Arquivo para January 28th, 2014

Ontological resumption

28 Jan

The intentionality, a subcategory of medieval philosophySerTime defined within the statute of consciousness, was recovered by Franz Brentano to qualify it as being directed to something , or about something , for it is also important for psychology, which was used by Edmund Husserl, to say that consciousness is always intentional, directed to an object, real or imaginary.

These objects will be in the ontology of Husserl , among noemas between noesis and because they re-establish the relationship between subjects and objects .

Husserl called noema any representation of the object , and the apprehension of the object by the subject (consciousness) process, called Noesis.

For this reading of the phenomena “the essences obtained by imaginative variation from the noetic – noemáticas correlations of experiences and evidence seized with an intuition form the basis of regional ontologies or materials corresponding realms of being, nature, man, culture …” (Mafalda F. Blanc , Introduction to Ontology , pp . 26 ) .

Husserl will not only opposition to Kant , but also to ” extend the realm of the a priori formal plan of the object in general, obtained by abstraction of all material content” somehow incorporates the Kantian project of a critique of reason, ” establishing and determining the value of the concepts and laws of logic , ethics and axiology in the light of past structures of object categories.” (BLANC , pp. 26).

Husserl can enable it with the ontology , ” to conceive the most important of the senses of being in Aristotle – categorical – no longer as a logical form of judgment, but given as a gift, intuitive and fulfilling to see a properly immanent ” (p. 27)

Thus Husserl shows as real as having ” individuality , temporality and sheer determination , as opposed to the universality and timelessness of the ideal , discerning five irreducible strata : … the inorganic and the organic, psychic , and personal sphere of objective spirit (language, cultural tradition)” (pp. 26) .

The project will be even more orthodox Heidegger phenomenology as it will ” develop this conception of time as possible and be array itself , reversing the classical perspective of philosophy , he thought the time as the phenomenal manifestation of being ” (pp. 29) .