute truths and absolutisms of evil or good, create “ontologies impera”, a category created by Peter Sloterdijk to explain the contemporary being.
Neurosis develops in a pseudo-creativity in which the same truth seeks to be expressed in a “more contemporary” way when in fact it does not abandon dogmas, fundamentalisms and fanaticisms of all kinds.
The remedy is listening, the search for common sense, and often the only possible response to the angry is silence, of course there are positive cases of outbursts of indignation and repulsion of unjust or immoral acts, but surely a fair person seeks to hear the ” negative “to make sure you’re on the right side.



Material can help quantum chips

08 Aug

Researchers at the University of Central Florida (UCF) have discovered a type of material that could be used as a “building block” of quantum chips, consisting of hafnium, tellurium and phosphorus, Hf2Te2P.
According to UFC researcher Madabe Neupane, “Our discovery takes us one step closer to the application of quantum materials and helps us gain a deeper understanding of the interactions between various quantum phases.”
The material has more than one electron pattern that develops within its electronic structure, giving it a range of quantum properties. Neupane says that this material will increase computing power for large volumes of data on new devices and will considerably reduce the amount of power needed for power electronics.
The discovery has already attracted companies that are investing in research, Microsoft for example invested in its project called Station Q, the laboratory that is dedicated to the field of topological quantum computing, and Google has teamed up with NASA in an investment that works with quantum computing and artificial intelligence.
Because quantum phenomena need to be better understood so that electronics are totally replaced by photonics and quantum computation, computational scenario changes tend to change rapidly and continuously.
The discovery of Neupane’s lab is published in Nature Communications, and is a big step forward for this change of scenario.


The mystic Dali is little known

07 Aug

Salvador Dalí’s painting Christus Hypercubus, of 1954, created the fourth dimension of understanding in painting the fourth dimension and the quantum universe.

The mystical idea of ​​Salvador Dalí described in the picture Christus Hypercubus was already present when in 1951 he had already written the Mystical Manifesto, in this picture Jesus Christ appears hovering over the space ahead of a Cross in the fourth dimension, there are no nails, with a woman in front of the cross, whose model would have been Dali’s wife.

Cubists like Pablo Picasso had attempted to paint four-dimensional forms on two-dimensional canvases, the theories of mathematicians Bernhard Riemann and Henri Poincaré that came out of the conventional forms of straight lines and planes, and were their inspirations, but Dali went further in his early descriptions of his painting he called them painting “metaphysical and transcendent cubism”.

But he did not fail to make references to the thirteenth-century architect Juan de Herrera and to the Ars Magna treatise of the 16th-century Catalan philosopher and alchemist Raymond Lull.

Dali will explore theories of theoretical physics until his death in 1989, proving this was the contact maintained for years with the mathematician Thomas Branchoff of Brown University, and despite the initial refusal in 1975, it ended up becoming a long collaboration of almost one of each.

According to Banchoff: “Lull was a Catalan who studied two dimensions, two centuries later, Herrera took it to the third dimension. Here’s Dalí in a straight line, taking it to the fourth dimension, “Banchoff said, adding,” they were not thinking of it as a four-dimensional cube unfolded – it came a century or two later. ”

But the Hypercube or Tesseractus actually had the intention of painting the fourth dimension, and Dali wrote in his Anti-matter Manifesto in 1958: “In the surrealist period I wanted to create the iconography of the inner world and the wonderful world of my father Freud … Today, the outside world and that of physics have transcended the world of psychology. My father today is dr. Heisenberg “referring to the creator of the first concepts of quantum physics”.


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The Geopolitics of Artificial Intelligence

06 Aug

Due to overzealousness with distortions of technology use, a delayed entry into the educational and entrepreneurial sectors, some countries and industrialized nations begin to lose the foot of the technological race.

This has become more serious in the last two years, when technologies related to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) have become emerging.

Some authors speak of the fourth industrial revolution or Industry 4.0, where the issue is no longer the simple digital automation of existing jobs, but the total transformation of the model into digital, this means creating models of production, business, innovation and technological convergence in order to allow mass data processing and machine learning, this frightens by the social implications, but can not cause paralysis.

An emergency field that can help job creation is the “collaborative economy,” where Wikipedia and Uber are clearer examples, but there are many others. In the field of geopolitics it is easy to understand why the United States and China are winning this battle with ease, in addition to the economic and school structure for this, their transnational corporations in Europe, Russia and many other countries guarantee sustainable development and insertion in the market, but the the main issue is the non-negative criticism of the use of technologies and the understanding of the social aspects of this option.

A report by the Ecuadorian-British journalist Sally Burch, in the magazine América Latina en Movimento: integración en tempos de incertidumbre, 07-2018, shows the still incipient movement of this scenario in Latin America, without a serious political scenario.