Arquivo para October, 2013

Response to spy might be wrong

05 Oct

The idea of forcing Internet companies to store user data within Brasil is mistaken as to the concernsWebBrasil of cyber security in Brazil, as well as increase costs and undermine future investments, may cause further uncertainty to the data and the privacy of individuals, as it being here can also be manipulated.

In the case of investments, it is important to recognize that there is an emerging market related to Google, Facebook and Twitter, say analysts and industry executives.

The teacher Ronaldo Lemos (State University of Rio de Janeiro-UERJ), which helped create the laws of internet in the country, said “may end up having the opposite effect than intended, and scare off companies wanting to do business in Brazil,” as the news portal Terra.

Already the rapporteur of the law of the Internet in Brazil, the Marco Civil, Mr PT Alessandro Molon (RJ), said the number of affected companies could be counted “on both hands.”

The modern networking technology, cloud computing depend on both in terms of technology as in investment values ​​of international participation, and confinement in the country will result in costs and shrink the investment markets international investments to be made in the country.

But more serious is that besides not allow control data, may also be used politically depending on whose hands fall control of our “network”.

The markets today are international, and border closures could mean delay.

There are ways to control encrypting messages, and controlling flows regardless of where the data are, in fact this is the internet.


Best companies in technologies

04 Oct

According to Fortune magazine one edition this month, technology companies Samsung and AppleasMaiores are with the world’s largest companies in the fundamentals, called Global 500 and published by CNN.

In front of the oil companies continue taking the lead followed by the Royal Dutch Oil Wall Mart Stores, while Samsung appears only in 14th place, with 178.6 billion dollars, five places ahead of Apple in revenue.

As regards profits, oil companies still follow the biggest profit of Royal Dutch, the following Exxon and China National Petroleum.

But as to the value of brands, data Best Global Brands, Apple and Google surpassed Coca-Cola, their values ​​estimated at 98.3 and 93.3 billion dollars, since the brand value of the refrigerant has 79.2 bi , but after IBM and Microsoft with 78.8 billion to 59.5 billion value.

The negative surprise is Facebook who occupied the position of 69th. ranking of brands and rose to the position 52. which is still negligible considering the enormous influence that have particularly among young people.

So technology companies follow appreciating and are important when it should think about the future and new developments in the sector


Book about Brazilian scientific journals in health

03 Oct

Is available online free book: Journals on Health Sciences : Visibility , form and content, published by theLivro Revistas na Saude School of Public Health and organized by me and researchers : Vania Maria B. Funaro de Oliveira , Lucia M. S. V. Costa Ramos and Rosane Taruhn and prefaced by Dr. Flavio Fava de Moraes .

In the presentation Prof . Dr. Flávio Fava de Moraes , Rector of the USP (São Paulo University (1993-1970) and former director of FAPESP (São Paulo Research Foudation) (1986-1993) , states that ” The book does not address the issue of the Journals only as a goal of disseminating results for an interested community . ‘s more, it considers its theoretical , conceptual , methodological , comparative , modern and spotless pedagogically , which could only be obtained by aggregating people here from proven skills in selected thematic ” .

Clarify in my presentation that the adoption of this form means : ” in the case of scientific … the inclusion of readers and consumers of content in a process that allows access to the ‘ distributed capital ‘ , i. e. , Web content , expanding and facilitating the process of information dissemination “.

In the first chapter the authors analyze where magazines , national and foreign researchers publish some projects funded by FAPESP , selected criteria , the Virtual Library of the Center for Information and Documentation of FAPESP .

The second chapter analyzes the Brazilian Public Health Journals : editing aspects , form and content , the authors , members of the Research Group on Science Communication in Public Health from CNPq , making a thorough analysis of 22 national titles.
The third chapter covers the Brazilian journals in nutrition : shape and theme brings an important contribution to an area still considered in its initial Brazilian scenario in the Nutrition.

The fourth chapter brings s Brazilian journals of Dentistry and its channels of dissemination of scientific research, is the state of the art of Brazilian scientific journals of dentistry in relation to their evolution over the years linked to quality, indexing bases data and the international visibility.

The fifth chapter , the authors bring Journals in Nursing in Latin America and the Caribbean reveals in his introduction , the professional in the field , with generalist, humanist, critical and reflective qualified to practice the profession , based on scientific and intellectual rigor and follow ethical principles .

Just consult the Library BVS School of Public Health School at the link provided


Cyber Ministry of Information

02 Oct

United Kingdom is creating a department for cyber defense next to its Defense Ministry, which was declared the chief of GuerraCiberstaff of the ministry, Mr. Philip Hammond to the Mail on Sunday, stating that the enemy could disable communications, chemical and nuclear weapons , aircraft, ships or other equipment only use of cybernetics.

He told the newspaper: “People think of military actions by land, sea and air, and has long since been recognized fourth domain: space Now there is a fifth, the cyber …” and continued:

“This is the new frontier defense. For years, we have been building a defense capability to protect against these cyber-attacks. This is not enough.”

“You can deter people if you have an offensive capability. We will build in Britain a capacity of cyber-attack, and so we can attack in cyberspace against enemies who attack us, putting alongside land, sea, air and space, cyberspace as a military activity in mainstream. ”

The defense ministry said the recruitment of reservists will target regular staff, leaving the military, current and former reservists with the necessary skills and civilians with the appropriate technological skills and knowledge.

Cyber​​-attacks and crime have become more common in recent years, in July this year the British intelligence agency GCHQ, told the BBC that the UK had seen about 70 sophisticated cyber espionage operations for a month against government networks or the industry.

In a written statement, in December of last year, Francis Maude, who is the chief minister’s office said that 93% of large companies and 76% of small businesses reported a cyber-violation in 2012 in the country.

The initial values ​​will be spending 5 million pounds.


Information Anxiety 2

01 Oct

Anxiety2The book Information Anxiety 2, brings the discussion to another level of responsibility of the professional who works with information and we can make this information easier to understand it if it is properly understood and comes in a particular medium, be it the Web , a television or a simple newspaper.

The author goes through many different contexts such as business, communications businesses, maps, education, design or just conversations, and points that make this intelligible information may not be as simple as it sounds, the book provides important reflections about usability or design themes Featured today.

The book is full of examples of infographics, concrete contexts taken from magazines and believe the goal is to inform the reader directly and that this format.

Not a tutorial, or just a conceptual book, some may be disappointed by this aspect, but the concepts are there is, for example, it defines the information architect as “the” individual who organizes the patterns inherent in data, making what is complex into something clear, “consistent with the definition of Claude Shannon, who says the information is that which ‘reduces uncertainty.'”

In the book which is 2005 also found a good definition of empowerment, “means spending rights and responsibilities to employees, giving them a voice in their work as well with the company’s business in general.” (P. 191)

The point of this book as the first, is to understand that it reduces anxiety is understanding, and we have choices about what we read and learn.