Virtuous circles are inclusive

22 Jan

As we advance in the virtues, we encounter obstacles. Those who are in the vices and decadence tend to try to discourage us and show that their mistakes are right, they want our complicity in their errors, but it’s not a question of excluding them but of loving them precisely with the virtues we exercise: patience, prudence, wisdom and fortitude.

It is not inclusive to accept the offers of ease that addictions provide, it is above all to show that difficulties and the courage to face them lead to a fresh start in virtues and attitudes.

Every addiction is already inclusive. We need to reform our criticism of others, try to prove that those who forgive, help and show solidarity are wrong, because they are paralyzed in their souls and so need to feed themselves and convince themselves that their mistakes are justified.

As we said in the previous post, using Philippa Foot’s book, Love would be enough if it were well understood as the ultimate synthesis of all virtues, but this is not the case, in a culture that is in error even strong words need to be understood with all their complements, erotic love is just one aspect of Agape Love, and if misunderstood it is also a vice.

The same goes for generosity; if not viewed with caution, it can appear to be altruism and we can be feeding addictions of various kinds while trying to help, by giving alms, for example.

Love, too, which lacks fortitude (courage), finds it easier to exclude, ignore or even attack those who are different, under the illusion that this will remove them from their vices and mistakes. It’s very common in current literature to be advised to remove people with problems, mistakes and who don’t build from your life.

Exclusion generates a new addiction even if you think you’re in a virtuous circle, attitudes and behaviors that are not inclusive or tolerant.

Levels of aggression and intolerance generate many divisions and, down the line, addictions and mistakes that end up undermining a virtuous circle.

The deprivation of freedom, of fruitful dialog, of sincere listening in virtuous circles generates an even greater escalation of virtues, to the point where they seem logical and natural, without which we create bubbles in which we seem to live well, but without the empathy and resilience for social interaction.

In this way, apparently inclusive groups where people praise themselves, help each other or proclaim themselves to be pure and virtuous are actually circles of exclusion and little life, tending to wither and diminish.

True virtuous circles attract, inspire and lead many people to overcome their problems, mistakes and difficulties that are typical of life, this is a miracle that only virtues bring, the fact that values are deteriorating is that those who defend them do not practice them.



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