Posts Tagged ‘Internet’

(Português) Encontro de internet acontece em SP

23 Apr

Sorry, this entry is only available in Brazilian Portuguese.


(Português) Coréia do Sul já planeja 5G

07 Apr

Sorry, this entry is only available in Brazilian Portuguese.


Internet and social networking in the favela

04 Nov

The Institute Date Favela conducted a survey in 63 communities in the last week of September,Favela the metropolitan area of ​​São Paulo , Rio de Janeiro , Minas Gerais, Pará , Ceará , Pernambuco , Bahia , Paraná , Rio Grande do Sul and the Federal District , and found that 52 % of residents have access to the network and among young people 16-29 years old, 87 % are those who are connected .

According to Renato Meirelles, president and member of the Popular Data and Data Favela, along with Celso Athayde , president of the Central Unica das Favelas (Cufa) : ” If the TV was before the window of the world to the residents , the internet appeared as a showcase : it the resident , especially the young , can show up and show their reality. ”

As for households , the data is that 50 % already have internet connection , being more common broadband, followed by mobile 3G modem .

In the analysis of Raphael Claudia de Oliveira , state coordinator of Cufa – SP : ” It is a cultural issue that goes beyond the technology itself. ‘s Global : the barrier between the favela and asphalt broke , this cultural exchange there ,” he said .

The data social networks are more impressive still , according to the institute , 85 % of those who have internet already on Facebook.


More confused minds the Web

25 Oct

In a report in brazilian magazine Epoca, also the book of Mark Bauerlein to Nicholas Carr, author Geracoesof The dumbest generation there is a pessimistic analysis in that it anticipates a new Dark Age , when individuals who are now children and adolescents reach maturity .

In analyzing this author in Epoca magazine , ” once youthful minds restless and full of knowledge , what we see in schools is an anti -intellectual culture and consumerism ” , attributed to Bauerlein , a professor at Emory University in Georgia , which oversees studies about American cultural life .

His study on the influence of digital media was done with 81,000 American high school students and second it was found that 90 % ” read or study ” less than five hours per week , and spend many hours watching TV , surfing the internet or playing video games , an average of 6 hours per week , and then takes to conclusions , saying ” do not know practically nothing of history” , etc. .

I do not know if the data of the 60 youth would be different , just did not have internet and had the war in Vietnam and Brazil , were times of military rule , and even speak the word dictatorship was forbidden , educational systems were repressive and little inventive , luckily I entered the first class of computing and had some regular teachers , who read and reported on the country’s history , but was also minority.

We read romance, but it was something with sugar water , but we really wanted was a color TV to watch the Brazil game , can not remember if he sang ” this is a country that will put forward will ” actually liked math and I only understand policy when I entered the university, but I am the fruit of the hippie generation and the ” hairy ” .

The lessons were always silly stories , had to memorize dates and know what were the ” national heroes ” finally no critical analysis of reality , the university was reading because it was an alternative set of left and needed to have arguments against the ” dictatorship ” today I thank the “rebels ” of my youth , without them I would also be a ” dumbest generation” .

How long we were in front of the TV culture engulfing canned ? what they say about Arab or Muslim culture in our newspapers ? someone knows something of African culture ? Whose dumpest generation ?

The problems that befell this generation has no connection to the lost generation (1914 – 1924) , the baby boomers generation ( 46-64 ) and hippie generation ( 64-84 ) ? is it only now are ” dumbest ” ?


The brain Carr and the Internet

24 Oct

For over a century we are questioning modernity , the Enlightenment and our values ​​, suddenly 23 years nowCarr found a scapegoat : the internet and one application that is Web.

Take this fact to say that the Web with all pomp and mystification that many attribute to it , is nothing more than an application in the last layer of the internet, and yes this means the connection between millions of machines and people.

So I take seriously Nicolas Carr a harsh critic of the internet , he participates in the design of cloud computing World Economic Forum , regularly writes about technology and culture in The Guardian , The New York Times , The Wall Street Journal , The Financial Times , Die Zeit , the Times and other newspapers, is member of the Encyclopedia Britannica , but has no entry in Wikipedia, but he is there.

In “The shallows” , he clarify that the issue is before the internet thing he knows, though mental journey that Carr in his own brain , the birth of the alphabet, the Gutenberg press , the anticipation of the computer by Alan Turning and even the event of cartography and the appearance of the watch.

New slide to not see a convergence of “media”, but a merger, it reduces the internet to “a binding force of all technologies precursors “: typewriter and typography ; map and clock , calculator and phone, mail and library ; radio and television .

In new reductionism applies to Taylorism , work method in assembly lines to what he calls mental, ” In the past the man was first. In the future the system must be first. “, is not true, the future is different of the past, it is law of history.

What Taylor envisioned for manual labor , Carr Google applies to mental work , creating a “business of distraction ” in which intelligence is now seen as the excellence and speed in data processing , instead of observation and contemplation .

Now the “society of the spectacle” , “society of the replica” , the text of Walter Benjamin “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction ,” was published in 1955 , the fragmentation of knowledge and superficiality are themes from long then you need to find the time and the real motives of this “superficiality” contemporary .


European Parliament for digital privacy

23 Oct

The committee of the European Parliament for digital privacy, Libe, approved on Monday a new draft regulations for the DataProtectionprivacy issue , the document follows the great initiative of the European Commission for more data security .

Across Europe , digital privacy advocates agree that there are on the right track , it is urgent to tighten legislation to protect internet users .

One of the rules is to make more visible what appears almost imperceptible on their data , the clauses that are usually hidden in the general conditions, and are presented as the default setting when you register on some website .

Companies with headquarters outside the EU although they can circumvent the existing safety data , they should seek those with laws more flexible , which made Ireland and the United Kingdom ‘s most popular destinations , but the situation should change with the adoption of equal rules for the entire block.

One of the proposed rules Libe is that users can delete their personal network more easily , allowing clear without being previously stored .

Users also have the right to know which companies or government agencies also your data may be transferred , this means privacy.


Inexpensive satellite network

25 Jun

On board a Soyuz spacecraft was launched from O3BFrench Guiana yesterday four satellites that will operate the network O3b (Other 3 Billion), which will offer an internet connection of high-speed low-priced price for 3 billion people to 180 countries.
The idea emerged in 2007 from the mind of American Greg Wyler, pioneer of 3G telephony and founder of O3b Networks, traveled priate for Rwanda.
The satellite will cover a range of 45 degrees around of Ecuador Line, thus covering poor regions of Africa, Latin America, Southeast Asia, Australia and Oceania.


Wireless internet free for all

17 Jun

The design is from Google, according to Wired magazine, and the idea is that they would be releasing balloons in the stratosphere, the second layer after the atmosphere located between 7 – 17 and until 50 km altitude about.

According to Wired magazine, the companyDirigível Google is already sending balloons into the stratosphere in order to allow access to the internet anywhere on the planet, even if it is in a desert or something sea, being part of a project called Loon, who has just the “balloon”.
According to the same magazine online, the search giant already is developing an experimental project in South Africa, with the aim of connecting a billion people in sub-Saharan Africa, and then expand to Southeast Asia, connecting over a billion people.
Google intends to build huge wireless networks across Africa and Asia, using high-altitude balloons and balloons.

To give visibility to the campaign, Google has amassed an ecosystem of low-cost smartphones running Android in microprocessors low power consumption.
Without using the traditional infrastructure, the signal Google is performed through high altitude platforms – balloons and airships – which can transmit to the areas of hundreds of square kilometers, according to a blog post African.


The network, the internet and the Web

31 May

Were years of the Cold War, the ongoing tension between the communist world led by the Soviet Union and the capitalist world led by the U.S., and the first idea of the electronic network was not having a central command so that he could keep the links in the event of destruction of some points by a war between the two blocks in tension.

So the network should be mounted without a central command, a system in which all points (network nodes) had autonomy and where the data transmitted in any direction or order not to lose the contents, the project was outlined ARPAnet Paul Baran, designed by Agency Advanced Research Projects (Advanced Research Projects Agency) of the U.S. government.

But the network went out of military control in 1970 and crisscrossed four U.S. universities, but in the next 4 years the number grew to 40. The exchange of messages and files becomes possible, and universities launch several projects, among them, the Project Gutenberg Michael Hart with the publication of books, the University of Illinois in 1971.

That same year, it created the first commercial network in the U.S., Telenet, as an access service.
The name has been used only in Internet 1982. In 1983, Vinton Cerf and Khan create the network communication protocol, TCP / IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol), the common basis of instructions and codes used by all computers connected to the network today.

But the Web as an application protocol only arrived in 1991, with the hypertext system, prophesied by Ted Nelson years before, and now implemented by Tim Berners-Lee, came the Web, the World Wide Web

Thus the metaphor of the network becomes years later an electronic means of communication the internet, and in the 90s a mode of communication between billion person who is the Web

Social networks were only possible within this universe of hypertext with the Internet as a medium.


Acordo dá alta velocidade a pesquisa paulista

15 May

Em acordo previsto desde a compra da Telefônica pela participação da Portugal Telecom na Vivo, a Rede Nacional e Ensino e Pesquisa (RNP) firmado no dia 6 de março, ampliações as conexões de banda larga entre as universidades e unidades de pesquisa do estado de São Paulo.

Com o acordo a USP e Unicamp passam a ter conexões de 40 Gbps, e os campi da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) e do Instituto Federal de São Paulo (IFSP), as conexões variam de 1 Gbps (caso do IFSP) a 40 Gbps.

Segundo o diretor geral da RNP, num evento em março no Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação em março passado: “É mais um passo em nosso plano ambicioso de levar melhores conexões a 800 instituições. Com esse acordo de cooperação, estamos ampliando em 13 pontos muito relevantes de São Paulo”, explicou o diretor da RNP.

Segundo AINDA a RNP, os 13 campi contemplados estão entre os mais importantes do estado, mas futuras negociações da instituição com a operadora podem contemplar os outros 50 campi a serem conectados, o tema entrará na pauta da própria operadora de telefonia.