Arquivo para November 21st, 2014

Amnesty creates program anti-spying

21 Nov

Amnesty International said on Thursday (20/11) a program that helps fight the interest oSpyCamf governments and corporations to spy on citizens without court order to have this, the program was created by the German researcher Claudio Guarnieri.

Detekt is the first tool for the general public to detect the invasion of computers from leading spy programs used by governments, the program is done in free software and aimed primarily at journalists and activists who wish to defend the freedom and privacy on the Internet.

Many governments have used these techniques, programs were found on computers in Bahrain, Syria, Ethiopia, Vietnam, Germany, Tibet, North Korea and many other nations, says the BBC Online.

“These tools of espionage are commercialized in its ability to bypass the anti-virus pattern,” said Tanya O’Carroll, a consultant on human rights Amnesty International technology.

The first version was Detekt escriao for Windows computers, because people in most cases are monitored in the use of this software, said Ms. O’Carroll.

The announcement was made by Mark Marczynski, Amnesty International, which said that modern techniques include the activation distance of cameras and microphones to record computer activities and conversations of people.