Arquivo para November 4th, 2013

Internet and social networking in the favela

04 Nov

The Institute Date Favela conducted a survey in 63 communities in the last week of September,Favela the metropolitan area of ​​São Paulo , Rio de Janeiro , Minas Gerais, Pará , Ceará , Pernambuco , Bahia , Paraná , Rio Grande do Sul and the Federal District , and found that 52 % of residents have access to the network and among young people 16-29 years old, 87 % are those who are connected .

According to Renato Meirelles, president and member of the Popular Data and Data Favela, along with Celso Athayde , president of the Central Unica das Favelas (Cufa) : ” If the TV was before the window of the world to the residents , the internet appeared as a showcase : it the resident , especially the young , can show up and show their reality. ”

As for households , the data is that 50 % already have internet connection , being more common broadband, followed by mobile 3G modem .

In the analysis of Raphael Claudia de Oliveira , state coordinator of Cufa – SP : ” It is a cultural issue that goes beyond the technology itself. ‘s Global : the barrier between the favela and asphalt broke , this cultural exchange there ,” he said .

The data social networks are more impressive still , according to the institute , 85 % of those who have internet already on Facebook.