Logical Empiricism and critique of metaphysics

29 Jan

This whole picture of contemporary ontology, if not addressing to a “new form of positivism , in countries of Anglo-Saxon language, linguistic and logical reduction and operated by him of the problems of ontological and metaphysical nature.” (the book Introduction to Ontology , Mafalda F. Blanc, pp. 31)

The ” logical empiricism of the Vienna Circle , Schlick and Carnap represented by , among others, and the school of analytic philosophy from Oxford , that are eminent figures an Austin and Searle ” (p. 31 ) .

All schools in our view , and also the author based on the thought of Wittgenstein have in common and one of his ideas is that ” the reduction of philosophy to a study of language ” (p. 31 )

The influence of Vienna, output “Tractatus Logic – Philosophicus  of  Wittgenstein (1921 ) , ” whereas the problem of knowledge should not be placed from the point of view of consciousness but a rigorously constructed language, reduces philosophy to a logical analysis of the discourse of science” (pp. 32 ) .

I mean the influence because Wittgenstein had dialogues with the circle not being its direct integral , but his speech has a strong influence especially in buildings Carnap , where  “syntax , ie , a theory of formal coherence and for the second one semantics or theory of reference , whereas its truth lies in the empirical confirmation.” (p.p 32 )

Think there “a correspondence between the logical form of language and the world , even those thinkers consider the possible effect the epistemological philosophy contour of reality , ie , to say the way it is , but not what it is and only if can show as pure fact .” (pp. 32 )

The second Wittgenstein , whose main work is ” Philosophical Investigations ” , defends the ” pluralism of languages ​​, based on use, determine the meaning and logical connection of terms. ” (pp. 32 )

This will mean ” the primacy of pragmatic regarding the semantics and syntax , adscrevendo for philosophy the study of natural languages ​​, from the point of view of their use and purpose with which it aims to achieve a community of speakers ” (pp. 32 ) .

Whole question as the terms indicate : syntax, semantics and pragmatics ; are very sensitive issues of technology , but as the author says ” the philosophical problems arising from an incorrect use of language ” (pp. 32 ) and this has to do with context and not with the correspondence to empirical data .


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