Golden Globe 2017

08 Nov

In 1943, a group of eight resident foreign journalists in Los Angeles, ledbernadette by the Daily Mail British newspaper got together and formed the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, the first year created an informal awards for six categories: Best Film, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Actor and supporting Actress and Best Director.
Now in its 75th. Edition continues to be a good indicator for the Oscars, since it is more than one month prior to the industry award, it is more respected however, because it is an independent award, without the power of money and the film industry.
In 1944, already in Glamour Beverly Hilton Hotel, won the classic Casablanca, as best film, but the grand prize was “The Song of Bernadette,” which tells the story of Bernadette Soubirous, a film that tells the story of the miraculous vision of this holy whose body remains incorrupt (photo) and whose source dug through his hands at the time gushes today a holy water.
Won best director Henry King, Best Actress (Jennifer Jones) and best supporting actor (Charles Bickford) and supporting actress (Anne Revere).
NBC, which now also influences the prize, has announced it will be Jimmy Fallon (Almost Famous – 2000 Fantastic Girl – 2009) the presenter of the award this year, held on January 8, 2017, what are the stakes?
Denzel Washington appears strong as director Fences that comes from a play theater with man name, where the very Denzel acts and Viola Davis also may appear as best actress, will also be probably win Natalie Portman ( “Jackie”), Emma Stone ( “La La Land “), Annette Bening (” 20th Century Woman “) and Amy Adams (” The Arrival “).
The Arrival, fiction film with extraterrestrial beings arrive in Brazil at the end of November, Fences should be released shortly before the end of the year, La La Land already dated January 19 in greater São Paulo and 20th Century Woman, arrives in American screens at Christmas, Brazil probably after the Oscars in February, the cartoon Trolls is already there for the children.


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