Arquivo para August 15th, 2024

Temporal power and forgiveness

15 Aug

Temporal power rarely finds space for forgiveness, but this does not mean that it never passes through human thought and philosophy, even though in essence, forgiving is divine, and this means going beyond what is humanly thinkable.

For the philosopher Jacques Derrida: “when forgiveness is in the service of a purpose, be it noble or spiritual, such as redemption or reconciliation, that is, every time it intends to reestablish normality, social, national, political or psychological, through mourning work or therapy, it is not pure […] Forgiveness should remain exceptional and extraordinary, putting the impossible to the test, as if it interrupted the ordinary course of human temporality”, thus it remained within human limits.

There is no doubt that crimes against humanity, atrocities and barbarities are beyond the limit of “human temporality” and so is earthly power, since it is temporal, even dictators who remained in power all their lives had a tragic or disastrous end. temporal death, and some were forgotten, others even banished from popular memory.

Therefore, forgiveness must be considered as something fundamental in addition to temporal power, and it could be a regulator for periods of crises and wars, in almost all of which it is not possible to measure the degree of atrocities committed, both on the part of the “winners” and “losers” and the rational (and divine) thing would be to consider that they got themselves into a fight that they should never have entered into.

Likewise, our personal and social sorrows and disagreements, how useful and healthy a moment of serenity would be and to sit at the table of dialogue and be able to discuss unthinkable solutions, or in Derrida’s words “putting the impossible to the test”, the moment looks like this.

If we have the courage to listen to that “enemy” that we would never listen to, to give a hand to someone whose hurt or disagreement is very great, we could return to a destructive path that seems to have no return, and whose overcoming depends only on one attitude: forgiving.

Even those who will never ask us for forgiveness have lost the serenity and humanity of seeing the other beyond judgments and disagreements, there is always another being there, ontologically we only deny the Being if we refuse to listen to it and give it some credit, maybe you need this.

Forgiving is divine, whoever takes this step understands that there is another reality beyond what we imagine to be real and possible, the impossible is also within the reach of those who forgive.