Arquivo para June 19th, 2024

The Just sees the Other and is delicate

19 Jun

Paul Ricoeur in his two volumes of The Just will dedicate himself to unveiling this relationship, which involves power relations, starting with the cry that is considered fair: “This is unfair!” he says in the preface of his book in reference to the first chapter of R.J. Lucas’s book “On the Justice” (1955) and recognizes it as a proclamation of a protest.

As in much of Paul Ricoeur’s work, it is in recognizing the face of the Other that we must understand the principle of Justice, but he makes a long analysis of John Rawls’ work “Theory of Justice” because it does not ignore power relations and their influence on the vision of current justice, even Habermas analyzed it.

The experience of injustice is made by ourselves as well as by other individuals and even more so by human groups, especially those who are at war because they consider the theft of their rights to be serious, but the experience of injustice requires deep reflection, especially in those cases where there is violence against victims and social injustice.

Ricoeur takes up Aristotle to analyze the “good life”, but it is necessary to clarify that it is not the pejorative sense of good life of scoundrels and opportunists used in common sense, in Aristotelian and ancient Greek language the good has an eminently ethical meaning, that is , the good that one seeks is inseparable from the good of the other, thus seeking peace and not conflict or the usurpation of goods as Eduardo Galeano classifies all wars, it is beyond any reprehensible selfishness, which demeans the subject, preventing him from achieving and be respected on a moral level.

In the essay truth is justice, from Justo 2, Ricoeur refers to the same expression that serves as the title of his book The other as a self, where he comments: “The formula of « Self as an other» is in this sense a primitively ethical formula, which subordinates the reflexivity of the self to the mediation of the otherness of the other.”

There is a deontological dimension that is not far from the theological in his thinking about the Just, Ricoeur’s ethics are not limited to the monologism inherent to Kantian formalism, present in John Rawls, at the same time that he refuses to appeal to feeling, let’s say to “heart” has a dimension of “delicacy” in respect for the Other.

Byung-Chul Han remembers in his book “On the exam” that only one relationship is symmetrical (we would say horizontal, without the power relationship): “respect” and it is this respect that leads us to understanding the Just in relation to the Other.

Thus, those who practice justice rarely seek the spotlight or their own shine, they know that in essence what they do is a relationship of respect for the Other, different and diverse.

Ricœur, P. (1995) Le Juste 1. Paris: Éditions Esprit.




New record for the blog, ontology and peace

19 Jun

We surpassed 50 thousand monthly hits on this blog, it should reach close to 60 thousand at the end of the month, it is already a new record, the last one in a long time was above 30 thousand.

I credit this to our current developments on ontology, the resumption of the question of Being hidden by the absence of a philosophy that understands Being (the things that are present in real life) and contemplates the whole man, revealing the relationship with Being, in our personal joke: the Being of entities (in portuguese appear Being sick).

We do not fail to touch on the issue of contemplation, the need for a true spiritualized asceticism and an authentic religion that preserves the life and dignity of all.

It is in connection with our analyzes and constant calls for peace, the escalation of conflicts worldwide puts civilization itself in crisis and how in the period before the war many narratives distort the true causes and dangers of war, new types of colonialism and discourses that ignore the Other, so in addition to frequent readings of Byung-Chul Han and Heidegger, central points of our posts, we do not fail to analyze everyday life and other authors such as Paul Ricoeur and Edgar Morin.

I thank the readers and we will keep the website and blog independent and without any sponsorship.