The next and the business

01 Mar

The polycrisis that involves humanity, in the words of Edgar Morin, which was also adopted (from another perspective) by Adam Tooze, professor of History at Yale University.

In the book Terra Pátria the author has already painted a picture of a reborn nationalism, it is written in the preface of the Brazilian edition written by Juremir Machado da Silva:

“Terra-Pátria, in which Anne-Brigitte Kern collaborated, is the fundamental book for examining the nationalist phenomenon today. Everything is in it: homeland, nation, universalism, identity, ecology, politics, community, etc. The mechanisms for understanding the complex contemporary social network are provided with the clarity usual in Morin’s text” (MORIN, 2003, 14).

However, history has moved in the opposite direction, unable to take a step forward, now wars, ancient utopias and fundamentalist spiritual models (not to be confused with orthodoxy because it is the true foundation of religions and cultures).

The social relationship deteriorates, the blame would be on techniques, individualism or even a wave of demonic possessions, however what happens is simply a lack of an authentic model of solidarity and here utopias and religious cultures must be analyzed.

Utopias because they retroacted models from the beginning of the 20th century, Adam Smith’s nationalism and Lenin’s Bolshevism, religious cultures because they took refuge in fundamentalism.

There is little outside of these perspectives, but they exist, there is hope where each person is treated with dignity, empathy is a model of coexistence and life as a whole treats man as a whole and it is possible to reintegrate him into standards of solidarity and respect.

The relationship with a neighbor is not a business, nor can it dissolve into a “social friendship” which is just a surface of what is truly human, the relationship with the Other.

Not a few authors wrote about this, even Jürgen Habermas addressed the topic, but it concerns the effective relationship between two people and not the generic social or cultural relationship, which generally involve interests and relationships with thought bubbles.

Christian singer Aymeê from Pará went viral when she sang the song “Evangelho dos Phariseus” which talks about child exploitation on the island of Marajó, the fires and the fact that tithe matters more than hearts in many churches that have transformed the message of love into business.

MORIN, E. E KERN, A.B. (2003) Terra-Pátria (Earth-World). Transl. Paulo Azevedo Neves da Silva. Brazil, Porto Alegre : Sulina ed.




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