Encontrar veredas e aplainar caminhos

15 Dec

The  Isaiah was called a prophet of consolation because he encouraged theasVeredas Hebrew people to say that a new path would be opened, and it was before John the Baptist that more explained the “advent” of the birth of Jesus and even the last prophet that was John Batista.
In saying, “Prepare the way of the Lord, flatten his paths” (Lk 3: 4) has a little difference from the gospel of John: ‘I am the voice that cries in the wilderness,’ flatten the way of the Lord ‘- as I said or prophet Isaiah. (Jn 1:23), because paths, which are “hidden” paths or in philosophy say that they must be “unveiled”, although in fact, already exist signs are not really easy to be found, then paths.
John the Baptist in announcing the public life of Jesus, as they both passed through the wilderness, Jesus also walked 40 days through the wilderness, encountered difficulties, the most cruel temptations, but then went public, knowing that he would have to speak truths and be of fact a new “advent”.
The Christian mystic Chiara Lubich, in one of her words of life (I wrote them monthly), wrote in December 1982: “Each of us is called to prepare the way for Jesus who wants to enter our life. It is necessary, then, to flatten the paths of our existence so that it may come to dwell in us … eliminating all obstacles: those placed by our limited way of living, by our weak will. ”
Finding paths requires a careful look, at first they seem shortcuts, sometimes difficult and not very promising, but lead us to the new, to the “advent”, what is to come is always new and can bring us true peace, that which is not which may seem distant, is usually there on a sidewalk.


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