Alternatives disabled to RSS Reader

02 Jul

Announced at a good time, the service was disabled RSS Reader yesterday, RssAlternativasalthough Google says it has no relation to the untimely death of its creator Aaron Shwartz, which was processed and pressed by available scientific articles from JSTOR.
There are several alternatives already known to the market, such as the already popularized Feedly (for Apple and Android), Digg Reader, NetNewsWire and Newsblur.

But there are alternatives still little known and quite interesting:

KlipFolio offers a unique experience of RSS, the application has a panel where you can customize the news, your favorite blogs, weather feeds, and many other information. The program is available for desktop and you can also customize it to your style.

Sage is an RSS feed basics and news aggregator for Firefox. Free course like everything in Firefox, you can browse the latest news feeds right from your Firefox browser Nabarra side. Its interface is extremely easy to navigate, with a top panel to the bottom panel of headlines and a history.

Snarfer (download) is a feed reader for experienced programmers, your RSS and Atom feeds, where the most experienced in RSS can find it, this is because its interface is organized in a uncomplicated way to be used as a generic application, but only there are versions for Windows.

There are other alternatives like FeedDaemon, Grablt and Ticher Desktop (download all)



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