The poor and demagoguery

27 Aug

The easy speech, especially in times of politics, is to appeal to the poor, the forgotten, the discriminated against, etc. for a while the populists even offered something to the population, income distribution policies and cheap credit, but the problem is that they don’t forget to supply allies and their own pockets, in addition to the public accounts that explode.

This happened in several countries in Latin America and the result is that the bill arrives and then we see the ghosts of authoritarianism and popular revolt come out, now they realize that this can also happen in African countries, the African National Congress ( ANC), Nelson Mandela’s party that freed South Africa from apartheid, lost the mayoral elections in Nelson Mandela Bay and also in the capital Pretoria.

South African President Jacob Zuma is involved in corruption processes and poverty and the economy do not work well there, so the population loses illusions about future promises.

Populism deceives with speeches, but in many parts of the planet, little by little, greater dissemination of facts is making concrete actions, honest stances and even more clear policies to lift the population out of poverty more necessary, Argentina was an example of this.

In many countries the homeless and unemployed population is increasing, even in Europe this is one of the sources of xenophobia, as people from poor countries do not refuse heavy work and lower wages, one gets the impression that they are “taking” the jobs of workers. locals, the demagogic analysis of something getting better is falling apart.

The threat of war can make this even more serious, because “tough” governments can be thought of as “necessary” at this moment, in short, a turning point is needed, and there is no way to do this without clear, sustainable and less populist policies to change the situation. scenario.

It is necessary to eliminate poverty in a radical and borderless way, welfare and immediate public policies are not enough, it is necessary to have a clear horizon where the dignity of every person is guaranteed, in addition to immediate relief from hunger, wars and endemic diseases.

The election of city halls and regional states, of course, has a more provincial bias, but it must not fail to consider a changing global scenario and a broader mentality, the world has been a global village for some time now.

Warning to politicians of all stripes, demagoguery’s days are numbered, change must be made.










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