The brain Carr and the Internet

24 Oct

For over a century we are questioning modernity , the Enlightenment and our values ​​, suddenly 23 years nowCarr found a scapegoat : the internet and one application that is Web.

Take this fact to say that the Web with all pomp and mystification that many attribute to it , is nothing more than an application in the last layer of the internet, and yes this means the connection between millions of machines and people.

So I take seriously Nicolas Carr a harsh critic of the internet , he participates in the design of cloud computing World Economic Forum , regularly writes about technology and culture in The Guardian , The New York Times , The Wall Street Journal , The Financial Times , Die Zeit , the Times and other newspapers, is member of the Encyclopedia Britannica , but has no entry in Wikipedia, but he is there.

In “The shallows” , he clarify that the issue is before the internet thing he knows, though mental journey that Carr in his own brain , the birth of the alphabet, the Gutenberg press , the anticipation of the computer by Alan Turning and even the event of cartography and the appearance of the watch.

New slide to not see a convergence of “media”, but a merger, it reduces the internet to “a binding force of all technologies precursors “: typewriter and typography ; map and clock , calculator and phone, mail and library ; radio and television .

In new reductionism applies to Taylorism , work method in assembly lines to what he calls mental, ” In the past the man was first. In the future the system must be first. “, is not true, the future is different of the past, it is law of history.

What Taylor envisioned for manual labor , Carr Google applies to mental work , creating a “business of distraction ” in which intelligence is now seen as the excellence and speed in data processing , instead of observation and contemplation .

Now the “society of the spectacle” , “society of the replica” , the text of Walter Benjamin “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction ,” was published in 1955 , the fragmentation of knowledge and superficiality are themes from long then you need to find the time and the real motives of this “superficiality” contemporary .



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