Arquivo para January 3rd, 2014

Homeland-World and other themes

03 Jan

The book of Edgar Morin and Anne Brigitte Kern “Patria-Mundo” (Homeland-W9rld), aTerra-Pátriapublished in 2000, in Portugal for the Instituto Piaget, in collection Society in Epistemology, and second edition 2001 edition ( the edition I have ) , and in Brazil by publisher southern fringes in the 2000 edition focuses on the emergence of was planetary .

Shows how the so called “Western civilization” and its culture of modernity invaded the planet and disappeared with ancient cultures , as “the Inca empire and the Aztec Empire reign in the Americas and beyond Cuzco as much Tenochtitlan in population , monument and splendors Madrid  Lisbon, Paris, London, capital of young and small nations of Western Europe “(p. 15 ) in the early fifteenth century.

Morin and Kern describe the beginning of ” accelerated development , exchanges intensify , nation states create roads and canals ” (p. 17 to indicate how slowly ” cities , the nation-state , then the industry and technical experience a boost like no other civilization “(p. 18 ) .
Until recently , in the early twentieth century , ” although already committed to an unbridled arms race , France, Germany , England and Russia are not yet directly attack each other in their metropolitan territories ” (p. 18 ) , but begin to divide the world ” traces of chalk ” (p. 19 ) .

England dominates one fifth of the globe in the early twentieth century , ” the Indies , Ceylon , Singapore , Hong Kong , numerous islands in the West Indies and Polynesia , in Nigeria , in Rhodesia , Kenya , Uganda, Egypt, Sudan , Malta and Gibraltar . ”

Along with this race “on the global expansion of capitalism and technology, the globalization of markets is a worldliness of competitions and conflicts ” (p. 20 ) , in which multiple processes occur ” demographic, economic , technical , ideological , etc. . ” ( page 20 ) and ” globalization of ideas.”