Arquivo para September 30th, 2022

Wisdom from above, civilization malaise

30 Sep

The Tiredness Society is also a society that led adults, young people and adolescents to psychiatrists and alternative methods, those with few resources led to closed groups and dubious social conscience.

It is not by chance that Freud wrote at the beginning of the last century about this “Civilization Discontents” (Freud, 1930) the author will not discuss the psychiatrist question itself, but the distance between instinctual impulses and civilization, that is, contemporary culture. which leads man to his opposite as much as nature does to his well-being.

Intolerance to errors, even scientific misunderstanding, the demand for effectiveness in all fields, the lack of empathy and love in everyday life and, in particular, of values ​​that are natural and lead to a true human asceticism, leads to emotional and society to dangerous limits.

In detecting this evil, Freud himself, the founder of psychiatry, did not take humanity to the couch, and I feel he pointed out that there are cultural evils and these must be remedied first, this is not what was done, in this sense Sloterdijk is right, it is not possible to “ human domestication.

Even if religions themselves live on this civilizational evil, the true asceticism that is to climb the mountain of wisdom with values ​​that support this asceticism on your feet is necessary to reach a true stage of civilization, it is necessary to “love in absence” it is necessary to intend the true values ​​that lead to wholeness and to the true and unique comfort, empathy and love.

When we remove this from society, it begins to move towards isolation, hatred and conflicts and “discontent” are just the consequences of the absence of this “natural” state, but a plant only evolves if cared for in its natural conditions: fertilizer , adequate water and sun.

When the disciples go to ask Jesus that they want to believe more and do a true asceticism, he remembers the mustard seed, a tiny seed that grows into a leafy tree (Lk, 1,6): “if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, pull yourself out of here and plant yourself in the sea: and it would obey you”, like love in absence, faith is believing without seeing and walking towards a true asceticism.

FREUD, S. O mal-estar na civilização (1930 [1929]). In: ______. O futuro de uma ilusão, o mal-estar na civilização e outros trabalhos (1927-1931). Direção geral da tradução: Jayme Salomão. Rio de Janeiro: Imago, 1974. p. 73-171. (Edição standard brasileira das obras psicológicas completas de Sigmund Freud, 21)