Arquivo para August 8th, 2013

Common screen now is touch too

08 Aug

With the arrival of Windows 8 and html5 facilities beyond the photos,ApenTouch videos and sounds, touch interactivity also here to stay.

But what to do with the common screens that still use a pen came to turn them into touch screens too.

The device Apen Touch 8, E Fun, is secured with a small device with magnets in the corners of the screen and connected via USB to the computer, which has a pen at the other end “optics”.

So the movement of the pen on the screen makes iterative identical to a touch screen, no need for any software or any device more.

Actually the pen is not optical, but ultrasound, as it uses the technology of motion capture by infrared rays, the play on the monitor attached, it captures the movements of the pen and creating the feeling that the commands are triggered by touch on the screen.

The device is sold in the U.S. since the beginning of the year at a price of R $ 160 (U$ 89), and is present at CES 2013 as one of the news.