Arquivo para January 22nd, 2014

Differences Between Being and Exist

22 Jan

The author we are reading (Mafalda E. Blanc in his bookSerEnte Introduction to Ontology) explains that the verb “to be” (ƐĨναι , this , être , Sein) in the Indo-European languages ​​, “derives from a more genuine existential sense and was only in it is possible because the overlapped supplemented by a nominal or adjective attribute”, and this means that “a judgment predicative assertion like ‘ no / P exists in S’ “(pp 14).

This seems reductive , but ” from the viewpoint of semantic verb ‘to be’ contains , beneath the apparent abstraction of its infinitive form , a wealth of content and concrete , still present in the verbal inflections of the Indo -European languages ​​, meaning live (according to root ‘ es ‘ , present in the forms ‘ einai ‘, ‘ this ‘ being ‘ sein’ ), grow (according to root ‘ bhu’ present in ‘b’, ‘bin’ , ‘fuein’, ‘I’) and stay ( depending on the root ‘ wes ‘ , present in Germanic forms ‘ war’ , ‘gewesen’ and ‘wesen´) “(pp. 14 of the author but quoting Heidegger himself).

In daily life we noticed the existence of beings, “sensitive and withdrawn by the imagination ” (pp. 14) but you can abstract and find the essential elements of being ” the species and gender,” to achieve the most abstract to the core , in its mere formality , in the words of the author of “formal abstraction be featuring this intellection by the intimate act of existing ( essendi actus ) , and that puts sutém like concrete being the subject of certain essential – as faithfully denotes the existential judgment” (pp. 15).

I admit that as a totality itself, says the author , give the name of transcendental ( p. 15), but as a species ” unity only retains the details common to several species determinations , excluding differences that you add the outside in be the case , there is no difference that can borrow externally , because that would be or have or be anything “(pp. 15 ) .

Being thus includes all the differences , as the author says , ” wants of individuals and their determinations ,” then although abstract , is present in all humanity , regardless of culture , means ” thus is not a full gender common and more abstract note of an extrinsic time diversity that transcends … ” (pp. 15).

So the different determinations , given by language, habits and forms of sociability , finally culture should still stay while being in essence , and this means that what we see in planetary humanity is capable of finding common denominators, even considering what Edgar says Morin ( which I have read) , citing M. Murayama that every culture has something ” dysfunctional (default functionality) of functionaless (running in a bad sense) of sub-functional (making a performance at the lowest level) and toxicfunctional (creating losses in its operation)” (pp. 116 of the book Earth-homeland ) we can still find something essential this “being” while Being.

The homeland-world requires a “man-world”, a full and be more serene able to share the planet with other beings.