Arquivo para January, 2014

Homeland-World and other themes

03 Jan

The book of Edgar Morin and Anne Brigitte Kern “Patria-Mundo” (Homeland-W9rld), aTerra-Pátriapublished in 2000, in Portugal for the Instituto Piaget, in collection Society in Epistemology, and second edition 2001 edition ( the edition I have ) , and in Brazil by publisher southern fringes in the 2000 edition focuses on the emergence of was planetary .

Shows how the so called “Western civilization” and its culture of modernity invaded the planet and disappeared with ancient cultures , as “the Inca empire and the Aztec Empire reign in the Americas and beyond Cuzco as much Tenochtitlan in population , monument and splendors Madrid  Lisbon, Paris, London, capital of young and small nations of Western Europe “(p. 15 ) in the early fifteenth century.

Morin and Kern describe the beginning of ” accelerated development , exchanges intensify , nation states create roads and canals ” (p. 17 to indicate how slowly ” cities , the nation-state , then the industry and technical experience a boost like no other civilization “(p. 18 ) .
Until recently , in the early twentieth century , ” although already committed to an unbridled arms race , France, Germany , England and Russia are not yet directly attack each other in their metropolitan territories ” (p. 18 ) , but begin to divide the world ” traces of chalk ” (p. 19 ) .

England dominates one fifth of the globe in the early twentieth century , ” the Indies , Ceylon , Singapore , Hong Kong , numerous islands in the West Indies and Polynesia , in Nigeria , in Rhodesia , Kenya , Uganda, Egypt, Sudan , Malta and Gibraltar . ”

Along with this race “on the global expansion of capitalism and technology, the globalization of markets is a worldliness of competitions and conflicts ” (p. 20 ) , in which multiple processes occur ” demographic, economic , technical , ideological , etc. . ” ( page 20 ) and ” globalization of ideas.”


Post 1000 and new themes

02 Jan

Reached in late 2013, precisely on the last day of the year posting number 1000, Post1000although it is only a number had already thought of a new theme , although it is the same, but will flee more of the technical aspects to address the social and cultural aspects .

Around the blog is what we call philosophy and Noosphere, but could also be Culture and Theology, without confusing them with Ideology and Religiosity, yet each can assume this connotation in certain contexts .

In these four years of blog try to show the technological changes that occurred throughout the planet, from political news as the Arab spring and the moves in the network to gadgets that create new mechanisms of interaction and communication that take place worldwide and involve repositioning cultural and social conditions in the planet’s inhabitants .

Technology when it reaches a level of full penetration in culture, turns herself in culture, in this case the ciberizados devices, is what was called Cyberculture.

We now want these devices to reach what we call ” calm technology “, ie, their impact assimilated into the culture, discusses them and develop them within the objective and subjective being-in-the-world aspects, and the relationship with its existence .

But we could not fail to address the aspects of his essence , ie the being-as-being, which was called in philosophy ontology, already discussed several times here and what refers to a subjective , spiritual sphere layer surrounding the culture and existence , which is the noosphere , the sphere of noon (spirit, mind or cultural mentality).

Welcome to 2014 , walk together in our lifetime on this planet .